Hundreds of thousands of artists use it

>Hundreds of thousands of artists use it
>Has more of a reputation as an art tool than a model thinner tool
>Adobe still won't add artist friendly features like line smoothing and a fill bucket that works.
>Sai isn't OSX compatible.
How is it a million dollar international company that charges an arm and a leg for their shit can't compete with a small time jap company that charges 70?

Other urls found in this thread:

Isn't the primary purpose of photoshop to create artwork from existing images though?

>nb4 krita a shit
you're a shit

Krita is FREE

Krita respects my freedoms.

Which part of the name made you think that it should be used for painting?

>Install Krita on my T400 for my sister
>Create canvas
>Crash with no info
What an amazing program.

krita has a fraction of the features that photoshop does and none of the adoption. if you work in the industry you NEED Ps, Ai and Id, they have everyone by the balls.

>Not using opentoonz

I don't work with software that disrespects me, user.

krita appreciation thread? krita appreciation threat
you know nothing, jon snow

Krita isn't fucking photo manipulation


Found your problem.


>photo shop


Mind = blown

But seriously, I just use Lightroom and call it a day. Photoshop is for tryhards.

krita is for drawing [porn] not photo manipulation
you'd know this if you were a professional in your field, but you're not

I have an old old old copy of photoshop I piated back in the day. Care to explain to me why lightroom? What does it offer over photoshop these days?

But user, you don't work at all

Little girls aren't allowed to work, silly

So what? After Effects is first and foremost a compositing software, now some studios use it to make animations.
If Krita isn't capable of keeping up with photoshop features then it's rendered useless for people who work in the industry and need those features.

That's because the best software is pic related.

sai works on macos with pen pressure through parallels, i used to use it just fine.
also clip studio paint works on mac natively with a ton of features. photoshops tools arent special unless its edits after the picture is finished anyway.

Just get Clip Studio Paint
Better than Sai, works on mac, and is usually on sale for cheaper too

Photoshop is a photo manipulation program that people use for art, print work, digital design, photo editing, photo manipulation, video editing, etc even though they shouldn't.

Don't be mad that Photoshop isn't good what it's originally intended for, there are plenty of alternatives and this is why something like Sai does well.

Adobe adding functions that belong in Illustrator into Photoshop

Do you often complain that your spreadsheet application can't be used a real word processor too?

>it works if you install it in a virtual machine


Illustrator is even less for art than photoshop. It's a logo/flash asset maker.

I think I'm just perplexed that the industry seems so clingy to Photoshop even though it does nothing for artists. Like a battered housewife.

It's actually for Illustration
>flash asset maker.
You're actually retarded aren't you?

Isn't horse show based around vectorized assets and animated in flash?

>crash with no info

what is core dumps

check your fucking systemd journal for coredumps or whatever abrt daemon you're using. if you don't know, check your core pattern.
cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern

parallels has pen pressure, virtualbox and vmware do not, so drawing programs arent known to run well on vms.

>Crash with no info
>Program is open source, so you can literally see how it's written.
>makes available debug symbols if you really need them.
>The claim itself is most probably a lie.

I read there's a patched version of wine that allows you to run sai with pressure support if you don't want to run the whole windows in a VM. I don't know on mac but on linux is very easy to get with "Play On Linux", i think is available on mac as "Play On Mac".

What do you think of FireAlpaca Painting tool?

>Adobe still won't add artist friendly features like line smoothing and a fill bucket that works.

It's very basic
I'd say Krita, Sai, and Clip Studio Paint are better, and Krita is actually open source

>line smoothing
Lazy nezumi's solutions are better than SAI's. SAI only has averaging

Line smoothing probably but a fill bucket that works literally just saves you time if you're doing flats.

nostalgic but superior choice coming through

been on gimp for the last few years.
words cant explain my gratitude.

I'm pretty sure VMware does too, if you connect a tablet directly as a USB device and install the drivers in the VM.

>the macfag is going to tell us about computers

Pass though the usb host in kvm and youll never know you were in a vm..
literally all you have to do is -usbdevice host:xxxx:xxxx
Or if you want proper usb 2.0/3 then use

-device nec-usb-xhci,bus=pcie.0,id=aaa \
-device usb-host,bus=aaa.0,vendorid=0xaaaa,productid=0xaaaa \
replacing the two sets of 4 a's with the appropriate ids

OP here, liking Kirta, the line sensitivity seems a little off, it detects my pressure but my lines tend to be a little wild and wobbly.

didnt work for me on linux but might work for some
i havent used a mac in almost a year but didnt know that, thanks.

But no where does that imply Illustrator
>bbut Vector!
Flash is also vector and far easier to use unless your output destination is print.

>i havent used a mac in almost a year but didnt know that, thanks.
youre welcome. For the record, dont touch the set of three a's because they link to each other, you can of course rename them but it has to match for the usb device to be binded to the usb controller of the vm.

You can also pass though a gpu aswell as a usb controller.
I have a vm that has exclusive control of a 1060 and a real pci usb controller that I have a vive plugged into. vr runs in the vm with no issues.

Photoshop is an image manipulation program.

Nah painter is the art tool photoshop blows for digital illustration

not everyone cares about what goes on inside of most programs

most people want that shit to work properly and immediately. also btw fuck Linux

Clip studio paint is designed for that

also, you have a windows extension that provides line smoothing which most artitsts use (too bad its not mac os compatible)

krita is shit
just like gimp is shit
just like an graphics program designed by nerds is shit

>>Adobe still won't add artist friendly features like line smoothing

>fuck Linux
Fuck you!

Computer graphics are not art.

GIMP is best image manipulation program.
- best name
- free
- cross platform
- open source

Any shills for your proprietary software can go and fuck themselves in the asshole.

what is art

Ya'll niggas ain't even keepin' it real


RAW editing

I recently wrote plugin for the thing.
The public api base architechure is still running on 1993 specs..


I quite like it, it's one of the few (in fact only) piece of software I pay for since I do make some money from using it.

I think the reason for its popularity is that its now very broad in its scope. While originally designed for photo editing, it does cross over with lots of other things - basic vector graphics, digital painting, text manipulation, hell even simple video editing. While it doesn't excel in any of these , the blend of all of them makes it exceptionally versatile.

In a sense tho, Adobe has backed themselves into a corner - If you're starting from photoshop say and wanting to do something specific that is best suited to a more specialist CC package like Illustrator or InDesign its a different environment and you have to relearn alot of basic stuff - which can be annoying, but if the specific packages were changed to match photoshop then specialists mainly using Illustrator, InDesign would be rightly pissed off too. They can't really win - you can see the want to make CC into an integrated whole but there is so much history in the individual packages that the can't.

anyway tl:dr photoshop is nice and rounded tool, but for heavy use outside of photo editing, use a more specialist package or accept its limitations.

stop using xfce

The best accessible Photoshop alt

>t. gnomefag

I'm going to PIRATE the adobe suite (well, I just need PS and Illustrator really) in macOS

Should I go for CS6 or look for some solution for CC?

Affinity design is fairly nice, but nah. I couldn't really get into Affinity Photo.

>Photoshop is unironnically very good for making PC98 art.

Whats wrong with affinity photo? I found it better than Gimp or Krita.

Who are you quoting?

Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence

>needing anything more than mspaint

>implying anyone on Sup Forums can even draw or paint

what the fuck get that off me GET THAT OFF ME AAAAAHHHH

>not everyone cares about what goes on inside of most programs
>most people want that shit to work properly and immediately
So what you want info about a crash for if you don't care about the reason?

>also btw fuck Linux
Thanks for showing your true colors and getting rid of all your credibility so fast.

This, they have a product called Illustrator for art. Photoshop is for photo manipulation.

seems like lies

>20 Rupies were sent to your M$ Shill Account

>best name
Doesn't make it better just more accessible, besides, people who make a living out of their art are likely to care very little about the money they have to spent for their tools.
>cross platform
Fair enough.
>open source
Not everybody is paranoid about proprietary software (nor is willing to let down PS' features just because of "muh botnet DDD----:::") and by itself is barely a relevant feature (if you're not a programmer).

Call me a shill I don't care, (that won't make GIMP any decent when compared to Photoshop) Adobe doesn't pay me for this shit (I wish they did).

>using SAI instead of the objectively superior Clip Studio
You're fucking retarded and you should feel bad for using shit software

>Artist friendly
>Comparing it against SAI
>Comparing it to freetard shitware
I think you're confused about what Photoshop does. Illustrator is the artist friendly one that competes with Krita/SAI, you would use Photoshop for added effects after creating the artwork in Illustrator but not as a painting tool. PS is manipulation not creation.

>line smoothing

I fucking love Clip Studio, i use it to draw my doujins all the time. Sadly, since i've moved over to linux, Clip Studio has a problem with stuttering my cursor at random times. In order to fix, i have to switch workspaces. It's annoying desu, makes me not want to draw as much.

I've been toying around with making my own drawing program, because the only other option is Krita, which, of course, is fucking garbage that cant into stabilization as well as Clip studio. I don't feel like emulating brush engines in shit though.

GIMP should be called SHIT because that's what it actually happens to be

its not even close to CSP line stabilization... maybe if you install lazy nezumi.

but in CSP you could actually draw on vector layers and further fine tune the lines.

also the paintbucket can be adjusted to ignor gaps between lines and similar.

CSP is fucking crazy in that regard.

also. pls rate drawing

You cut off the forehead for some reason but otherwise decent understanding of face anatomy.

Not nigger enough


Can someone tell me what supposed "profession" requires you to use programs like PS? How is such profession even Sup Forums-related? Posters like this post screenshots of Windows, Google, Steam, and other proprietary, anti-user, anti-privacy software and services - what compels such people to post on a technology board and think they're anything but consumerist tech illiterates? "Artists" and PS artisans are certainly not Sup Forums related, nor even are such endeavors a real job.


Not bait, I simply don't respect any of these PS artisans navigating GUIs for a supposed living, and especially not "artists" who rely entirely on digital to produce "art". They all disregard software freedom too, then shit up a technology board despite knowing nothing about actual technology.

are you frustrated?

post that alice terminal background

i don't have it, you need to ask sysadmin

the guy clearly wants something for OS X.

And I have to agree with him. I make my money writing software for RHEL systems. I literally have to know what goes on inside programs. It's still super shitty that he'd have to trawl through core dumps just to find why the program didn't work as expected.