Sup Forums Political Views

What are your political inclinations?

I have worked for a few tech startups and in an IT department, and while it seems that most people are overwhelmingly blue-pilled liberals, I have met a few fellow conservatives, and some pretty far to the right, who keep it under wraps like myself.

I used to be an anarcho-capitalist but am more of a propertarian and libertarian nationalist now. I think that hierarchy is extremely important in order to maintain order and prosperity in all areas in a white society. I also think that ethnic homogeneity is very important to maintain a high-trust, cohesive, safe and monocultural society, and that the government should only protect and serve its own people, and be given enough power to maintain its sovereignty in economics and geo-politics.

Also I am anti-net-neutrality. When I used to visit here a lot more often, it was pretty disappointing how many mainstream liberals were among the posters, especially on net-neutrality.

Other urls found in this thread:


NatSoc here.

I just don't like progressives and socialists

This is specifically about political views within Sup Forums and IT in general, not for the discussion of politics. See picture (it's secondary)


Antifascist. I'm going to enjoy purging all of you bigots from the Internet soon. :)

>What are your political inclinations?

Civic Nationalist with minarchist leanings. Government should be small, and the services it provides should be exclusive to its citizenry.

shut the fuck up



i bet you watch styx

Nope. I'm not really into politics. Don't even know who that is. I research candidates before voting, and donate like 20 bucks per year to the EFF. That's where I begin and end, as I have no real power outside of that, and would rather spend time on things I can effect.

I'm relatively liberal on most shit but I'm also of the opinion that most liberals need to grow a thicker skin, stop being such special snowflakes and realize that their ideals are incredibly unrealistic. Like god damn how the fuck do other liberals expect to function in life if they can't hear an opposing viewpoint without devolving into autistic screeching. It pisses me off that my retarded flower children peers are unable to comprehend how their autism is only hurting their cause and discrediting everyone that agrees with them. I also support an extremely strong MiC and view the DoD as the greatest job creation and economic stimulus program in history.

I work as a low level software engineer, I am an actual nazi, or in other words I support the 25 point plan of the NSDAP and wish to see national socialism implemented in my country. I believe in secure boarders, a nationalized currency, a strong military, traditional values, social services like free healthcare, and property ownership for citizens, including guns. Unlike other national socialists I don't want to kill minorities or gas Jews. I'd like to see race mixing become illegal because it will benefit all races. I'd like to see each race have their own territory and mixed race people should join whichever group they share the most in common genetically with. My view on Jews is that they're evil nation wreckers that need to be deported to Israel and banned from ever holding office in this land ever again. Other countries have done it countless times before and they've only ever benefited from it. Think of national socialism as the best parts of what capitalism and communism are supposed to be with the added bonus of preserving your bloodline and culture.

These are my political views. Multiculturalism has failed and it's time for a new approach. Communists will march beside us or their corpses will be marched over.

Classic liberals are libertarians. Modern liberals are the new puritans.

>persecution complex 10/10

gross, bootlickers need the wall, now.

>making sure you follow the rules/guidelines

It is better to distinguish them by calling the old ones "paleo-conservatives" and the new ones "neo-conservatives"

Do you believe in having a eugenic program? Also, positive or negative eugenics, or both?

I think it is impossible not to cause dysgenic conditions and behaviour in a society with a welfare state that does not also have a eugenics program

I'm socially liberal and somewhat fiscally conservative, though I only think taxes should be a little lower and regulations should be pulled back a little. Otherwise I'm fairly nonpolitical, but I can't hang out with liberals at all. Most of my friends were, I assumed, moderate up until the election when most of them collectively went insane and started posting about how America is a racist shithole and white people just voted in Hitler, even though most of them are upper-class orange county asian yuppies whose parents or grandparents made it big in America back even when racism was actually more common.

The conservatives I know are okay but they're retarded libertarians who insist the freemarket, anti-protectionist meme is the best even though at least 2 of them lost their jobs to fucking pajeets before. Still, they're not spergs who lose their cool over the dumbest shit, so after the entire Trump thing they're the only ones I can hang out with without at least one of them freaking out over something Trump did lately.

I don't think that many nazis actually believe in the whole kill anyone who isn't 1488% white.

communalist here.

Guess we can't be friend OP but let's not derail this poor board any further with even more sectarian tendencies. Isn't distrowar and programming language war enough for letting off steam?

>Do you believe in having a eugenic program?
Yes, as long as it's opt in. I think the government should pay people large amounts of money to be sterilized if they have shitty genes.

Yeah I dislike self-proclaimed "libertarians" (basic bitches) as much as liberals. They hold up the NAP as this axiomatic philosophy and try to apply it to every realm of political philosophy, and they end up very boring, predictable, and shallow. I used to be like that, but I think that libertarianism only applies to economics, and other areas of politics require more nuanced views.

I am fairly well-spoken so I talk about some red-pillish stuff amongst IT colleagues, but I still have to be careful. A lot of people who are not as articulate end up making their colleagues very upset and they also lose friends.



no, but they are definately not on the same level as a white human

they're better than a useless eater at least

Many of them do but they're skinheads. I've talked at events with the American NSM (based in Detroit of all places) and we pretty much see eye to eye.

Do you mean like mutualism and libertarian socialism? Lol... fucking oxymoron

As much as I hate the term, I still respect Bookchin and would rather embrace it. Affiliating myself with something 'anarcho' after age of 25 is not healthy maymay and calling myself communist can be amount to corporal punishment here anyway.

Because communism and equality is inhuman. Humans are not equal and resources should not be distributed as such or else society will not function. See Pareto Principle

Lolbertarian, reporting.

More of a Rand guy, than a Gary Johnson guy, though. Still haven't found one I'd consider /ourguy/

>25 point plan of the NSDAP

No, fuck off.

Check out Hans-Hermann Hoppe and Curt Doolittle

Highly recommend Hoppe's magnum opus "Democracy: The God That Failed" and the following videos:

>it was pretty disappointing how many mainstream liberals were among the posters
True, shit like would be considered a troll.

>no john, you are the trolls

>wish to see national socialism implemented in my country

Thx senpai. I'll look it up

Here's a link to it:

Capitalism is the only thing that matters. Your color, culture, and values mean nothing so long as you can pay your bills.

Everyone should be free to do what they want so long as they're paying for themselves and aren't being leeches (lefties) nor encroaching on other's rights to be whatever they want to be (lefties and righties)

My nigga.
There are more of us than I thought

Communism has never been about equality and it never will rajeet. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" is the slogan created by Marx himself. Stop consuming convenient redpill youtube channel and go read source materials and do your own research.



What about social cohesion, levels of trust, things that rely upon more than trade? A society needs to be homogeneous and cohesive to prosper (low crime rates, etc), not just capitalists.

Besides, in a European meritocratic society it would only be white people anyway, because very few others fit the bill for it.


It's a necessary evil to stave off cultural Marxism, actual Marxism, and actual Nazism (which is just Marxism with a plot twist), all of which are objectively worse.

British fascist

That mantra assumes that no matter how much effort or value is produced, people receive the same. That is "equality" and is wrong.

People who produce more should get more. They earned it.

>image board posts are real! everything on the internet is true!
This didn't change my mind. Try harder.



>This retweet will show him haha :^)

>quoting Anonymous
Kill yourself

Did you really need anonoomoose to say that for you?
Also shit thread, I wonder what OP's intentions are hmmmm

Cry bitch

Not an argument

Going back to my first post, multiculturalism has failed. Allowing things to continue as they are now is unacceptable and I see no goo alternatives except national socialism. I believe it to be the most sane ideology to deal with the problems that we all face right now. Do you have a better way to fix things?

underage b& detected


I recognize you are the only one here wanting to reason. "Multiculturalism" is not the cause of terrorism, european countries promoting terrorism in the middle east is.

Research on who is funding the war on Syria.

>white nationalists are just right-wing SJWs!!
I bet you like Gavin McInnes go to r/the_donald

What's to stop them from making being a neet or hikikomori illegal along with other muh degeneracy appeal to fear and emotion.

>defending capitalism

"according to his ability", "according to his need". If you need something, you will get it. If you want to contribute something, you shall contribute it. Kind of surprising how this is considered as "equality" in a imageboard that always talk about "Sup Forumsnu Free software movement".

Playing against Real Madrid

Doesn't like being scored on BUT... will score on you

Doesn't like not winning BUT... will not let you win

(This is what your image looks like)

Short answer, nothing. Long answer, their idolized (((superior aryan culture))) is no so much, nazis not even represent aryan culture.

Middle Easterners would still have a high crime rate even if we didn't bomb their countries because their IQ falls into the sweet spot for IQ, and they're all extremely inbred, which causes aggression, even lower IQs and mental illness.

Also, their culture has a thousand-year history of conquest on Europe, they aren't changing. They can stay in their own countries.

And who determines what you need? Also, don't compare a voluntary license and freedom of information to communism. There is no commonality. Fucking idiot.

>still defending capitalism

ahh, babby

350 million people

So those are low %, people with likely have low IQ's

I'm a game programmer - used to work in embedded systems. I am a staunch American paleo-conservative, hardline libertarian and free market guy. I think the government should protect life, liberty, and property and little else. Other than that, it should protect our borders, and defend us in an attack. The political climate these days sickens me. Especially from the left and the authoritarian right.

Wow, and I thought nobody would believe stuff they read on the internet. Western countries have the long history of criminality and aggression to other cultures. Muslims do have a record on conquest over europe but not as bloody, not even scratching the crusades.

The low IQ allegation I wouldn't even touch it, it simply falls into the realm of pseudo-science, be careful. I understand you want explanations and want to "feel right about being nazi" but when you believe anything you can end up doing wrong things, like fears

>Research on who is funding the war on Syria.
I have. It's Jews.

I wouldn't have problem with it. Weebs can get deported to Japan and NEETs need to get a fucking job. Most of them could have high paying jobs as investigators where they get paid to use their weaponized autism.

Giving stuff to the homeless people is a temporary solution to a larger problem. Turning them into working, productive members of society should be the end goal. If I had my way I would be putting them all to work on the electrical, water, and gas grids and have them also repave the roads, build basic housing for other homeless or low income families, and install wind turbines and solar panels for clean energy. There's lots to be done.

I hope for the world population to be drastically reduced to that the survivors can live in small tribes with high standards of living.

Civilization was a mistake and it's only going to get worse.

My plan is to get enough money to buy a self sustaining bunker farm so that I can raise my children away from the terror that is civilization.

I am neither left nor right nor centrist. I have never met anyone with the same beliefs.

There aren't even any thinkers with the same beliefs.
>Unabomber: Hates technology too much, thinks some how that his shitty bombing campaign helped at all.
>Zehran: Massive left wing pussy.
>Vikernes: Muh white race, muh paganism.

Feels bad man.

>It's Jews
>like all the bad people are just jews
You are part of the problem. Simplifying everything because you are too dumb to understand.

Anarcho-Capitalism until moshiach comes then this

You can live off the grid in a nice place wit good people, but it requires a sovereign European nation to protect your area on the international stage.

We could have what you refer to in Europe and some other white nations, but you are being ignorant to what it really requires.

Where do you think you are, normalscum. Fuck off back to facebook with the rest of your normal friends.

That isn't an argument...

And $50 of the $75 value goes to operating the machines so the worker can keep working and expanding the business so more people can get $25 an hour to do menial work. Parts of the remaining $25 go to taxes (because it's profit), dividends to the shareholders who invested their money and faith in the company, and savings so the company can invest it to grow assets or keep cash on hand when purchases need to be made immediately.

If it were really so simple as realizing you produce more profit than you get then you should just go into business for yourself. Oh, but you won't. Oh, oh well then. The comic is fucking dumb

Reminder than the establishment needs nazis to start another war. The alt-right are his puppets and will send you to die in the battlefield even if you are white.

>voluntary license
Have you ever read any versions of GPL yourself? Why do you think people are releasing their source code under GPL not BSD?

>freedom of information
did I mention something about this?

>don't compare Marxism with software license that was strongly influenced by Marxism

Even some of /yourguys/ beg to differ:

>who determines if I should eat more than you do to the point of morbid obesity and heart failure?

Different versions of communists will have different answers for your problem. Some might send those to gulag, some might insist planned economy and some generous one might not deny your access to it but still don't let you accumulate those resources.

Current America doesn't have any answers against banks and corporates bailing out with tax payer's money either and you don't get to democratically 'vote' for CEO of those companies. What an irony right?

>being a manager/ceo/foreman has absolutely no purpose and produces no value
marxism/communism in a nutshell

What happens if you hand over an organisation to the workers, and they hire someone or select one of themselves better at managing it and focusing its efforts more than others? Then he perhaps gets paid more because the job is more time-consuming or requires more skills than other workers?

Fucking mongoloid

So much worse than no vacant homes and 100 million homeless under communism right?

That is all what capitalists can do. I am not even communist. Shut the fuck up and get out my board.

A few years back I was defending them, talking about how they aren't all bad. Maybe not but I can't take that chance when so many of them run the media, the financial systems, the government, Hollywood, and even computer hardware manufacturing. Their culture is deceptive and they only care about money to the point where they'll even fuck over their fellow Jews. See George Soros as a shining example. I'm now at a point where I can no longer deny the Jewish question. I would like to find a more peaceful solution than gassing them though.

no u

>Current America doesn't have any answers against banks and corporates bailing out with tax payer's money
The solution is a hard reset. Bring it all crashing down and start over again. It won't be fun but it'll be better than more inflation or a total crash. Sadly the US dollar is only worth the trust that people have in it. When dollars become worth less and less people will lose trust and they'll be worth as much as a square of toilet paper, and probably used for exactly that.