GTX 2000 Series Volta Cards Discussion

What is /g's opinion on the GTX 2000 series GPU lineup?
>implying that it is actually called the 2000 series

Honestly don't understand though, due to their release schedule it should come out very soon. Not years, but months. I mean I have a GTX 950, and I want to upgrade to a GTX 2050 when it comes out, you know? I just really, really want that upgrade. As it'll be the most my CPU can handle without a bottleneck, and it'll be a affordable solution for my computer for another few years.

>Implying that it would be as powerful as a GTX 1060 with low power draw and no 6 pin connectors. A mini card.
also to whatever faggot tells me to get an AMD card, fuck you. I ain't making my computer a toaster oven with the high power draw of a RX 580 (Same power as a GTX 1060). It's an ITX build and a card of that size is too big anyways. Got that 400 watt PSU feel me?

Other urls found in this thread:玄人志向-ビデオカードGEFORCE-ロープロファイル対応-オーバークロックモデル-GF-GTX950-E2GB/dp/B01G1VE1HE

Also, when I said
>Same power as a GTX 1060
I didn't mean that it had the same power draw, as the RX 580 actually has MORE. I was trying to say that it had the same performance as the 1060 with more power draw and more heat.

you should get Vega instead.

knew someone would say it. lmao.

am physical nvidia fanboy. Will never switch off my high power and reliable temps.

I've had some AMD products through my gaming life starting at 2006, had the first one gigabyte card they made, I believe. It burnt out within the first month as it was brand new, sent it back to the company and they gave me a new one. Three months later it burnt out.

Then in 2014, I got a build with an FX-8320. That also overheated with great airflow and a reliable build. It stayed at the temp of around 80 degrees max. Somehow that temp melted the pins into my motherboard.

Will never get AMD again. Pinless Intel processors and ice cold ASUS Geforce cards for me for life.

that has nothing to do with AMD. its the board partner. you should switch manufacturer.

what i meant was the upcoming vega 11.

im upgrading too so ill have to chooses between gtx 2060 or vega 11.

i might chooses the one with less power consumption. because i live in the country with the most expensive electricity in the world

Bet it'll be great for mining.

>amd cards are toasters
meanwhile in the tech world

oh wait i guess its magic

vega 11 is a meme
HBM2 is too goddamn expensive

>the amd arab shill is at again

>What is /g's opinion on the GTX 2000 series GPU lineup?
probably not coming out for awhile since Vega shit the bed and the 1080Ti is going to be the fastest card on the market for the next 12 months.

From what I'm reading on it, Tesla will be having a hand in the chip development. If this is true, then that'll be great. It means that the cards will be really premium and high end, of course with high end pricetags attached I will assume. The 1080ti has 12bn transistors and they expect the 20xx series to have at least 21bn with their involvement, almost double with a rumour of 16gb gddr6 graphics. Volta will certainly be the most anticipated card I will look forward to. Instead of needing two 1080Ti's, most people can do a lot with just one 20xx card. Future's bright boyos, wonder what fAilMD will do?

nobody know for sure.

Not 1100???????

I actually gave a separate mining computer that has a low profile GTX 950 with a 200 watt PSU. 16 gigs of laptop DDR3, and a 1 TB hard drive. A little server.
Could of sworn the only think I'm wishing to change is the GPU, if it's a Vega GPU it's AMD. Got bad experiences with AMD.
Never said an AMD card was a toaster performance wise, I meant heat wise. I want less heat for more active time, due to my very small main PC being too low profile for watercooling and an ASUS mini GTX 950,
>implying ASUS makes a mini 2050

one of the most famous german site
>arab shill
oh well since you want meme tier see this

The name isn't set in stone. Could be 2000, could be 1100

have*, not gave. My mistake.

vega from amd has a top tier pcb with a shit tier cooling system if you have a watercooling solution get it and slap a block on it otherwise wait for the aib's in september

This is friendly reminder:
1050 Ti already exists and you DO NOT need anything more.

But what if I just wanna shitpost how rich I am in the BST threads?

But I have a WQHD 166hz g-sync panel so I actually do need more.

>my gaming life
you're welcome

no point in releasing Volta when AMD is years behind leather jacket man

Dude I am a competitive gamer. Sure for the casual that is what is needed, but I want to push my processor to its limit. i7-3770 can handle a 1060 and a 2050 should be the same power as that. I just want at least 100 fps on future competitive games. On overwatch with tweaked settings my 950 stays around 130 fps average, but you know. There is a future for competitive titles.

>bigger dies when AMD is pulling a Larrabee that werks
Just make a bigger die.

sir, pls see this: Also:
- not your tech support

Now pls fuck off this board, this isn't for manchildren like you.

>sends OP to Sup Forums
>the same amd g*rm shill was shitting Sup Forums too
really makes you think

Intel + nVidia is still the top choice for a stable and reliable build.

but nvidia is already bankcrupt at that point

Of course, man! Get a full AMD build and an Intel+Geforce build, wait 10 years with consistent use, which one is more likely to be running?

I don't get it.
Go to your containment board.

The same hardwareluxx poster was shitting up Sup Forums.

that would depend on the usage, environment and the build quality.

If done properly both will survive more than 10 years.

You'd have to get 1000 AMD builds and a 1000 nvidia builds, and then maybe one of them would fail.

I asked which was more likely, not which will go first, because anything could happen at any time.

Tesla? Is Jim Keller cucking us now?

GPU for my mining PC if anyone wanted to know.
Positive hash/power draw ratio.

No, Tesla as nvidia's compute line of cards.

tesla got keller BECAUSE nvidia was so bad at it

they literally cant design shit

It's going to shit on all of AMD's offerings by a lot. It's also probably going to be twice as expensive as current GPUs because of that.

it will be awhile before it comes out, during one of their Q&A sessions they said it costs just under a grand to manufacture a volta die on TSMCs 12nm process. So my guess is they're waiting on manufacturing costs to go down before they port it to consumers. So if your opposed to AMD, I would recommend either getting a 1060, or wait till around may for volta.

If it was the architecture then I doubt Tesla would be written on the actual card. I think the actual company Tesla might be involved now.

this dude calling nvidia bad.
Good luck with your amd bro.

whatever you say kiddo

lemme get this straight.
AMD CPUs hide in the shadows for what, 4 years?

i cant hear you over the market share im currently gaining

You do understand that CPU R&D cycle is fucking LONG, and it's especially long for a totally new from scratch design?

How is getting gpus from Japan anyways. Is it cheaper?

How the fuck it's related that Sup Forums isn't Sup Forums? I don't care who is shilling what on Sup Forums, just get the fuck out, trash.

Just wait for their mobile gaming APU, I'm sure it will be great! *rolls eyes*

Going to laugh when their high end APU gets fucking wrecked by a year old mobile 1060 in both battery life and power.

There's no "high-end APU", RR tops as 11CUs.
That and kill yourself you retarded attentionwhoring tripshit.

that would depend on the manufacturer. AMD and nvidia only supplies the GPU. Other components are made by the OEM.

It will be Pascal with HBM, maybe on a newer node process, just like Tesla or whatever Volta they've already released.

Haha no.
Nvidia is not a really good friend with Hynix or Samsung to do that.
GDDR6 it is.

21bn on a 815mm2 die, not gonna fly in the consumer space senpai.

GV104 will have 3584 shaders, clock higher, use a bit less power, and be a bit smaller than GP102. GV102 will be a big 600mm2 die, 5376 shaders but cut for yields. TSMC 12nm isn't a new node.

You will be waiting for a long time for GTX 2xxx series. I would assume two years from now, nVidia has no real reason to release anything.

I got a bitcoin layin around

should I get two 1080tis or should I """wait""" for volta


Is there any reason why you went moon rather than buy it here in the mericas

Fucking retard.
Nvidia has been calling their server/compute GPUs Tesla since long before Elon Musk even thought about starting a company named Tesla. They have nothing to do with Elon's company at all. They probably use Tesla GPUs, but not for being "involved" with Nvidia in the way you're implying.

Nvidia has three lineups: GeForce GTX, Quadro, and Tesla. Gaming/consumer, workstation, and server/compute, in that order.

You forgot GRID but whatever.

GTX 2050 Ti will be great

75W no PCIe power connector, performance at GTX 1060/GTX 980 level allowing you to play 1080P games at Very High/Ultra settings

Can't wait

Why do people expect HUEG performance gains from Volta when it's not a double node jump?

I'll join 8700 + 2070 master race.

No, I left it out because it isn't a GPU lineup. It's a hypervisor that manages distributing Tesla GPUs to VMs.

They sell it as separate SKUs so whatver.

Volta is biggest arch since Fermin, maxwell and pascal are medium and low change architecture,paperwhite about Volta SM say Performance/watt begins 50% over pascal.

Volta is big deal.

>The new Volta SM is 50% more energy efficient than the previous generation Pascal design, enabling major boosts in FP32 and FP64 performance in the same power envelope.


>Volta is biggest arch since Fermi
>paperwhite about Volta SM say Performance/watt begins 50% over pascal
*only when doing meme ops
Literally everything that Volta brings is for compute, even larger L1$ that can work as a part of unified memoryu

>1080P games


>muh 4K meme

it will use low cost hbm, not hbm2

>muh 2006 resolutions

What a tricky way to word it.
This one doesn't officially exist yet anywhere but Samsung's HotChips2016 presentation.

>Data Center GPU
you're posted this like 5 times already

and samsung will deliver. there is a long time till december


The volume is extremely important though.
That and 2.5D packaging is a VERY slow process.
I can add moar ALUs, do a half-node jump to offset the clock loss and claim 50% efficiency too.
But it's boring and not entirely fair.
That and Vega pulling a Larrabee is still more interesting than moar ALUs/cachez/meme ALUs.

To all Sup Forums mindset, people buy DLC,microtransactions,skins,pay to win and loves call of duty,Dota,LoL,loves consoles,muh normies, and Buy laptop gaming, simple nVidia getting power efficient GPU will makes billions.

There is nothing interesting about AYYMD HOUSEFIRES

Now fuck back off to your AYYMD HOUSEFIRES threads

>nothing interesting about fucking Larrabee but an actual GPU
u wot

It it not a Larrabee and it's not power efficient at all, enjoy putting it in your datacenter and wasting power

leather jacket man said its not coming out anytime soon

>ice cold geforce
>gtx 480 reaching 100 degrees


>It it not a Larrabee
Oh yes it is.
They quite literally implied the possibility of manual pipeline assembly.
That's quite literally it.
>power efficient
>enjoy putting it in your datacenter and wasting power
Meme, since it's usually bundled with 1S EPYC, which means supreme perf/watt for system overall.

all I want is something noticeably stronger than 750 Ti while being a relatively low power draw

overwatch is not a competitive game

so, 1050? 1050 ti?

Wait for GTX 2050 Ti

more leaning on the side of 1050 Ti, but yeah, something like that.
well, j have no ram in my system, and being a jobless gag it's going to take a while to save up for 16gb, so I might have to wait for 11xx/20xx series GeForce cards, or if AYYMD can manage something similar by then

pick one

I am so close to ordering a 1080ti

Holy fuck volta hurry up

Fuck off, faggot

>hurry it
It's late Q1 2018 at very best.

So get a fucking job. Jesus Christ. Why are you concerned with computer parts when you should be getting a fucking job.

Still draws less power than the housefire known as Vega.

And it was stiill the top dog GPU when released. Vega doesn't even compete vs. a super cutdown die from NVIDIA while being 50% bigger than said die.

It wasn't.
5970 crushed 480 in basically everything.
So please stop shitposting.

So a RR APU will get beat by a mobile i7 and discrete mobile graphics. No fucking shit? Yet they'll do so by %10 perf, tons more heat to dissipate and double the cost.

You do realize their APU line is economy, possibly economy+, whereas a laptop with a good, discrete card like the 1060 is far beyond economy+ in terms of categorization.

not him, but but don't just assume everyone in the world can get a job as easily as breathing
no job means no money
no money means no car
no car means much harder to travel
I have to live in a communal home or just on the streets
no jobs in my town means I need to walk about 5 hours each day, or get extremely lucky someone else is willing to drive there, and there's no guarantee they'd accept my application
the only money I get is from doing odd jobs around town
fuck off you entitled twat. remember that not everyone is living in the exact same situation.

Please stop shilling for Intel in Nvidia threads. I hate AMD GPUs with a burning passion but their Ryzen shits on anything Intel has to offer. I want Intel oven dodgers to stop jumping on Nvidia train just to make AMD look bad.

They just said that they won't release it because amd Fucked up.

Also the next gen nvidia will use gddr6 or 5x.