be from mid-EU

> be from mid-EU
> enjoy multiplayer games
> grew up in the age of dedicated servers, shit was cash*
> today you it's all matchmaking bs
> constantly get Russians who throw matches, grief, destroy teamwork
> decide to fix this... here is the great idea!

> rent a server in NL or UK
> get matched with proper people
> only to realize that ping will just add up (pic related)
> there goes all my hope

Moving is out of the question, I don't want to live in new-Arabia. (I.e.: UK)

* People spent a pretty dime to get the best performing machines with the highest tickrates. There were always policing admin people, or just dedicated communities. No, I am not talking about "this is a Christian server no swearing" bullshit, that only appeared with Battlefield 4. Which is kinda surprising as Battlefield 3 and BC2 was full of swearing.

Other urls found in this thread:

what the fuck are you even going on about?

rent a server closer to you
god why is this even a question

It's gayming, but to solve the problem, it gets Sup Forumsay.

Then I just get the same playerbase, I am back at square one. I kinda thought if I have a ~40ms ping to my server, I would find close players or a close server, and get a ~45ms ping.

I didn't quite understand what did you write, but I suppose a thread like this would fit to

russians will just join the UK server then
it's like 80ms ping, that's not much
what you should do instead is region ban russian IP addresses from your server

i'd guess you could stop playing videogames
or thinking this actually has to do with technology

That's the point, it's matchmaking. In the past, yes, you could just join servers. Most servers just mass banned them for example. But with matchmaking you cannot do that anymore.

> game networking and coding is not Sup Forums
Jesus Christ, get a load of this grandpa.
Here is some heresy for you:

Like circlejerking in desktop threads with an animoo wallpaper, a terminal emulator running on Arch?

some games allow you to set a ping limit, set it to 40 or something

Fellow based Czech

whats the game you can host on a private server but doesn't have server selecter?

Nah, that's old times grandpa.
By the way two examples are Overwatch and RS6: Siege.

> inb4 it's shit
It's just an example, you can grab any popular matchmaked game and the result is the same. I don't even understand how is it possible to have such huge differences.

> mid-EU
> almost full russian team (I am not russian)
> always bring useless heroes
> always get aggressive, speak only russian, grief

> west-EU
> teamplayer team, everyone brings roles
> no swearing, no aggression

That's the point, you cannot host your own games anymore.

> New-arabia (ie : uk)
Never change Sup Forums

I have it worse. I live in Oslo and the closest CSGO server is in Stockholm. That's also the Russian CSGO server. So literally every game it is Russians, I can't solo q ever. When I look for lobbies nearby it's Swedes and Danes, but solo q mm gets me all Russians.

Fuck Valve matchmaking.

Or do a range ban for the specific region, I imagine you're playing CSGO, but I'm not sure. Either way the hosting tools should be able to handle range bans, and the first method will likely work between games since it's using OS level methods.

>Never change Sup Forums
I don't even go to Sup Forums. Checkmate.

Thanks, that's interesting. I mostly get into this situation in RS6:Siege and Overwatch though. Maybe if I indeed ban mid-east IPs, I could end up in a west-EU server with west-EU players, that could work indeed. And there would be no extra latency. Clever.

Yeah it's using CS:GO's (Source engine) in-built commands. Hmm. It would be kinda possible maybe to block Blizzard's German datacenter. Maybe that would work.


> I don't even go to Sup Forums
But you still follow the classical pattern of the eastern european that barely knows any arabs but still are racist as fuck

>muh racism
he was memeing like 99% of the Sup Forumsays here

Why don't you play with Russians, user?

Are you scared of Putin?

>play CS Source on russkie servers cause they're the most populated
>they're constantly blasting music or cyka blyat through their mics on Dust2
>still have fun

Can someone translate what OP is even complaining about.

Am Bong, Russians fill our servers

Save yourself