Sitting in public space, Uni for instance

>sitting in public space, Uni for instance
>laptop open -- just lurking Sup Forums or doing something else equally unproductive
>girl comes over and sits in my peripheral region
>instantly open atom and start hammering at keyboard with intermittent pauses during which I study my screen contemplatively while rubbing my chin

Honestly do this all the time to impress girls with my programming finesse, and it works practically every time.

How about you guys, though? Anyone else do it? Post your success stories.

Other urls found in this thread:

>go outside
>bring my Thinkpad
>enter local coffee shop, get a cup and a piece of cake
>open my Thinkpad
>start programming
>people walking by are whispering and calling me a "fucking weirdo"
Is it because of my Thinkpad?

Nah, probably becuase of you MLP t-shirt and anime body pillow.


>>go outside
clearly fake

>go outside
>bring my surface pro 3 with linux installed
>enter my local coffee shop, get a cup
>pour it on the surface pro 3
>break the screen
>pull out a shard
>use it to slit my throat because i saw this thread

>instantly open atom

>doing literally anything in a terminal
>editing text, updating packages, sshing into somewhere, anything

>impress girls with my programming finesse

how about running xserver once in a while, user

post pic of what you look like and what you wear

normies are scared of terminals

as if he wasn't naked

>being autistic

> go into bar, walk up to hottest chick sitting at the bar
> order some piss in a bottle
> beer arrives, pretend to fumble with my wallet, fake ATM receipt falls out onto bar
> pretend to not notice I dropped something and proceed to drink beer with fake ATM receipt showing $$$$$$$ in plain sight
> hot girl notices I dropped something while I look the opposite direction (got to make her work for it)
> she finally taps me on the shoulder to get my attention
> bam, I'm the most interesting guy in the world

is this france?

Reminder that having autism makes you a better programmer.

leykis is that you?

i recognize this pasta

>things that never happened

i open the terminal whenever i want to diagnose a normy's PC and not a single one of them gave any weird remarks, they were just sitting there and i was having a normal conversation while fixing their shit.

>tomorrow I will gold-plate my moustache

I've seen this thread before. Word for word...

that looks like Buenos Aires

only an autist would think anyone is even minimally impressed by your coding.

Now if you were using Vim, on the other hand...

on Sup Forums? righttt

leykis is the authentic redpill on women and feminism. The shit anti-feminists are spouting on Sup Forums and Sup Forums these days is such victim mentality bullshit.

That's a much different situation

> actually work at a starbucks one day
> guy sitting at table behind me waiting for someone
> 9/10 comes in and sits with him, they begin talking about health coaching
> a few minutes later, I get up to get some water leaving my editor and terminal open side-by-side
> sit back down, put earbuds in but don't play music
> hear the guy say "he's listening to music, he can't hear you"
> girl says "he's nothing special, those guys only get those jobs because they KNOW someone"
> guy goes "yeah, not like how we EARN our jobs"
> mfw

> and it works practically every time
Go lie somewhere else.

>same image too
What is this? some kind of forced copypasta?

>instantly open Atom

h-haha yeah i know so many people i have lots of friends

Because they kinda expected you to be some sort of computer wizard, therefore no weird looks were given.
If someone from Sup Forums pretends to be a normie and accidentally reveals his multi-boot options or God forbid, actually boots to anything other than Windows/macOS, expect to be called a computer geek, nolifer or that Pajeet from Mr. Robot show.

you hang out around some very terrible people user. either that or your posture, way you dress, talk, etc screams with autism.

>Junior year of high school
>At the computer center typing report
>A girl sits next to me
>I open command prompt and start typing random shit
>Notice that's she's looking over at my screen
>Leave command prompt open and go to Google and type CNN
>Click on the first article I see
>Edit webpage text with inspect
>"Whoa, did you just hack CNN?!"
>She starts telling people around us what I did
>People start coming over to check my screen
>"user, are you hacker or something?!"
>Start feeling good about myself
>Another person comes over and notices what I'm doing
>"user isn't a hacker, I can do the same thing"
>He edits a page and every sucks their teeth and calls me fake
>Never go back and just do my reports on my phone until I go home to my computer

underrated, got me

>sit at mc donalds
>my HP elitebook open
>editing anno1602 maps
>some older guy taps me on shoulder
>hey do you lile that game too?
>wanna play online sometimes?

I now have more than 1300 hours just playing online with that guy on only 3 maps. Also like 500 hours on a single anno 2070 map. Very relaxing.

>he fell for the CIA plant pre-made script


im confused

You were a working as a barista?

If not, why are they commenting about you? Did you have something cool to illustrate your work prowess? or are you telling me they were commenting on your IDE?

nope. there are two kinds of laptops.. Regular ones and Macs.
A 2000$ thinkpad looks just like a 300$ Acer to normies.

So it must be you user. Time to go to /fa/ and /fit/

Not a barista. They noticed that I ignored her and proceeded to bash on me for programming in general, I guess.

Had it happen to me years ago. Was compiling something or other while in physics class.
>girl behind me: "are you hacking???"

it's true
all programmer jobs are straight nepotism

>using sublime
>using a """""professional""""" editor in terminal only
>using visual studio

She earns her job on her knees. Fuck'em.

didn't even read your shit faggot

It's New York.

Nah, not really. I was literally a guy off the street when I was hired. I've had jobs throughout the states as well and I've only encountered that once over 10 years. It seems like it depends on the industry you work in. Advertising/Marketing is like that, from what I know but the majority of the real world still actually goes by skill.

Not even a program we were suppose have our book out so mine was in my thinkpad, so i decided to update

>user you a hacker

Words moving on a screen make you a cracker man

But what if I have programming? Will that make me a better autist?

Wtf, I'm going to take some vaccines right now!

>Get bored on the train.
>Decide to write a fun little program in C.
>Been writing in python so much that I basically forgot how to C
>Some 300 pound bearded man sits next to me
>watches my screen out he corner of his eye
>feel like I'm being judged
>forgot how pointers work
>keep declaring variables without datatypes
>forget to put semicolons at the end of lines
>spend 20 minutes trying to get he data that a pointer points to
>the intercom startles the shit out of me when it calls out my stop
>hurriedly pack up my computer and ask the man to move so I can get out
>can see the shame and disgust in his fat face as he yeilds to let me through
I feel like I failed somehow...

You should really start linting for these very reasons.

He was a senior programmer. He probably thought something like "Jesus Christ, this is the kind of prick they want to substitute me. Fucking JavaScript kids."



I was going to give you a link, but why? No wonder he looked at you in disgust.

It's what smart programmers do instead of using vim for everything.

vim has lint

It's not very good.