My neighbor is bumping loud ass music how do i get this to stop remotely

my neighbor is bumping loud ass music how do i get this to stop remotely

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Turn off his power at breaker box

You walk up to him and politely ask him to turn down the volume, you sissy little bitch.

this is impossible i need to shut down his wifi

Tell police they are selling drugs at this loud ass party

if it's a bluetooth speaker you just have to disrupt that.

aireplay-ng --deauth but you wont cause you dumb.

and how do?

this is honestly fucking awful they are rednecks that do this every night

call their employers and tell them they're nazis, seems to get anyone white fired in a hurry

they are outside and their breaker box is in their house so that is a no go

is swatting still a thing? you should try it op

nothing involving cops

Why not? Just call them and fuck off.

fucking russians are so crazy

You don't even need to swat
Just call the cops like a normal human being and tell them your neighbor is playing loud ass music in the middle of the night

ok i need actual help i have school in the morning

also cops in this small town are terrible already called and no help


dude seriously, if you're too much of a pussy to call your local cops look up their non emergency number and call that, or message them on facebook.

fuck guys its getting worse

Sleep witha fan on high right next to your shit.

Throw a dead cat through their window

holy fuck the cops are not an option i did not come to Sup Forums for real world advice
You're welcome. I forget how I came across this video.


somehow they are getting louder?

Just close ur ears lol

>not owning in-ears
>not owning noise cancelling headphones



but what if i told you that they are so loud and close that head phones and fans don not work

Go further away then

lol funny meme

funny mem

Hire a hitman on craigslist

fuck off antifa faggot

i feel like everyone on here hates cammo wearing niggers

user, just stay at your girlfriends place tonight. Hope ya catch some Zzz's, bud. Night!

im two hours away from home at college but thanks man

hold on i forgot i can just kill myself. thanks guys

>two hours away from home
>at college

>small town



hometown is even smaller

look all i need is some sleep please

If it's night call the cops and file a noise complaint. The cops should tell them to turn it down. If they don't call again, if they have to come back they'll shut that shit down for good.

If it's day you're just gonna have to deal. It's their right to blast music during the day unless there's some kind of local ordinance that prevents it. All I can suggest is blast louder music.

There's no way to "stop it remotely." If the source is something like bluetooth you can possibly jam it but that's highly illegal. If your neighbor doesn't report your ass to the FCC some local radio HAMs will. They'll come out in white vans, triangulate the source of the signal using spectrum analyzers and other equipment, and come and arrest you, confiscate your equipment, and rape you with fines. You'll be in way over your head. Besides jamming you can cut the power possibly but that would involve committing a crime in the process, trespassing, destruction of property, etc. I don't recommend it.

Start counting electric sheep

File a noise complaint with the police. Use the local police telephone number, and not 911, as they do not appreciate that number being used for non-emergency purposes. In many large cities, the number 311 is used to call the police in situations where there is no emergency.

in this small town everyone knows everyone so the cops will tell my neighbors who told them. i know i sound like a pussy but their bass is literally vibrating the complex. i just want to send them a warning anonymously to go to bed basically


set his house on fire

Dude, wait a bit and see if the cops show. If they don't then call again. If not you're screwed. Close the windows, put on the AC, do whatever you have to do. Sleep in a different room or something. Or just push through class tired. It's fucking August 25th, you are almost certainly just starting with classes right around now, you won't have any serious work. Just fucking show up and sleep through that shit. Grab an energy drink or meth or something.

Remotely disabling their music will require complicated solutions that would take you hours to build if you knew shit about electronics and even longer if you didn't.

On second thought, just go to your neighbors party, get drunk, and pass out. Then you won't even notice the music.

throw a shopping bag full of doorknobs at their house, i dont mean shitty plastic doorknobs like they sell at the hardware store
i mean cast iron doorknobs (i usually steal them from abandoned factories) ive seen those fuckers crack an engine block

I already have been to a few of their parties. As i said i am in a country town going to a tech school which is overrun by dips I basically do not fit in if there is no way than i guess i will have to try to sleep through it but im pissed at this shit happening every night.

You're retarded

If you've been to their parties you must know and be on semi-good terms with your neighbors. Just go over and explain you have classes and ask them to just keep it down a bit. Snag a beer on the way out to take the edge off too.

awesome well this has been a shit ton of help

You're welcome, please come back again soon

Check your local laws. If there are quiet hours, call the cops.

In my experience, it's not worth even dealing with the idiots. People dumb enough to play loud music are dumb enough to feel entitled to do so. Go to the cops or the landlord. If neither address the problem, move.

Alternatively, pipe argon or nitrogen into their home until the asphyxiate.

im fucking drunk off my ass now it dose not help last time i told them to quiet down they told me to just set an alarm for the morning. cops wont come because "There is construction in the way" i dont fucking know what to do

Just call the cops you dumb nigger

Or get a louder stereo system, like a pair of PA speakers and blast them full volume whenever your neighbours play music (and in turn probably have the cops called on you)

sorry for the grammatical errors im sleep deprived and drunk i just want this shit to go away. in a small town no one cares enough to do anything. This is just torture

Well, you're fucked then. Glad I could help.

So you are just saying i just roll over and loose to these scum bags. I do not just want to let them win

also if you could just hear some of the trash they are playing

i honestly do not care how illegal just tell me how to do it

doesn't even have ti be technological at this point

1.) Get gun
2.) Go to neighbor's party
3.) Start indiscriminately shooting
4.) You'll know you're done when you no longer here screaming
5.) Sleep peacefully

piss in some sort of baking tray
freeze it
wait until they're out or on holiday or something
slide frozen piss square under a door
wait for it to melt

Just prevent the sound from entering your ears. I always have a couple pairs of these with me. Not hearing is pure bliss.

I just kinda want some way to get back at them without seeming like I'm in middle school

Not possible. Welcome to adulthood.

That's hohol



You ever tried ASKING POLITELY to turn the music down?

what kind of music?
if its metal, I support him
if not, blast metal louder than his shit is

aren't witch hunts a felony?
it's illegal to lie about someone else's actions in order to get them arrested

Tell them you smell weed. Some sorts of cannabis smell like beer so it's an understandabpe mistake

>being this retarded

white noise.

If you do want to solve this like a 12 year old you can light some fireworks. The cops might show up then

Construction site earmuffs.

You sound like a cop btw.

currently bumping loud ass music ask me anything

Sorry, I'll tune it down.