What's its appeal?

what's its appeal?

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>what is it is appeal?

The logo is an obese man. Like most of the users.

It's = It is
Its = possessive

> back to school m8

>I don't know how to use memearrows

it's like a lego. Build your own system from a minimal base without too much hassle (looking at you, Gentoo). Also, bleeding edge software lets you find more bugs in your favorite software and help the devs!

I don't use it but am thankful for their wiki

White man's distro.


but the white race is dying

Gentoo for poser kiddies that just started using Linux

>new released a day or two ago
-Syu it

>muh arch is gentoo for le edgy kiddies
arch and gentoo are way different from oneanother
of course you'd know this unless you were pretending to be retarded

>without too much hassle
that would be ubuntu net install

That's my point kid. It's the nub version of gentoo

>Up to date software
>High stability
>Everything installed and configured by yourself so it's just right and so you know it like the back of your hand
>Great documentation with the Arch wiki
>Amazing AUR which makes getting things not in the repository super easy (e.g. in comparison to those shitty PPAs on Ubuntu).

its not any version of gentoo nigger

What distro does SachiCUTE use.

Fuck off pedo

anime website

parabola desu

gentoo is garbage

You are garbage

It instils a sense of false superiority. If you have a massive inferiority complex, give it a go. You'll value yourself in ways that no one else cares about.

It's Linux you jackass, and nobody knows what that is outside of a few communities. Tell someone you installed Ubuntu,arguably the best known distro, and you'll get a blank stare. There's no sense of superiority involved in using Linux of any flavor, and if you think there is you may be retarded. It's all the same in the end. Anyone here should be able to hop on any Linux machine and be able to use it in a matter of minutes.

Ease of use. pacaur -S anything
Packages are quite fresh and vanilla, they also generally just werk.
Pacman/pacaur has nice syntax, is quite fast and has informative default messages. eg. optional deps are shown per package

I know I'm going to get a lot of replies from anime posters because they like to make themselves known, but what's the appeal of posting lewd anime pictures or anime in general? Like I've jacked off to hentai before and I get that, but what's the point of just anime pictures in your replies?

If it's not for jacking off, why post them? They're not really relevant to your posts of the posters you're replying to. Most of the time they're just silly reaction pictures and it just seems like a dumb thing to do. This isn't really facebook or anybody's blog, so I don't understand why people feel it necessary to post smug anime fotos.

I know two people who do this (and obsess over anime on shitcord) and they're both mentally ill and love being the centers of attention.

In short, here's your (You).

Sup Forums is an anime website

Ever thought that maybe someone who actually does like anime will enjoy a cute anime posted by a cute user?

Anime website.

anime website
only the virgin killer sachiko is lewd out of the three sachiko's
anime is cute, fun, enjoyable, works well as reaction images, cute, more preferable to real life
anime is always relevant on an anime forum, what would you want posted instead? 3dpd? frog?
an hero yourself reddit spacing nigger just because you disliking animeposting wont make it go away
anime will always be here

Nice job retard

>anime website

Like I'm not complaining or hating the anime pictures (you don't need to make up excuses to validate your posting), I'm just curious why only anime posters feel the need to post these pictures. I don't see people posting real people or anything that's sincerely as off-topic as anime pics.

Being met with such aggression though might be telling of a deeper issue.

>anime image board
>doesnt post anime image macros
also what do you think chloe is looking at in this frame

It's = it is
It's = possessive
Its = plural


This is a technology imageboard and the topic is Arch, there isn't a connection between anime and this.
Behind a door?

You sound autistic and slightly buttblasted. Go on tomshw if you don't like anime girls

I am neither autistic nor mad, I just don't understand why this idiosyncrasy is unique to anime.

I could make assumptions about how one fits into society, but it would be rude.

It's a pain in the ass to install, so the retards here see it as a right of passage. If you can install Arch or Gentoo, you aren't a complete moron.

>on the 4Chins
>expects others to be socially functioning

The AUR makes it for me. Sometimes I consider trying out another distro but the mere existence of the AUR is enough to convince me otherwise. Not to mention everything else like how great pacman is.

The vast majority of 4channers are functioning well in society. The people who aren't usually stick to places where they can keep a static identity like forums, IRC, and discord. Many of these people have either anime avatars or someone pretty.

>being a smelly paedophile

archcuckolds everybody

>you aren't a complete moron
so are you validating this or invalidating this?

they post anime to make you gay.

anyone who watches anime is gay as fuck. I'm dead serious. they're trying to make you a faggot by forcing you to look at this fucking pathetic shit.

that's the game. some dumb goys play and don't know what they're doing. mostly it's people who want to hurt you.

Your news are the fake ones.
My English is shit and even I know that.

Even hentai titties? Is it trying to turn them gay or just super-sexual deviants, like cloppers.

super sexual deviants are gay. It's a sickness without exception.


>minimal base
The arch base includes the file system programs for jfs, reiserfs, and xfs as well as systemd. That'd hardly minimal.
>without too much hassle (looking at you, Gentoo)
Gentoo's installation difficulty is about the same as Arch's and the Gentoo handbook actually includes a good explanation for what every step does (down to what each program flag does). If they really wanted to be low hassle they would include an ncurses installer that you could just point at the mount point for your formatted drives which would handle the bootstrapping and account creation.

It's not even that hard to install, you just have to follow the guide. Monkey see monkey type.


Hentai is like heroin.
It gives you the best experience you will ever have and cater to every single fetish. At first you will be in a state of bliss and thank the satanic anime gods for this blessing. Over time your fetishes will get more extrem. Suddenly consensual handholding sex in missionary will not be enough and you start playing loli dark elf rape dungeon with orcs hentai games to get off. It might take some time but at the end even the most depraved straight hentai will not satisfy you anymore. You may delude yourself that you are not gay and may unironically masturbate to traps. (This is where the majority of Sup Forums is right now btw)

Combined with the superior cuteness and charm of even the most basic anime girl acting as a role model it is inevitable that one turns into a cute boi or girl(male).

Flee before it's too late.

I'm leaving.

dubs of truth


>(Arch)... works really well for me. It has constantly updated packages based as closely as possible to upstream. It's a model that I think is the correct way to do a Linux distro, and I've helped work on at lest 6 different distros over the years.
-Greg Kroah-Hartman (Linux Kernel Developer)

neck yourself

The responses against you were a bit butthurt so i will try to answer as a not anime poster who likes anime girl pics.

One of the things that i like about imageboards is exactly the 'image' part of it. A post without pic is alright but it conveys less information than a post a pic. A pic usually convey a information, or a reaction, a joke, etc, but also reveals something more about the poster that the writing could not do.

The advantages of an anime pic is that we are posting in anime imageboard so more than having cute reaction pic, you also have a ingroup preference bonus. It increases the chance of geting a response of someone who shares a similar interest as yours, and that's probably what you want (Why would you want to hear the opinions/advices of someone thats very different than you and don't like the things you like? You will probably end up unsatisfied).

I probably respond better anime posters than non-anime posters, even though i don't watch anime and don't have anime pictures. I just like to see anime pictures and i always expand them, which makes more likely that i will read the post and respond to it.

It's 1337 h4x0rs xD


this is literally an anime imageboard

Archfag detected. Go beta test for Manjaro.