>mfw Sup Forums filters 'f\a\m' for 'senpai
why do you do this фam
Mfw Sup Forums filters 'fam' for 'senpai
Because autistic underage and summerfags need to leave.
So do you.
Fuck off slav pedo
baka desu senpai
senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai onii-senpai desu
saved from page 6 фaмилия
It was an april fools prank but it turned out to be useful
This TbH fAm
lol senpai, dont you think this is useful??
здp кп
unfortunately this technology board is part of a disgusting weeb website
it really is bad , for example changing t.bh to desu alters the whole way your post sounds
>reddit's mods censor users
>but Sup Forums doesnt :DDDD
This desu senpai
Fuck off it makes it sound better
How long did it take you to notice this? This has been a thing for months.
Go fuck off, cancer.
To discourage nigger speak. It worked.
>nigger speak -> weeb speak
cannot deside witch do i prefer more..
it changes the meaning of the post
But that one makes everything better desu.
this desu senpai
Only retards use that word baka desu senpai.
Fuck off pedos
does it tho, senpai ?
you can leave anytime, redditor
Because "f am" is niggerspeak.
desu you are retarded, senpai. Just try to type in t b h and f a m, senpai.
Then leave
this desu senpai
This desu senpai
huzzah my peers
this tbqh family
Shouldn't use normie abbreviations senpai desu
I like it desu senpai
i thought pham is niggerspeak
Because only degenerates say senpai
Fuck off imbeciles
sorry phamela
Smh desu cuck senpai
baka desu senpai
s឴mh t឴bh f឴am
what happened to cuck filtering to kek?
you're such a kek faggot senpai desu
The incompetent chink changed it back, but forgot to remove the one when it's written in all caps, so you still get KEK then.
I'm traveling to Slavistan next month, anything I should know to not get V&?
I forgot what baka was. Can someone help me?
why does the eternal chink torment us so?
test KEK
hiro please
you're a fucking KEK desu, senpai
put #faggot on the name field senpai
s m h
Doesn't work
Why so mad senpai?
Works on my phone fám
I like this filter desu, senpai
senpai why do you do this senpai?
Would you rather have frogposting redditors from /r/the_donald or twitter here? I'll take Sup Forums over them.
not in the face, senpai
Sup Forums got mad they couldn't talk about their favourite fetish and complained about muh censorship till hiro reversed it.
Sup Forums got mad
Nothing new here. Spergs gonna sperg
Is that how you treat the people that decided who POTUS should be?
>Sup Forums is this delusional