What are Sup Forums approved email clients?

What are Sup Forums approved email clients?

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What year is it dot pee en gee.



Spotted the edgefags who are going to lose their e-mail hosts when the admin gets arrested for hosting cp or some shit.

Thunderbird and K9

>email client

Roundcube, K9

thunderbird a shit, but least shit of desktop clients

That's an email provider.

Mutt is a client.

Thunderbird on PC
Nine on mobile

I use Thunderbird. If this were something like 2003 I'd use Outlook but the world is different because of the NSA.




Thunderbird + eningmail and k9mail + openkeychain

Sylpheed or Thunderbird

Thunderbird, K9Mail, and I have a subscription for Fastmail

install s-nail
echo "Dear sir, \
This is a text message. \
Regards, user' | mailx -s 'Subject' [email protected]

Is that things still in development?

implying the police have any power over the [email protected]


Desktop/laptop: I have Thunderbird installed, but I usually just use the webmail site.

Phone: Just using the stock Samsung e-mail app for now. Looking to try out either K9 or Aqua Mail.

I'm currently using Thunderbird, but I'd love to switch to something else since it became SJWbird. Is KMail any good?

>I'd love to switch to something else since it became SJWbird
Guess I haven't been paying attention. I thought they more or less stopped working on Thunderbird before this political shit really took hold.

Currently using outlook, i want to switch but the office integration is very useful.

my installation of windows 10 came with an email client that displays my email from my outlook account

mutt and thunderbird

there are probably other ones that are good too but i only use mutt and thunderbird


Mutt and K9 with material design

Whatever the rest of your work uses. Who the hell emails outside of work these days?

Aqua mail is total botnet now. Absolutely avoid

Why, what do you use, smoke signals?

Messaging via my phone or a phonecall.

Any chance you could elaborate?

I'm not trying to be snarky, I'm genuinely curious. It seemed like an otherwise good app, enough I was even thinking of actually spending money on it. (Plus, people throw around "botnet" so often it's lost meaning.)

Original developer sold it to some literally who company, and they promptly added new invasive permission requirements in addition to general corporate bastardization in-favor of profits (pushing in app purchases, lazy updates, etc.)

If you want a material email client, just use K9 material

Press 'f' for Fossamail :':':'(((