ITT: literal 9/11 reenactment theater.
ITT: literal 9/11 reenactment theater
What the fuck do these cards even do
>muh AVX
aka you either want a GPU or FPGA
The shit is any of that.
>The company says that adoption of its Xeon Phi 7200-series processors in LGA3647-1 form-factor is growing and it does not believe that the PCIe versions will become nearly that popular.
It's literally nothing. I know several organisations who have bought these. Their code runs on the phi so there is no point in having it as a PCI card. It replaces the CPU.
field-programmable gate array
Are you shitposting?
Nah, I was talking about AVX and FPGA. Should have specified.
What I wanna know is if coprocessor cards function like actual processors? Like, could I slot one in and run VMs and programs shit off of them? Or is it one of those shitty things where an application needs to be programmed properly to use it at all?
The later, if I recall correctly. It's basically 100's of little cores good at doing certain instructions.
pretty close to an asic , just x86 compatible
That looks like a graphical card, except boring.
I'm deeply upset that these aren't Intel gpus.
I'd like to see some shit like that from them
Ah, that makes more sense as to why they're being discontinued.
Would these have any potential with cryptomining? Or does it not work like that?
Intel could do it too. It'd cause one hell of a shit storm if they could produce well performing GPUs at a half decent price.
>Intel makes CPUs and gpus
>Amd makes CPUs and gpus
>Nvidia had to decide to make CPUs and gpus or only gpus
Imagine a world...
Sadly Nvidia can't do that because intel has a massive x86 patent warchest that they use to kill anyone that tries.
AMD is only allowed to x86 because they got a huge patent warchest on their own and could rip intel 100 new holes.
Tried it once but didn't work all too well.
There's a reason AMD APUs sell: Intel sucks at making GPUs.
Not unless Nvidia makes their own shitty instruction set and somehow wrangles Microshingle to support it and gets support in the Linux kernel as well.
if you have a cpu minable coin and manage to run it on the phi , yes you can mine w/ em , would be fun to enter "setgenerate true 1400" to saturate the cores fully
Burning in all-consuming fire?
Fucking hell nVidia's biggest achievement in CPUs is housefire in-order core.