>go to a website
>it's a blank page with JavaScript disabled
Go to a website
you're a fucking faggot for disabling javascript you fat fuck
the cia won't track you you fucking paranoid retard
I don't give a shit about that, I don't want to get redirected to some bullshit malware website you dense moron
>go to Sup Forums — animetechnology
>there's another dumb frogposter's thread
dumb frogcunt
How most sites look after installing NoScript.
That just shows how broken modern web design is
>the cia won't track you you fucking paranoid retard
who cares about cia? I am worried about malware.
frog website
Brilliant. This is exactly how """internet""" should look like!
Anime website
>go to Sup Forums - fro/g/tech
>there's another dumb animeposter's inane claim
>Frogposter mad he gets bullied so he rewrites history
>disable html
>website won't load
>Animeposter mad he gets BTFO so he lies about history
>post frog
>life continues
That's odd, I don't see a /frog/ board anywhere on there.
noscript is abandoned
why do firefags still use it
>implying we need a dedicated frog board when the entire website is frogs
>Moving the goal posts
>Hating anime when I have clearly posted this website was founded for anime
>explain why frog website doesn't need a part of it dedicated to just frogs
>get called out for moving goalposts
>frog website has anime boards
>this is somehow proof that it is an anime website
>It was made for anime, but it's still a frog posting website because reddit said so
That's not how it works dumbass
>quadruple chin was created as a sidegrade to double chin, a website for discussion of Japanese culture
>implying frogs aren't important in Japanese culture
>It was made for frogs, but it's still an anime posting website because the first boards imply this
That's not how it works dumbass
Why the fuck would companies care about 0.001% of users with tinfoil hats on who would never generate any revenue in the first place?
>the cia won't track you you fucking paranoid retard
they will
Worthless frogposter just can't take the hint they're not wanted
It's not 1996 anymore.
>implying anyone wants animeposters
That's a lie, facebookfrog faggot
where did the web go so wrong?
letting webdevs into backend wasnt the root cause but it surely got the ball rolling
~ooooo javaaascrrriiippttt oooky spoooky~
Most web developers are fucking terrible and haven't heard of graceful degradation or progressive enhancement.
Most developers*.
>Disable part of a platform
>Expect the platform to still work
they have. but the current state of the platform is that doing these requires 3x more work and many additional headaches, so doing it for a couple of autists is rarely worth it
My website works without javascript.
You'll just miss out on image galleries, google analytics and ads. And you certainly dont want that.
because many new websites use React or Vue to render HTML at client side
Most humans
>disable C++
>can't install packages
>go to a website
>it's a blank page with JavaScript disabled
It's true
Only autists use NoScript in this day and age.
Basically every web page is broken with it enabled
Unless you are willing to spend hours of your life whitelisting individual domains it's just not worth the hassle
>website is a blank page with JavaScript disabled
Autism problems
Do you also refuse to use ionic and react native mobile apps? Do you fork all your open source android apps and rewrite them in pure Java or maybe Kotlin to avoid the Javascript boogeyman?
t. cia
>download certain combinations of 1's and 0's
>go to jail
If you're using something like react, offering a functioning no script site is akin to rewriting the whole site anyway. It's simply not worth the effort.
>disable monitor
>cant see shit
fucking botnets
>not being tracked isn't worth the hassle
>telling corporate psychopaths who exist for the sole purpose of manipulating me to get fucked isn't worth the hassle
I politely disagree.
What am I supposed to be using instead? Enlighten me.
>please turn off adblock
please go fuck yourself
>he thinks js isn't sandboxed and can somehow install malware for you
>he runs his browser with admin privs
abandoned? it was just updated like yesterday
Meh, I just used U-Matrix
>he thinks being sandboxed means it's 100% secure
>he thinks privilege escalation is not a thing
>he thinks malware running under standard permissions can't cause damage
Solution: Don't use something shitty like React
>destroy computer
>can't access my porky philippine porn anymore
Fucking botnets!!
>disable router
>websites won't load
>wtf man
Not him but the UI is objectively trash. TempleOS tier autismo. I think the red and green squares soothed the autism of whoever created that garbage
>this much butthurt
as expected from animeposters
>Go to Sup Forums
>Site doesn't work with noscript.
>Go to reddit.
>Works for fine.
Another reason to drop Sup Forums forever.
Reddit is better in that sense, you can discuss anything you want in a more mature way on pretty much any subreddit. You don't have to pay anything to anyone to protect your privacy while you post. On Sup Forums you have to pay (Sup Forums pass) to post behind a vpn, which to me doesn't make sense because you have to pay with a credit card so they already got your name or the name of someone related to you which is worse than posting using just your ip.
And even with a vpn and a pass you get all kind of messages that blocks your path from posting like "Banned for exit TOR node", not to mention the classics "This pass is being used on another IP, relogin, go back to the main page and come back". Incredible waste of time. These people are fucking crazy and the discussions are trollish at best.
Reddit is just superior in every aspect and if you value your privacy you wouldn't even touch Sup Forums.
t. glow-in-the-dark CIA nigger
......then why are you here? leave.
> You'll just miss out on image galleries
You are just a shit designer.
>google analytics and ads.
>And you certainly dont want that.
cia nigger right here
white nigger spotted
Pepe is the dumb frog poster
OP poster superior apu apustaja
>you can discuss anything you want in a more mature way on pretty much any subreddit
but no one on reddit acts maturely
>site doesn't work without js
>don't use it
>tfw the botnet wants me to starve
They all have.
It's not a question of designers not knowing the basics; it's them flagrantly refusing to adhere to them in the name of profit.
If you disable js, you can't be tracked and monetized. The site no longer has an incentive to attract you as a visitor.
You want to know why the old web was "cozy?" Because nobody was trying to make money off of it. It was an academic/hobbyist affair. Capitalism is ALWAYS a race to the bottom. The idea that the best of all possible worlds will arise out of markets is absurd. Now don't forget to drink your verification can of Dew.
don't click on ads on niche midget gay porn sites then