How long does Sup Forums take to commute to work and back? What techonology do you use to do so?

How long does Sup Forums take to commute to work and back? What techonology do you use to do so?

>having a job

40mins each way

I ride a van to work with others. We depart from DC and go all the way to Richmond, VA. Takes about 2-3 hours depending on traffic.

3 seconds using a Telemax teleportation device.

Hows being poor?

17 minutes is my best. I drive a S55 AMG. Wagecucks in the latest corolla probably take 30.

rich parents my man

fuck you

Mommy and daddy won't always be there for you sweetie. Their job was to raise you up until you turned 18.

i'm a dev in richmond va !

i feel so sorry for you user. that commute sounds like hell. 2-3 hours each way. do you just get home and eat dinner, then go to sleep?

you should just move here, it's much better than DC. nicer people, better food, better atmosphere.

About 6 feet from my bed to my desk. I live in Midwest and work remote for large Bay Area tech company.

good thing they actually love me and support me still. i'm 37 and never had a job in my life. yet i have people that work for me. it's great

~35mins commute to work, ~15mins on the way back (very slight incline all the way)

10 minutes either trip , using a bicycle

Live in London, people commute around 1 hours or more on average, this is too unfair

About 20 minutes on a BMW R1200R, less if I use the throttle

I work at home. My commute is removing my mattres and pillow out of my "office" and opening the door and window to bring in fresh air. I seriously consider sleeping in my oversized bathroom/warehouse just so I won't have to drag my mattress all the time, but it is too hot at summer and too cold at winter. I wish I could tutor students online but most of them want to do it face to face so my office needs to look nice.

They are actually laughing at your rusted heap of junk.

>tfw live in a place where summer is the only time I could properly ride a motorcycle

I would have already bought one if I lived in a warmer country.

Summer isn't even over but it's already 5 degrees out in the morning.

Ahh shit man, my condolences, I can ride year round

15 minutes each way
08' 4runner

4 hours by the train. It's really hour and a half but it's half hour walk to work. Ttthanks america.

How is this related to technology?

No, but their money will.

Like 17 minutes or so, 7KM away. Depends of traffic.

Pic related.

>do you just get home and eat dinner, then go to sleep?
Pretty much. Wake up at 5 AM to go catch the van at 6 AM, start work at 8-9 AM, go take the van back at 4 PM, and get home back at 6-7 PM.

>you should just move here, it's much better than DC. nicer people, better food, better atmosphere.
I don't know, most of my friends and family live near me here so visiting them on the weekends would be a pain. But I have contemplated that possibility though, having 4-6 extra hours of free time each day sounds amazing. I do like the food there desu.

>living in chile
>having a job


What are you implying?


my family all lives in the DC area as well. i only visit every few months. started a new life here and i like it.

Dude being run over by a drunk taxist lmao

Taxi drivers are alright, they know how to drive a goddamn car so they won't run you over as long as you know what you're doing on the road. I'm more worried about single moms on huge SUVs

pick one

15 minutes of walking. What fucking poor fuck doesn't live close enough to their job that they dont have to spend an hour a day travelling

Not everyone lives next to Walmart, kiddo

>4-6h every weekday is less of a pain than 4-6h every weekend
If they're your friends they'll let you crash on their couch occasionally.

20 minutes
A car

10 minutes to the wagie capsule station, 10 min ride, 30 min walking to workplace.

5 min
pic is car

55mins each direction

pushbike, bout 30 mins to an hour each way depending on how fast i go and if I take a scenic route.

Most NEETS don't have the luxury of being Bruce Wayne so when mummy and daddy get iced by Tyrone they will end up ont he streets sucking cock for Steam credit.

20-30 mins each way depending on traffic, take a car. I fucking hate having to drive on the highway, so many stressed out retards just waiting to get in an accident.

5 min by foot.
I lucked out.

Not work but uni.
>bike or car depending on weather

5 minutes with my legs.

fuck you

5 seconds
per pedes

Thank God I'm in their will.
Sell the house, buy a nice cottage, continue to never work.

20 minutes by car, tablet replaced the CD/radio in the center console running Android Auto.

still neckbeard parents drive me only 5 mins up the road working on getting moped

An hour each way.

I fucking hate grad school, and I fucking love it.

Fortunately I have less than a year left. If I don't waste it shitposting...

20min each way, bicycle

Ughh don't wanna work, have to get a job and commute like 50mins to get there

What job?

suburban train+tram
back is usually night bus

30min one way.

40-50 minutes for 11km.

Big shitty slav city.

Also Ford Focus sedan but older one.

>How long does Sup Forums take to commute to work and back?
A female co-workers pick me up.
Yes, I'm in carpool zone.

8 minutes

~1 minute home-car
~6 minutes to work parking spot
~1 minute from the parking spot to the office

I'm truly blessed

do you fug them?

you might as well walk then

Sorry, not co-workers, I meant co-worker.
And no.
I've never been in a relationship and even if she's interested in me I'm probably to dense to notice it.

The work place is about 20 miles, and the ride takes about 30 minutes by car.

There are buses to take me there but I'd need to walk extra 10 min in the blazing sun and scorching heat.

> (You)

>I've never been in a relationship and even if she's interested in me I'm probably to dense to notice it.

I feel you man

>you might as well walk then
I need my car to drive to McDonald's during lunch break.

40 mins job
15 mins side job
'12 Verana
>Freedom Red

Depends... 0 min to home office, 15 min to office.
Pic is relevant, mine looks nearly the same.

Ameriburger identified

>Pic is relevant, mine looks nearly the same.
Does yours also have that Pennergetränk sticker on the windshield?

5 minutes
take an escalator down, then I take a bike, I live 900m from my office.

It's still 8km of highway, no cycling roads or sidewalk, 200m of difference in altitude.
I walk an hour in the nearby woods during lunchbreak, though.

someone else pretending to be me

I ride your mom for 30 minutes then my work is done. Sometimes I also eat your cereals.

Nope, i don't like widerlichen Dünnschiss.

Isn't that a jägermeister sticker?


Eight minutes
Ford Ranger
Bluetooth head unit
Android device playing a podcast

about10 mins summer, ~15 mins when winter

By car

You dont love your parents

27 and only worked for a total of two years. last time i held a job was 2014. don't get me wrong, i would love a job. but i spent most of my life in school. went off to college at 19, recession hit, so took my time. graduated when i was 24. spent 24 - 25 looking for a job in my field (history lolololol), couldn't find anything outside working at jcp. got tired of working a shitty job so i left and went back to school. now just dicking around taking cert classes for things like cisco and red hat.
really i should have never went off to university. i only went because i was told i need to go and picked history (western civilization / united states focus) because it was easy. so now i just sit back, play gaymes (started to get back into wow), and on tuesdays and thursdays head off to community college for muh red hat and cisco classes. my instructors are pretty cool. don't really give a shit about cisco. not really interested in it but hey i'm not paying and the class time is pretty fun. i am interested in red hat though. problem is there is like very little work out here in my state for linux as a whole. should have picked windows but windows is gay. i'll probably end up getting a job as a janitor or something and spend my time playing games and traveling once everything goes to me.

Stop lying, I don't eat breakfast

I write software from home so no time is spent commuting.

I wouldn't mind if you died, and I don't think anyone else would

*Tips vape*

Roughly 20 minutes each way by foot, its a 1.5mile journey so nothing that bad.

Data Visualization Researcher. 2-3 minutes depending on lights. Drive a scion xb.

1 hour each way, 3/4 train, 1/4 walk
i hate the commute, but it's my ticket out of dumbfuckistan.

I pay 6$ to go on the bus and back, and the magical piece of technology I use is my feet, Smartphone, and Headphones to block out all the dumb niggers who ride the TTC. If you think niggers are bad where you live, wait till you get a bus full of em. Can't wait to move to Montreal or Vancouver.

>How long does Sup Forums take to commute to work and back?
25-55 minutes in one direction, depending on time of day, traffic etc.

I take one or more buses.

I live in hotels close to cement or pulp and paper plants, so the commute is short, but sometimes I need to travel for 2 days to reach a site in the middle of Africa, Asia or South America, from Europe.

I'm a pyro process specialist.

I'm in London, there black people everywhere and muslims everywhere even managing big banks, went to the bank yesterday and it was 100% woman there and was black or muslim.

I don't know what British Blacks are like, but I can confirm Niggers in Toronto are known to chimp out, but if you keep out their way they won't bother you.

>I wouldn't mind if you died, and I don't think anyone else would
I wouldn't mind if you died, and I don't think anyone else would

Around 50 min by bus, a little over 1 hour by foot if I'm in a walking mood.

5 min walk to work

Commute to: 150 minutes. Car, train, long ol' walk.
Commute back: 90 minutes. Tube, train, car.

I live in Cambridgeshire and walk from Kings Cross to my office in the morning, it's about 3 miles.

I use a 1975 BMW 1502 to commute 2 miles to work.
It's 5am so I can drive as fast as I like, my commute's fun and short.

43-45 minutes door to door, public transport here is pretty reliable and the rent is twice cheaper.

Mah nigga
25 minutes each way, bike.
I have a shitty old bag that I have attached to the side to form a ersatz pannier pack, but it sucks.

7 minute walk
>which technology
Phone with headphones sometimes.