Opinions on herbstluftwm?
Opinions on herbstluftwm?
Is that as normie friendly as i3
What's the reason to switch?
>implying any kind of text-based configuration is normie friendly
Well I'm new to linux and I found i3 fairly easy to use and setup.
At the very least there is a shitload of info online about issues and configs and whatever, so in that sense it could be more friendly to new people than herbstasltjjakjtwm
I dont have any idea, thats why im asking.
Maybe some Sup Forumsentooman tried it already
Tell me Sup Forums, why should I be using a twm, when I'm using Cinnamon on my desktop with Arch? I'm absolutely happy with its limited 2x2 tiling support and 12 workspaces with the expo overview plugin and hot corners for triggering the workspace overview
if your happy, you shouldn't
it's that simple
Fellow archfag here
I use kde on my desktop desu because its comfy af but on my notebook i dont have multiple nor huge screens. Touchpad mouse is also a pain in the ass and using a twm makes me feel just as comfortable as using my multiple screen desktop pc.
They certainly have their place
stop doing that, looking for reasons to switch your shit around
you look for alternatives if you're dissatisfied with what you have, or you look into a specific alternative if you hear it has something you want
this is the reason people distro-hop
trust me, you're wasting time running after crap like this for no good reason
just use what you have
anyway, does anyone know how to change module separator colors in polybar?
Im currently setting up a new machine, havent installed a wm yet and i always used i3 but just wanted to check out some new options bruh
>They certainly have their place
I can see its purpose on a notebook, but not so much on a desktop PC where I have my mouse that's being used anyway for browsing the web
>using a mouse to browse the web
luakit here, git gud
Sometimes it's good to try new things just to see if they have something you didn't know you wanted.
>mouse for browsing the web
But I use qutebrowser.
>I can see its purpose on a notebook, but not so much on a desktop PC where I have my mouse that's being used anyway for browsing the web
Mouse usage is cancer, and I despise websites that don't work well with Vimperator/Vimium. Sup Forums is one of them.
I know I might get hate from this but I don't understand the differences between tiling window managers. What's the difference between i3 and this?
what's actually the advantage of a WM over a regular DE?
i3 uses just manual tiling while herbstluftwm uses manual tiling for frames and automatic tiling for windows inside the frames.
Frames behave exactly like i3 windows and the windows inside of them are arranged in one of four layouts. This allows you to choose a window without messing up your entire layout for example because frames can be empty
That was my first floating WM, and it's overcopmlicated.
I like i3 more because honestly, herbstluftwm's manual approach is convoluted. While herbst allows you to customize your workspaces' layout more, i3's automatic style saves more time and my use case for tiling WMs have never been so specific to need herbst anyway (that is to say, I feel that most use cases can be sufficed with i3). Most of the time I just have two or three windows open on each workspace because my laptop's monitor is small, and I'd rather switch windows to a different workspace than fiddling with new frames and handle all the layouts manually again. I find i3's window management style more intuitive.
I meant close a window instead of choose
A WM is also just part of a DE. It just manages the windows. Using just a WM needs less resources, lower start up time and you can still use all the DE if you have I've installed like gnome-control-center etc
What's a good statusbar?
plain i3bar is shit, and polybar is configurable, but shit configurable
awesome's status bar was the best I used so far, but can't use it on i3
>tfw im too retarded to use tiling wms
idk if anyone shares this feel
Is this HighDPI font rendering?
looks good
so this is my 3rd day with linux I have no clue about it yet. Is it save to install a WM on elementary os or will it break something?
I do certainly
I use it and its all right. The emit_hook command is nice.
I've been using linux for over 5 years now and I still can't config or do shit in it. I'm not a programmer and may be too old for this.
Feels bad man.
Pic is the pseudotile mode in herbstluftwm
>floating wm
herbstluftwm is not a floating wm
>i3's automatic style
i3 does not have automatic tiling
installing an additional window manager won't break anything. If you want to choose a different window manager for your DE that may break some stuff.
Starting the WM alone without the DE is also safe.
If you want to try out a tiling wm I'd recommend i3. It has a lot of documentation and it works fine as an alternative wm for many DEs
well it seems I can't even install packages correctly
I found a thread on /t/ yesterday maybe this could benefit you as well? Currently seeding some of the files thanks I'll check it out
mfw linux weenies use these barely functional wms because they know anything on linux with more than 1 feature is broken
is it possible to have something like the configuration in this image without using a mouse at all in herbstluftwm? i've been using dwm and it's been good to me but if i want to set up a configuration of windows like this, i'd need to use my mouse. I'm looking for a window manager that can do more complex tiling.
How to on the sexy borders
That configuration requires 4 frames. It would be a lot easier to replicate it in i3 because that layout doesn't take advantage of the automatic tiling that herbstluft provides.
But yes, it is entirely possible to do that with just keyboard.
do you think it's ridiculous to stick with dwm? is i3 far more powerful? i've never used i3 for whatever reason and i really like that i can edit and recompile dwm with such little thought.
I never used dwm before. I started with i3 and switched to herbstluftwm recently. But having to recompile everytime you change something sounds pretty dumb desu
> He isn't using VimFx
I'd be perfectly happy living in fritzl's basement if I'd never known anything else. Maybe I wouldn't realise how shit my distro is until I tried another one. This is the reason big companies shaft everybody.
>implying i3 is as easy to setup as xmonad
why not just use i3?
>year is 2017
>not using dwm and compiling to make configuration changes
manual tiling != automatic tiling. Being able to modify your layout however you want is really nice, but if dwm works for you there's not really a reason to change unless you like trying stuff.
plain i3 bar is fantastic if you're piping conky into it with a json script
tiling managers are gay as fuck. kys you weeb pedos
Found the closet OP.