What addons do you guys now use on Firefox since 90% of them don't work anymore
What addons do you guys now use on Firefox since 90% of them don't work anymore
Other urls found in this thread:
Your own fault for going above stable
Adblocker Ultimate. famlam
>using Firefox
Maybe you shouldn't use Nightly if you're unable to find working version of your add-ons.
There's a webext version up on uBlock's github
>canvas defender
>ublock origin
>mute sites by default
>link cleaner
>google search link fix
What do you use Nightly for? Do you like telemetry and disabling telemetry?
>muh bleeding edge
I guess
why is no one talking about this?
we need to find alternatives quickly
i need your help Sup Forums
>As the collected data gathered shows an omnivorous click-stream, user tracking, targeting and surveillance become futile.
Doesn't that still mean that every single tracking network knows which sites you visited? Why is that a good thing?
>freedom of speech and ideals being silenced by a AI bot that scans every single frame
>not tech related
i thought you guys were anti skynet
>using social features on a video streaming site
Please like & share my comment. please.
Gas yourself.
To open with mpv a webpage, I use:
External Application Button (WebExtension) 0.1.7
What's the best webextension alternative to Greasemonkey. Tampermonkey? Violentmonkey?
Violentmonkey is open source
You probably also still use Windows XP
Aren't all Firefox extensions licensed under some open source license?
What stops you from just unzipping the .xpi file and looking at the code?
I thought so too but apparently not? Do they use obfuscated (non-free) JavaScript or is the addon technically still open source since the xpi can be unpacked but the license just doesn't allow people to modify or reuse the code?
>This repository contains the source of the Tampermonkey extension up to version 2.9. All newer versions are distributed under a proprietary license.
>i thought you guys were anti skynet
And why exactly are you using Youtube?
It's called vid.me, youtube-dl, etc.
I just checked. You can look at the javascript code no problem, but all variable names have been obfuscated.
They get flooded with unreliable information. PRISM for example is going to collect domains that you connected to but never actually visited. If some agent looked at a list of places you've been, they'd have to wade through an ocean of fake results.
Similarly, ad websites, aside from being refunded money from Google's pocket, would have a lot of junk data on fake clients.
>32 bit
>Windows past 7
>PRISM for example is going to collect domains that you connected to but never actually visited.
implying metadata doesn't include length of stay and they don't filter out unimportant shit like ad networks anyway
>lot of junk data on fake clients
From the perspective of an ad network you look just like a user without adblocker. They can still create a pretty good profile based on the websites you visit.
why even using nightly? what's the deal?
Jokes on you
>implying metadata doesn't include length of stay
Stop talking about shit you don't know about, Agent Norton. There is absolutely no way to know length of stay unless the page itself pings of streams information which 99% of pages do not.
>unimportant shit like ad networks anyway
Yeah, like the ad site domain is going to say AD in big bold letters or something that lets them know.
>From the perspective of an ad network you look just like a user without adblocker. They can still create a pretty good profile based on the websites you visit.
Google can because they actually see every ad they serve you. They can do this even WITH an adblocker because the ads still get served to you even if you ultimately end up hiding them with uBlock.
The ad sites paying Google for the ads will see you but they'll also see a bunch of other fake Ad Nauseum users too. A single ad site can only see the people IP of who clicks their ads and can't track you across the web the way that Google can.
In anycase, I know Google is scared of this new tactic since it undermines the confidence in their shitty ad-system. Not surprised their campaign to spread FUD has already begun.
The only important stuff that is not updated to >57 is Image Search Option and uBlock Origin even if there are working webext beta versions. Most of my stuff are userscripts and tampermonkey works even with firefox >57 so I'm totally fine
Chrome + Windows 10 is the master race, pleb
privacy badger
smart https
ublock origin
>90% of them don't work anymore
that's unmaintained indian crapware. nothing of value was lost
>i thought you guys were anti skynet
You thought wrong
>There is absolutely no way to know length of stay unless the page itself pings of streams information which 99% of pages do not.
At least Google Analytics does. They record length of visits, bounces etc.
>Yeah, like the ad site domain is going to say AD in big bold letters or something that lets them know.
Lists of ad domains aren't hard to come by. I doubt poeple at the NSA are too stupid to copy and paste EasyList or something into their tools.
>Google can because they actually see every ad they serve you. They can do this even WITH an adblocker because the ads still get served to you even if you ultimately end up hiding them with uBlock.
Looks like you don't actually know what uBlock does.
>can't track you across the web the way that Google can.
Google or any other big ad network.
>I know Google is scared of this new tactic since it undermines the confidence in their shitty ad-system
How do you KNOW that? I can't imagine it would be very hard for them to detect this kind of fuckery.
>not stopping updates in settings
One job user
I only use uBlock Origin. There's no need for anything else. It should actually come integrated into Firefox seeing how it's the best browser addon in general.
>not using waterfox
Nigga pls.
All of then are just Leftists shills trying to hide the truth.
>All of then are just Leftists shills trying to hide the truth.
It's funny though, I seem to remember lots of non-leftists defending Google and Microsofts sleazy practices. In particular, I remember supporters of President Trump,being in favor of the recent net neutrality bullshit, which would allow Comcast (owners of leftist MSNBC) to rape and censor you with the fury of a rabid homosexual. Hypocrisy is a vile, vile, thing, especially in the name of defending someone elses dollars instead of defending everyones freedom.
>since 90% of them don't work
That's because 90% of the addons are literal trash. Ublock is already ported to webextension format. Stuff like decentraleyes and greasemonkey are being ported and they have webextension alternatives you can get right now.
The only thing I'm missing is a (good) rss reader addon.
I'm on the last Nightly on which tree style tabs were still working for me (04.08 iirc).
Pretty comfy.
>HTTPS Everywhere
The only one I'm worried about not converting to webext is OpenWith.
there's a webext version of ublock origin you know...
I use Ublock Origin ans HTTPSeverywhere
Both of these still work fine on my version of Firefox which is whatever version is the newest. And if I'm being completely honest, I'd prefer Chrome. The only reason I refuse to use chrome is the lack of adblocker. Websites not are covered and infected with annoying pop ups and videos that auto-play. Even on mobile. Shit is just unexcusable
>not stopping updates in .mozconfig
Use Waterfox silly!
all you need:
Ublock origins (webext)
Stylus (stylish webext)
trusty about:config
>freedom of speech
It's not what you think it is
>being silenced by a AI bot that scans every single frame
You're not being silenced. The video is still up for everyone to watch.
But most of all. This is a thread about Firefox add-ons. What does your post have to do with it? Absolutely nothing.
>miss-spell your childish insult
>saying nigga
Jamal's opinion discarded.
>At least Google Analytics does
Any analytics scripts gets blocked by even the most normie blocklists. If you aren't blocking Google Analytics (which AN does), then clicking on a few ads is the least of your worries.
>Lists of ad domains aren't hard to come by.
>Ad domains
You mean Google Adsense domains? They just redirect you to the actual ad site, even IBM uses Google AdSense. GOOGLE can see you clicked their redirect but the NSA isn't going to be able to filter a legitimate website at the other end, retard.
>Google or any other big ad network
Google tracks you everytime you load a Google Maps or Yotuube emmbed somebody puts on their site. Use a resource blocker if you want to avoid this.
Ad Nauseam is about hurting confidence in Google's ad network, not hiding your IP.
>How do you KNOW that? I can't imagine it would be very hard for them to detect this kind of fuckery.
Also pic related
>0.005 Rupees have been deposited in your Punjab & Sind Bank Account.