>3 fucking DECADES later and it's still used everywhere

>256 colors
How comes not a single rival toppled it so far?
It seems like its success even increased in the last couple years.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's pronounced gif like in "gift" by the way.
G stands for graphics, not jraphics.

It already is with webm

Webm is the future but we still got poorly coded websites and applications still designed for 9+ years old PCs in mind.

A fuckton of mobile devices still don't support webm

jif peanut butter

Are you kidding? Stop using shit from 2010 then.

>APNG is supported by all browsers
>still not used instead of GIF

not an image

This, more than half of stuff on /wsg/ and /gif/ is already webm.

You mean iPhones and iPads. Just about every Android device has native web support or you can get MX player for free. Applefags gotta pay money for similar apps.

Because it behaves like an image in every way. Just a looping, moving image that you can view, save and send everywhere like an image. While webm really behaves more like an embedded video, sometimes it loops and sometimes it doesn't, there are playback controls, and you can't right-click it and press "view image".

webp. Supported by every Blink-based browser. Also supports transparency.

i'd say gif and webm fulfill slightly different niches

are you seriously calling for that faggot who keeps converting images to webm for optimization sake?
I'm sure he's still lurking

webp is a the mng of formats.
it will never ever catch on.

webm already won.

Google uses it on their pages.

faceberg and twatter convert gifs to video formats now

Gif just werks. I can boot up my decade old dumbphone and gifs work. Can't say the same for webm.

Mozilla used MNG in places too.

Webp is dead on arrival.
A single frame webm already does the job.

GOPHER just worked too.

iPhone fag here, when I click a webm, VLC automatically opens up and plays it, not a perfect solution but it works just fine.



Stop using deprecated devices. Even my '12 S3 has no problems with .webm

VLC crashes playing webms on my iphone 5

You mean dithering?

There is no dithering in that one.

That's just Sup Forums not allowing the file format


I wish there was a program that lets you pull a frame over what you want to capture and record directly to webm (like it is possible with some gif programs).

SimpleScreenRecorder allows you to do that. You can choose fullscreen, a window, or custom rectangle and record directly to webm.


>you can't right-click it and press "view image".
So it says "view video". Not that big of a difference.

awesome, looking at kazam at the moment and will test that one too afterwards

Tried Kazam but it didn't even have bitrate settings.
Thanks for that recommendation! Works like a charm.

>a fuckton of mobiles
You applelfags are funny. Don't put your shitty toy in the same category as real smartphones.

Only Applel toys, nothing of value.

Worse is better


Better technology is out there, but no one uses it.

There are always better options but never underestimate the staying-power of something that's "good enough".

webm is a video format you fucking retard

Try out sharex


free lossless image format.

Never overestimate the power of a better mousetrap to ever gain traction.


All browsers support apng now.



Because "artists" are tech illiterate.
That's also why they buy Macs.


jif makes no fucking sense.

Sure it does. gym is pronounced "jim", not "gim". Same with gif.

1/10 for making me reply

Gym is pronounced that way only because English took the ecclesiastical Latin pronunciation of the word, which gives g the 'j' sound before e, i, and y.
Since 'graphic' is pronounced with a hard g in Latin and English, would it not make sense to keep the pronunciation the same so as to make the acronym better at relating to its meaning?

that isn't dithering you autist

I thought webp was going to be a thing but nobody cares and it's only supported on chrome and opera

But also giant and ginger. Etymology doesn't matter, the only argument needed is "jif sounds dumb".


Only mactoddler diapers don't support it.


Apng can harbor embedded files and is not a safe format.

everybody should use apng instead of gif

if this is true
go fuck yourself with a cactus

How have I never heard of this game? Reminds me of Road Rash

so you are basically trusting a random post with no source

But how do you pronounce apng?

there's no harm in trusting that post with no source
there would be harm if I didn't and it was true
makes no difference either way because the imageboard I browse the most, Sup Forums, is not supporting apng right now

ShareX does that.

I swear I remember moot saying he didn't want to add apng support (back before webm support was added) because it didn't work on Chrome back then. Fucking pussy, apng is the future. Adding it could have helped push it towards bigger things.



Well, what did you expect from a Google literally shill?

Wrong. It's a hard g at the end.