Browse Sup Forums for a few days

>browse Sup Forums for a few days
>realise 99% posters on Sup Forums are below 100 IQ, tech illiterate, and have some form of social or mental disorder
>tfw for a minute I thought I found a good place on the web to discuss technology

Other urls found in this thread:

not this copypasta again...


This will never be an epic meme OP, stop trying to force it.

I dont even know my iQ :(

If you're part of the autism master race, you're guaranteed to have an above average IQ at minimal.

>tfw you're one of the only smart posters on Sup Forums

Sorry to disappoint you.

this picture makes absolutely no sense.
Intelligent people are more happy than dumb retard niggers. Apperently you are a dumb retard nigger then

t. brainlet


Get out while you can. I've been here for around a decade and its hard to leave even though I hate it, just because other sites are shitter.

look at the study you dumbfuck

>#MAGA hat frogposter
>claims to be over 100 IQ

>thinks in IQ levels
t. Brainlet-chan


Why do you think Sup Forums is so much against progressivism?

>for a minute I thought I found a good place on the web to discuss technology


This board is about watches and the latest Apple gadgets.

Sup Forums was decent before they started adding on a board for every little interest. now it's just a bunch of people arguing over semantics

reported because rassenschande

>ima newfag

please, the thread on Sup Forums for the 50 GET was about moot being hard now.
Sup Forums has always been crap.

Don't use Sup Forums. Reddit is better in that sense, you can discuss anything you want in a more mature way on pretty much any subreddit. You don't have to pay anything to anyone to protect your privacy while you post. On Sup Forums you have to pay (Sup Forums pass) to post behind a vpn, which to me doesn't make sense because you have to pay with a credit card so they already got your name or the name of someone related to you which is worse than posting using just your ip.
And even with a vpn and a pass you get all kind of messages that blocks your path from posting like "Banned for exit TOR node", not to mention the classics "This pass is being used on another IP, relogin, go back to the main page and come back". Incredible waste of time. These people are fucking crazy and the discussions are trollish at best.
Reddit is just superior in every aspect and if you value your privacy and want mature discussions you wouldn't even touch Sup Forums.

At least people back then didn't pretend to be idiots on purpose so they can get epic screencaps for their friends on other websites.

no they were genuine idiots and did it for the lulz

These are the people who come here now who take old images out of context and think you're supposed to be a complete idiot and post terrible shitposts on purpose while the real discussions happen on their website.

most threads here are ads or support threads from people that probably googled something and ended here.

>reading studies
he really is a brainlet