Hey Sup Forums, what's your favorite programming/terminal font?
Mine's terminus.
Programming font
Other urls found in this thread:
Input mono is alsot pretty cool.
Inconsolata master race
Literally whatever as long as it isn't comic sans or something like it. Who cares as long as it lets you work?
Terminus my nigga
Ubuntu mono looks really clear and readable to me.
I use Droid Sans on Vim, otherwise the default by the IDE. I'm not really into customization, except for Vim I guess.
everyone on Sup Forums except you cares
monospaced fonts > all else
what are these fonts?
Lucida Console
Terminus at different sizes
guess I'm retarded. I already use terminus for pretty much everything.
maybe my text rendering is fucked. or my eyes.
>posts gohufont
Why would anyone decorate their house? As long as it protects them from the elements who the fuck cares?
That's what you sound like.
Consolas 12
Consolas was my first love.
OpenSans is the only acceptable answer
whats a good font that distinguishes between homogylphs like pic related
so Il|0O doesnt happen
Source Code Pro isn't too bad
comfy old DOS-like font
yes I know it's not truly the same but whatever
Shit, fuck google.
I guess I was wrong, sorry.
Fira Mono
Danke schoen.
I really hate those fucking angled curly brackets. Don't even know why I feel so strongly about them.
>that r
absolutely disgusting
>Ubuntu mono
That and Fira Code are my gotos
That's the reason I'm using the font.
that's the reason you should be gassed
This font. Too bad it doesn't work in Atom, only vim and mousepad.
That's terminus, it works pretty much everywhere.
Too bad atom is a piece of crap then.
it was an ESP8266, but yeah, I use ardunio IDE for uploading/debugging with Sublime for editing
DejaVu Sans Mono
everything is bad with winblows font rendering
Trust me, i've tried that, and I've tried to enact it with multiple different names, but all i get is either the standard, or some serif font
I even downloaded a package said to have Terminus, but all i get is this shitty abomination. I've sinced sucked it up and tried to learn vim, but because i'm ultra-shit at touch typing, and typing in general, it's a long drawn out process
>all these winbabbies
this is a thread for Programming fonts, you cannot program on winblows
please leave
What theme is this?
it's a deepin native theme
that is terminus, just at the wrong size
Thanks, user.
no matter what size it is, it renders horrendously. not like how vim and the terminal renders it. For example, this is it at 19 font size (which is way to large, i would never write this big, what i had in the first picture was 14-13, which is still big. I'd normally go 10 or 12, but i get the same result. At 7-9, you cant see anything.)
forgot the picture
have you tried different versions of the font? it's been ages since I configured terminus for my system, but I know I tried several different versions before it worked. which OS and editor?
The best IDEs only run on Windows, faggot.
This is Atom, and i'm on Linux Deepin.
after doing a couple of digging, it seems to be a problem directly with the way Atom renders fonts, and requires fucking with the CSS.
DejaVu Sans Mono
>t. plebeian
a man of culture
honestly its prob this
This guy fucks.
Why are you hating on comic sans? It's a great programming font
I've actually really liked SF Mono on OSX. With the right settings in MacType for Windows it looks decent as well. If I get a higher ppi monitor it'll look pretty close to what I expect.
Overpass Mono.
Looks nice, thanks.
what is that font? excelsior?
San Francisco is best font.
> 0pen source
for me its -*-fixed-*-*-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-jisx0201.1976-*
I use terminus.
Looks good, haven't bothered to look for anything else.
Recent versions of Terminus have been named "xos4 Terminus", maybe that works.
i've tried, no dice just more shittier rendering
Sexy. But no opensource is no bueno.
still works on other systems though thankfully
proggy clean
Currently using unscii-16. Have used terminus and excelsior, along with the Phoenix BIOS font.
I use Archivo actually. Best font imho.
I use Hack. I used to use Terminus, but it looked really ugly on pt-sizes that weren't a multiple of 12. Hack scales much better imo.
>typecasting char to int
>setting constant pin values as variables taking up ram space
>more constants as variables instead of preprocessor definitions
>1 == 1
jesus why is arduino code always so shit
Is there a mono version somewhere I can try? I can only find the sans serif version.
Inconsolata-g for me.
>falling for this lostboy.exe
Sorry wrong thread
Nearly any 6x8 or 6x9 bitmap font will do in a pinch, but I made a tweaked custom font since I'm just that OCD.
I'll honestly probably just use a normal vector font when ~40" 8k monitors come out though.
it's 2017 user
Sans only.
and I prefer to have >200 lines of code visible, and antialiased fonts in that size range look like fuzzy garbage to me.
can you upload the font? I like it.
ProggyCleanSZ is also lovely.
Please, user, share. I need it in my life
>people always look at my screen asking why my fonts are so tiny and how i can read it
>tfw do it because it fits more text on screen at any given time so that any any given moment I have a great deal of source code on my screen at once
>crisp as fuck and makes it easier to get in the zone
>4k screen
>even more on screen at once with ProggyTinyTTSZ
I really like the semibold variant of it for doing my web stuff. Only for that though, I kinda prefer different fonts for different fields of application / languages
believe it or not, these fonts are generated from other don't formats. if you didn't have those, you couldn't modify the fonts for yourself. because of this, 80% of programming fonts, including many posted here, are simply derivations of this source.
You should turn off subpixel hinting for this font. It's making it less crisp, and it doesn't look like the real thing.
My eyes would definitely hurt if I were to stare at it for long periods of time.
>pic related
For me it's PxPlus IBM EGA8. It's so comfy & nostalgic
Here's a little comparison for anyone wondering.
"Dina" (left) vs. "xos4 Terminus" (right)
here you go:
> uploadfiles(dot)io(slash)k0p3j
caveat: it's only 1 size, since I'm lazy and only wanted that size anyway.
Terminus same as you
Fixedsys/Terminus doesn't work with Visual Studio even though they're both listed as fonts in the editor, and google isn't helping
Anyone have thoughts? Would really like to keep using Visual Studio but not having either of those fonts is frustrating
Reporting in.
this one works for me in visual studio 2015
this is why tarduino and pis should be banned form Sup Forums
what editor is that?
>sex celsior