How the fuck is this legal?
Whole fucking world and technology as a whole is turning to shit. No one owns anything anymore and your devices just cease to function if you don't agree to some new bullshit that was never a part of the deal when you bought the device.
How do we stop this shit?
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Kill the botnet
stop buying this shit, it's simple as fuck.
problem is that you buy something that has one set of rules that are palatable and then they change them.
don't ever buy shit from them, if they changed that shit then don't update or for that matter you should not buy speakers that are connected to the internet.
you also can go and sue them if they don't give you the ability to not update.
It's not. It's just that no one who has the resources cares enough to sue and even if they do sue, they still have to wait for him to fuck everyone before they are able to sue at which point they may take years to finish the legal process and at any time he can reverse his actions and make the whole case moot and then months later retry again essentially wasting your resources hardcore.
But in the end, legally, he can't just make your device not function because you don't want to renegotiate your contract unless the previous contract specifically stated that. At the very least, you have a defense of duress for the shit way he decided to do it.
Still, good luck stopping it.
>'smart' speaker
you bought nigger tech.
this is like the next level of Google-like jewing.
Stop buying shit that relies on proprietary software to even interface with
You probably have to have a non arbitration clause saying you can't sue them, that's usually part of said policies
If not they have a massive (((legal teams)))
Most likely this is not legal at all.
Good luck finding anyone who cares enough to fight an exhausting, extremely expensive decade long legal battle about it and then do it again because they found a slightly different way to go about it.
Or spend the same amount of resources into removing globalism, capitalism, hanging all kikes, commie-likes and cleansing your country to become an ethno-state.
>Stop buying shit that relies on proprietary software to even interface with
so basically, stop buying everything and live in a cave or a homeless shelter.
got it.
You could try to sue. It might help.
But the other people are right, the main workable way is to just not rely on proprietary shit, particularly not when it's not just a "dumb" appliance.
I was right to say you bought nigger tech. because you're a nigger.
do you know what a speaker is, nigger?
> (OP)
>Most likely this is not legal at all.
But the purchaser still agreed to the terms of service so you can get fucked six ways from Sunday if it's in the fine print
what an argument! where did you learn to argue like that, Cleetus?
> globalism
Is actually a possible way around it.
Maybe an EU or Chinese product will offer the same with more user control.
At least there is a much increased chance if you look globally rather than in "condense everything into a giant monopoly that conspires with related monopolies" botnet USA.
nice spergout friend, too bad he's right
what argument. dumbfuck nigger.
>chinese product
>more user control
how's that glue you've been huffing today pal?
It's almost as if stallman was right.
Next time you make fun of 'freetards' remember this shit.
>buying device that can be remotely deactivated
Let stupid people suffer the consequences of their stupid decisions
I want Reddit to leave
Don't take it as "Chinese products are guaranteed to have more user control", but "you might very well be able to find a Chinese product that has more user control".
Quite many strongly open sauce development boards are Chinese. Because ultimately nobody will stop smaller Chinese companies from making those.
In the USA, there's sure to be some software or business patent or some fucking nonsense to slam the product dead when it succeeds.
Well for starters stop buying anything "smart". It's synonymous with botnet
At least they're being honest, this is the case with everything that doesn't respect your freedom by design.
but you already know the answer
This is why farmers are hacking their tractors
why would a speaker need wifi?
any product you buy that has wifi could become part of the botnet so only buy wifi capable products that really need it
Even my PMP doesn't have wifi
>Internet-connected speaker
What's the fucking point? Why does everything have to be connected to the Internet now?
>It's just that no one who has the resources cares enough to sue
This is what class action lawsuits are for.
Just get a Bluetooth speaker.
>why would a speaker need wifi?
So you can stream music to it from a phone/tablet/computer you retard.
That's cute but:
1. It only works if the law firm thinks there is mad cash to be had. Otherwise, no one will take your case despite how good the merits might be.
2. The courts ruled not long ago that class action suits can be banned in the agreements you sign to use the service. Steam has just such a contract.
Class action has limited viability and while it's better than nothing, it doesn't solve many problems.
>buying shit speakers in the first place.
>not using diamond crusted gold plated cables.
enjoy your noise.
Just don't buy a "smart" anything. Get a regular old speaker instead of OP pic related
>It only works if the law firm thinks there is mad cash to be had
So really, it depends on how many idiots bought these things.
>The courts ruled not long ago that class action suits can be banned in the agreements you sign to use the service
Was this the case with these speakers?
gets truer everyday
Go make your own IoT speaker if you don't like it. No one is stopping you :^)
I don't get it OP, you link a screencap of the article but you didn't even read it, it clearly says that if you don't accept the new chart, they'll not deliver new updates, that doesn't mean it will stop working from one day to another.
Also it's not explicitly written that it's going to spam on new, so good luck for explaining that you're just too paranoiac too accept these charts to a tribunal
You can do the same thing with a dumb speaker and a raspberry pi
>leaving your wires just laying on the floor
you need some cable elevators, my friend.
Don't buy dumb shit that requires internet connection.
>literally giving the wires an easier way of tripping you
Get that shit out of here.
Why would you be walking anywhere near the wires and introducing parasitic capacitance with your body?
>he doesn't have his hifi inside a plane during freefall to simulate zero gravity so the wires aren't touching anything
damn it must suck being poor
>t. wire in disguise
Get out of here bitch. You won' trick me.
|===D'~ ~ ~
So What. They can opt out. You don't have to use it or buy it.
You Americans are dumb. You get mad at that optional shit yet are completely fine being charged 40 bucks to hold your own baby.
It's the land of the eternal Jew
what are you wating for then?
It works by selecting the music you want to play on your computer/phone/tablet and then it streams the music itself. So you don't have to stream it from your primary device like a bluetooth speaker.
It's a good idea, it's just a shame that Sonos decided to go in this direction.
opt out as much as you can i.e. dont buy this shit
make your own
use open source shit
push for technologies that leap frog the stupidity
you don't need 90% of this dumb shit anyway
stop buying "smart" shit, that is obviously smarter than you
next time buy a real set of speakers and a receiver instead of this "hi-fi" bullshit
Jesus, I almost applied to some jobs at Sonos too. Thank God the gub'mint got to me first.
Does not hold up in court
botnet get out!
I am not surprised by this. I wouldn't be surprised if Sony and Microsoft flip a switch to make PS3s, 360s, and Old Model PS4 and Xbox Ones stop working to force you into getting a PS4 pro and Xbox One X. All it would take is for them to lock your console down with a firmware update or put they key to do it in one. That's likely what happened with the Sonos if they can shut them down because the user didn't accept an agreement.
It would sure be nice if someone can roll a one-touch auto-setup solution, say, a speaker kit that you can slot a raspberry pi into. And frankly for audio even the Zero model will probably be fine.
There is the hi-fi berry
Stop buying shit with mics, cameras, or agreements then.
US gov't whiffed consumer rights in the name of megacorps and profits. We panopticon now.
>All it would take is for them to lock your console down with a firmware update or put they key to do it in one.
this can't happen, can it??
ya pretty much or stop crying about your botnet integrated bullshit like a whiny bitch.
given the plethora of random fucking microcontrollers available to the general public that even run free software there is even less reason that you can't just make your own appliances.
literally stallman was never wrong, ever.
even when he sperged out about "open source"
open source pretty much became "open core" in no time flat. e.g. android.
underrated post.
I can't wait when a lot of the early millennium patents come up and the jews can't stop free software and cheap chink stuff from completely destroying their shitty patent-based existence.
this fucking tacked on services model is pretty much just a hail mary hoping to make some $$$ before the destruction of their product sales and patent royalties when the "free market" kicks in