Can you recommend any Evernote alternative?

Can you recommend any Evernote alternative?
>free as free beer
>android, windows and linux client
>syncing between devices

Evernote has no linux client (except for web app) and is very heavy in general. I'd expect that simple notes editor on desktop would be as fast as any editor, and this shit feels worse even than Atom.

Other urls found in this thread:

well, there is evernote plugin for sublime text
and sublime text works both on linux and windows
don't know about alternative client for android tho


no syncing between devices
also lack copy-pasting


I'll give it a look, thanks

Google Keep. Now piss off.

Just use Google Keep. Embrace the botnet.

You can place the notebook on any device you care for.

You can copy out of any part of it.

Why are you trying to make your life more complicated than it needs to be?

Not OP but also interested, what's better, google keep or OneNote?

Evernote is just glorified Markdown files with custom metadata so....
>Each folder = notebook
>Make .md files for each note
>Add custom tags to attribute to each file (can't think of any solutions off the top of my head rn that are open source but they are prob out there )
>Sync files using whatever the hell you want to sync

Evernote basically

whoops meant to tag

They're both botnet and you should neck yourself as soon as possible for even considering them

Keep is better if you just want quick post-it note like notes

Would actually prefer to mostly make notes for school. LaTeX integration or something would be ideal

Well then between the 2 options I would definitely go with OneNote because notes are separated into sections and notebooks. But I don't think there is latex support, unless you count uploading PDFs and .Tex files "support"

Then use a pen and paper. The fuck are you taking notes in LaTeX for, kid?

Use a txt. and sync it between devices with Syncthing

When I used pen and paper I ended up rewriting the notes so many fucking times I completely wasted time I could have used to actually get a proper grip of math in high school.. I need the ability to restructure them as I learn whatever I am taking notes about. If either Keep or OneNote have an alternative way to jot down formulas of course I'd use that.

>LaTeX integration or something would be ideal

Unironically emacs + org-mode. It turns markup into LaTeX very nicely.

>I ended up rewriting the notes so many fucking times
That's what you're supposed to do. It's part of the learning process.

>I need...
You don't know what you need. You're a kid. Listen to the adults and just use a pen and paper.

Buy a Surface, or some other device with pen input, and use Onenote then

Nope, not when you end up with barely legible abortion of notes. If I end up rewriting them on the computer I might as well start with it and save trees and my time.

You know, be efficient.

>You don't know what you need kid, outdated tools are the best

Are you Amish or stupid? Either way I'm gonna have a much easier time making notes with keyboard input, rather than doing something as autistic as writing shorthand to keep up with a uni math lecturer.

I hear OneNote has a lot of the features that Evernote hides behind the paid version.