Intel to release 10nm products this year

>The 8th Gen family will even include some of our first 10nm products.

Is AMD finished?

Other urls found in this thread:

Zen2 is planned for next year, that is 7nm.

>planning something
Yeah expect at least 2 years delay.

>1.7% yielding peanuts-sized dies that can't even clock higher than current 14nm offerings
Fucking glorious.

user, this is current AMD we're talking about.
Their pace is absolutely stunning.
Like new product every fucking month.


Not happening. AMD always promises but never delivers.

Intel always delivers.

>release skylake again on 10nm just for labtobs

JUSTnich please use the dragon dildo.

If AMD was so wonderful, why did it take them 10 years to release something decent?

Dragon dildo my dude.
It'll get better.

You need to lose your virginity before posting here again.

Brian, just use the dildo.

Something to do with Intel bribing everyone not to buy their products

You seem to know a lot about dildos.

Well of course, anything to help Intel's CEO.

Show me an architecture that is not Athlon and Ryzen that is worth anyone's time.

You can't.

>please don't buy those amd chips our product will be out soon™, I swear

I hope you are not serious. Intel used its monopolistic position between 2001-2006 ,when AMD was its best, to force it out of market and denying billions of revenue. AMD couldn't catch up without enough R&D budget, combined with top-level mismanagement results were subpar. It's a miracle AMD is still around and kicking

Being the corrupted shitbags they are, to this they they are still trying wiggle out of it

>Show me an architecture
>that is not Athlon
>and Ryzen

Show me architecture that is Athlon or Ryzen?

I know all about Intel as a company with shitty monopolistic tendencies, but that still doesn't excuse AMD for being so faggy.

Athlon was literally over 12 years ago you idiot.

Ryzen came out a few months ago so calm your titties.

What was AMD doing for 12 years? Selling GPUs to gay Console makers?

Heh "faggy". AMD lacked the money to pour billions to their foundry business and having to spin off as GF to preserve its business is "faggy", because they had literally no means of competition. They kept the company alive that's what they did in those years, assemble a team for new design and wait GF to unshit itself by licensing 14nm Samsung and buying IBM's foundry business. You want to see faggy? Intel back at flinging shit at AMD now that their pants on fire, their yet another 14nm Cascade Lake is not competitive, they have to use "estimations" from fucking WCCFTECH, pathetic display.

>number of god
will we see at least 2x performance bump?

Intel's first 10nm parts are going to be small die low TDP SKU, just like Boradwell CoreM. They're a very long way off from having high TDP desktop parts ready.

The history of intel's 14nm process has been abysmal, and their 10nm process is proving just as problematic for them. They've been struggling with these two nodes for years.

Ironic considering 10nm Intel is 18 months late.


This node is nearly 2 years late to the table.
And even with those 2 years, the node is incapable of clocking anywhere near as high as their current 14nm node, Intel are losing their fab advantage, and rehashing the same old arch just isn't going to cut it for much longer.
Unless Intel can get this node up to scratch, and quickly, they're not going to be ready for when AMD hits with Zen2 next year on GloFlo's 7nm.

Hahaha, no.

Go away phone poster

-via MacBook Pro 

Ok, so they couldn't put their same node, same architecture +50% core cpus on the same platform, but they will put the die shrink ones on the same platform? Strange?

>Even intel predict the 10nm refresh to be worse than their current 14nm++ node


was post to be haswell refresh. haswell on a smaller process (14nm) with a few minor tweaks. but was delayed, severely. was instead quickly superseded by skylake a few months later.
was post to come out a hell a lot sooner. didn't meet the performance goals intel had slated for it years ago. was hit by poor scaling and voltage limitations. i've said this before, and i'll say it again, there is a reason why intel uses a voltage RANGE instead of a stock single voltage for their processors now.
>kaby lake
was post to be like what broadwell was post to be. built on 10nm. instead, it was another haswell, devils canyon style refresh on the same 14nm process as skylake. its 100% skylake clock for clock, but with higher clocks. essentially, it was WHAT SKYLAKE WAS POST TO BE.

>was post
Shouldn't you be busy waving a confederate flag around, Kledus?

shouldn't you be busy chopping off your dick and pretending you're a women? who will evidently commit seppuku when you finally realize that no matter how hard you try, how hard you wish, you will never be an actual women. just a husk of the real thing? your mutilated dick where you turned your urethra into a frankenstein ""vagina"" will never be the real deal. where you have to perform "maintenance" because your testicle skin which was shoved inside still will grow hair and you will accumulate hairballs inside of it. never be able to bare children. never will experience a period like a real women. always will have to take estrogen and progesterone pills because your body will never produce them naturally at the levels of a 100% real women. trying your hardest to suppress your naturally occurring testosterone. your bone structure, your facial features, all of it, will always leave scars of your true self. you're nothing but a fake imitation because of your inability to realize, biologically, you're a man.
every morning waking up, staring at yourself in the mirror, looking at your mulitated body. wishing so hard to be treated as a real women but knowing deep down inside, in the pit of your stomach, you know you're a fake. just like a child fantasy about being a space marine, knowing full well they never will be, and grow up knowing it was just a fantasy, you realize it was all just a cruel joke you played upon yourself.



Into the trash.

Yup. Always delivering 14nm and nothing else.

>slower than 14nm++++++++
>still shitty yields so it's obviously going to be mobile chips
wew, that really showed them

>10nm process is trash
>10nm+ process still slower than their current 14nm process
>requires even more refinement to surpass existing process

Meanwhile AMD will have a stellar 7nm node next year. GG intel.

Wew lad, touch a nerve there did I?

>it took intel ten years to get absolutely fucked therefore it HAS to take another ten years
keep tryin bryan

CPU is amazing.
RTG is trash.

>Intel trash 10nm vs AMD 7nm 5ghz+
Oy vey. Intel processors are battle tested.

ibm literally helped glofo to perfect 7nm giving the process a 5ghz base clock

>2 years delay

>Ryzen gave us shitposting tier marketing slides from Intel
What sort of new marketing low can we expect from Ryzen 2?

>Intel damage control

meme for a start.

We've yet to get numbers on how EPYC is raping Intel in the server market, EPYC based SuperMicro systems are available in the UK for purchase now.

Probably rambling about how their 10nm++++ is the true, superior 10nm and everyone else's is just a fake lie. Also more glue.

RTG delivered the best Quadro killer in ages.
They'll deliver your desired muh high fps numbers in gayms in a month or two.

the all new 6 pikorillion node

Does this imply that they will make new intel nucs aswell?