What password managers does Sup Forums use?

What password managers does Sup Forums use?

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keepass for all customer accounts, a self created algorithm based on site/application name for all passwords (makes all my passwords different, but no need to memorize anything but the algorithm itself)

You should use Pass, and everyone else.

slip of paper at the bottom of a drawer
>tfw unbridgeable airgap



Using botnet pass here

Encrypted text file

passwordstore would make your life easier in that regard. it's the same concept but ships with pwgen, gpg and git integration. Has a bunch of tools to access the stuff as well such as a dmenu extension, android ot ios app.

keepass with rfid train card to unlock



The Firefox password manager.

Hey guys, just give me your username's and passwords. I'll look after them for you.

It's not like you have any more reason to trust a random program from the internet over a random guy over the internet.

You are retarded. Keepass is open source, GPL and has been around for ages.
You are dumb, uneducated, and has been alive for less than 18 years. On top of this, based on reddit spacing I can also conclude that's where you came from.
I bet you also have single password for all your websites and programs or use txt file like some brainlets in this thread.
There you have it, that's why I will keep storing my passwords in keepass without giving a fuck what underage tech illiterates like you think.

that's awesome but sounds like a nightmare to use on anything but your main laptop

[email protected]

Might need it in a few hours from now. Thanks.


Have been happily using it since 2009.

Good thing keepass is an open source offline program.

pass, KeePassX 2, or KeePassXC.


its an electron app but its open source and it just werks

Synced with Syncthing

that one

Piece of paper in secret location, with brain

Keepass but
>no iOS client with OneDrive integration

LastPass because I don't give a single fuck and honestly believe that nothing bad will ever happen to me. The worst that can happen is identity theft which already happened to me a number of times because various vendors I USED TO frequent got shit on by thieves and hackers or whatever the fuck.

is KeePassXC able to handle kdb AND kdbx or is it only able to import kdb INTO kdbx? An import from keepassx0 to the new keepassx fucked up stuff and I reverted to keepass0
I miss a multi-key thing, like in LUKS (e.g. you can open the same archive with a passphrase OR a keyfile OR a combination of the two)
It's crap and you're unemployed.

Keepassxc on desktop and keepass2android on android, it all gets synced to one copy of the database in a dropbox folder

I only use dropbox at the moment because i didnt set up my server yet

People using LastPass are retards that let 3rd parties take charge of your passwords, just use keepass and out the file somewhere online, it's safe and one you know your shit

b-but they assured me...

eventually I've tried it out, it seems much better than the standard keepassx with an emphasis on yubikey and the like
still no concurrent multi-keys a la luks
didn't mess stuff up during an import and could merge dbs, that's nice so far
I can tell my collaborators to make the switch (the gal with mac resorted to copy secret passwrods in .txt too many times "because it's more convenient" and it seems to be a glitch there sometimes while the guy on windows simply is a brainlet who can't grasp different apps when switching from the macbook to win10) (sadly I can't force them to switch to ganhoo and the gal would die if I removed her photoshop and her macOS)


>not hosting your own nextcloud

That algorithm sounds incredibly insecure, or a less secure than just keepass. Essentially if one gets one of your passwords they can easily reverse engineer your algorithm and compromise all of your passwords.

Can I have my username and password back now?

GPG encrypted org file

KeePassX obviously. Not sure why people are using other shitty things.

>Essentially if one gets one of your passwords they can easily reverse engineer your algorithm and compromise all of your passwords.
With 1 password?

KeePassX for long ass passwords and Brain for main emails.

Does keepass/x/c/x2 encrypt comments too? I've got my wallet seeds and my CC details in them.

everything is encrypted, sure. if it's in the wallet it's encrypted

my brain

one for bank
one for email
one for common stuff (different variations of capitals/special symbols for most)

I just use a piece of paper, there's no reason to use anything besides it.
I scrambled the letters and numbers with high-tech encryption I took out of my ass in case someone finds it, though.


Encrypted with what? GPG?

> (OP)
>keepass with rfid train card to unlock
Train company takes your card away for whatever reason
Your passwords are lost unless you have backup

it seems more like ecryptfs to me

A piece of paper... it's literally the most secure besides just your brain

that's just one scenario where multiple keys luks-style would be beneficial as suggested in just imagine an emergency key stored in an alternative safe place
I've seen that someone proposed that on the sourceforge
>sourceforge.net/p/keepass/discussion/329220/thread/5b4bc3ee/ upstream but not on the fork on the github upstream
obviously the usual fucked passed by saying that the wallet is for personal, and not collaborative, use. And quickly dismissed it
why people in foss is so autismal sometimes

I meant encfs
jeez, it'e even literally in the image
poor solution if it's going to get synced in the cloud

I just put all my passwords on a post it on my monitor

Why are you NEETs so retarded?

Keepass, but not the latest version. The newer versions use some literal who keystretching algo that is probably super insecure.

This is what I'm referring to, btw:

just jump on keepassxc already

>LastPass doubles premium tier prices to $24 a year, and some users aren't thrilled


Wow, I didnt even know this shit cost money, you people are literally paying people to keep your passwords when you can already do that for free

I'm using bitwarden.
It's an open source Lastpass,

Anyone else?
Pretty comfy.

>Yubikey and TOFP are "premium"
>data encrypted in the the browser with javascript
we've been there countless times, some people just never learn it seems