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Technology #621
Salary: "competitive"
Would you buy a ThinkPad phone?
Can someone give me a quick rundown on >her?
With your current internet, how long would it take you to download a 400GB torrent with 15 seeders?
Modem thread
The is the future liberals want?
Windows 95
Be the biggest asshole developer you can think of
What Linux distro do you use ?
Identifying posters by their writing style
My cousin asked me to revive her decade old laptop
Sup Forums, why do the big companies only let us use their white theme?
*blocks your path*
/pcbg/ PC B G
Speccy thread, who else is using a mini itx case/ This is in a Thermaltake Core V1...
JewJizz on 18 core HCC i9's
This is a gear box. Do you have a gear box?
What does Sup Forums think of my heatsink? It cost 18pence/ 23cents
Why do macs overheat and throttle so much?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Give me a quick rundown on drivers and how they differ from NVidea and AMD Radeon
How strong will consumer-grade computing be in 2040? Predictions?
How the fuck do I activate a Jewgle account without using a number attached to me...
/tpg/ ThinkPad General
You know you're the spawn of Lucifer if
Adguard DNS
Let's face it:
You cannot dispute this
TL;DR: Is there a way to bypass FRP on a SM-G935T (Samsung S7 Edge from T-Mobile)
Why are you not using qutebrowser?
How do I get a girlfriend Sup Forums ?
This kills the racists
How do I become hacker
Did you know that Android Oreo's mascot is a woman?
What file manager does Sup Forums use?
Ive had it i am sick of the ads on mobile i am sick of the horrible desktop ui where i cant even make a comment easily...
How did female programmers go from being so influential and intelligent to the way they are now?
Let's have a Sup Forums - Tech confessions thread
What is this image and why do i keep getting it for captcha?
Will computers ever be smarter than humans? How do we stop them from killing all of us? Pic related
What's the single favorite piece of technology you own?
The god of all programming languages
Is there truly a reason for Firefox to run like hot garbage on macOS?
Just bought a Blazepad. Should I install Arch Linux or FreeBSD?
What is your backup solution Sup Forums?
Adblocking and AdNauseam thread
Windows is Free
Are newer thinkpads worth it?
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Mutiple Hard Drive Partitions To Encrypt
Welcome to new best music player
Are macs superior?
What service do you use for email? I need to switch
Portable CD Players
YouTube has been a laggy piece of shit since they made "upgrades"
Google Alternatives
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Lainchan fuckery
In this thread we discuss PCIE passthrough on a Linux host
This is YouTube in 2017
Intel thread
Which phone should i buy Sup Forums
Why do americucks spend 50% of their day driving?
Windows 10
New rules by Troid
Macbook pro 2018
Double the price
CPU bugs
Opens MacBook Pro box
Windows XP is still the best Operating System ever made
/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacement General
Be PHP coder
Is it time to break up Google?
Memebook Pixel
Is this still the recommended mp3 player?
Cat scratched my display
What's your current job, where do you live and how much do you make a year after taxes?
Got the letter today they're cutting my welfare payments...
When will they accept going 100% bezeless?
Android BTFO
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Why dont they just do this?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Has the internet gone insane?
What is the best search engine?
$40 cheap chair that has lasted me 7 years
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Too much violation of privacy, we're becoming the products even more each passing day, it's time to change that
Windows 7 - CIA BACKDOOR!
Can someone explain to me why this gets so much hatred when it solves so many problems at once?
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
*Fetch Thread
Youtube now has a comment history feature...
OpenSUSE Tumbleweed
Stop saying "C/C++"
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
You're not a programmer until you ______________
"the reason our CPU is so expensive and shitty is because it's open!!! it's open!!! it's open source hardware guyz it's...
Is it the future?
Open GNOME/Unity menu/app drawer
Do you run a website? Let's see it!
Flat or Skeuomorphism?
Need a new laptop for college soon (Software Development). What's a good laptop to get for around €300-450?
Is it time we break up Google?
This is the future that Republicans want
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~
Name a language with an uglier syntax than this piece of shit
Macbook or ipad
MS Word 2016
I wanna buy some retro stuff. Advice me any sites
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser
Be PHP coder
It will also be the first ever event to take place at the new Steve Jobs Theater near the new Apple headquarters
Will you buy it?
Did the Rustfags manage to convince everyone to rewrite everything into Rust?
Which aspect ratio is best? And I'm not talking about gayming...
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
I'm building a new framework and I need the most idiotic name for it possible
Hey Sup Forums why aren't you browsing Sup Forums on your thinkpad t430s?
This is the ideal keyboard layout for productivity
In what order will they die?
Anyone fallen for the Ubiquiti meme
Any tips for a C# beginner? I came from javascript background and now picking up C# because my work made me use Unity...
Be me
Is this kill?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
What's the best way to transport a Dell P1130 through public transport?
I have an almost 9 years old pc, with no chance of buying anything new
VLC vs MX Player
Vivaldi Browser
/dst/ - Daily Screenfetch Thread
Which is the best of this three?
Setting up a proxy for torrenting
Amd announces nvme RAID for Threadripper, no additional cost
You are nominated CEO of Intel and you first task is repair the damage that this fucker did to your company
Mail client
Why aren't you using CentOS, Sup Forums?
Wikileaks confirms Winblows has botner
Wikileaks exposes govt snooping
LG V30 - first impressions
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What's a good CPU + GPU combo for GPU passthrough?
/hpg/-more thd is better edition
Ada lovelace writes the first computer program
Lets talk about TeX for a second
Am I the only person on Sup Forums who actually likes Gnome3?
Temple OS
Is Ubuntu a meme? It's supposed to be the justwerkz of distros but I had nothing but fucking problems with it...
Wtf sony ?!
New Firefox is so comfy, you have to agree
Why haven't you picked up your T470 for college Sup Forums FeelsTooGoodMan
Have you ever soldered before? What did you do?
Best browser for privacy and security
MacBook is the ultimate Chad laptop, hands down
Repeat after me:
Someone just made a pull request to add a code of conduct to your project. What do you do?
Delete virtual machine data?
Is there a non-shit version of DuckDuckGo?
So a guy allegedly has CP on his drive that is encrypted, but wont give the password to the drive
US Politics is killing discussion on Sup Forums...
You have 15 seconds to explain why you are not using Windows 7 right now
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
My fucking computer stopped working, what the fuck
How can i get Morrowind to work on PowerPC mac powerbook G4 specifically
He uses multiple single line comments to write multiple line comments
I was reading yesterday the gv100 whitepaper
Sup Sup Forums im noob at programming at c/c++
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Any reason not to dual boot arch as my first linux distro?
Lightweight web browser
Steam security?
Why is ublock origin not working on youtube anymore?
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
Adnauseam bread
Hi, I'm Karlie Kloss, and today I'm going to show you how to make your own website with Wix
Does anyone else think Fedora-linux should rebrand at this point...
Why are some hardware display devices marketed as having HDR...
So I will have to boot into nux for a few classes this semester and I don't want to partition my laptop's tiny ssd any...
Which distro is the most comfy out of the box? I'm hearing a lot of good things about Solus
Why has so little changed about how programming is done on a fundamental level since B?
Why is whatsapp used when this exists...
Which programming language did you learn at high school?
Install brave
What the fuck were those retards at Amazon thinking? This is why we use Netflix
Why does no one make a native copy of Photoshop on Leenucks...
/spg/ - Smartphone General
What is the purpose of this key?
Should I fall for the RSS feed meme and start getting my content delivered directly to me rather than doing my daily...
Do you have a computer stored away/ in mint condition saved for future use?
He needs more than one monitor
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
AMD Loses $100+ on Every Vega
Double the price
Indoor grow houses are Sup Forums. My future indoor growroom will consist of this:
Sup Forums nostalgia
Hacker news vs slashdot
Cassette Decks are Technology:
Can anyone identify what he is holding?
TVs are technology
Gameover linux. What do now? switch to BSD?
What's his endgame?
Where's Terry?
How does one find a hacker that's not going to steal ones money
Prebuilt PCs suc-
PMP thread
I found 8 z400 workstations. What should I do with them...
Elementary OS
Why has tech succumbed to cultural marxism so hard...
/fag/ Friendly Apple General
What text only browser does Sup Forums use to browse Sup Forums?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
My eighbourhood is finally upgraded to fiber, and it's a pretty big deal...
FCC Official Letter on Chairman Pai
Trigger Sup Forums with one word
Custom Homepage Thread
Just learned about Linux and I'm going to install it
Stop hiring men
Twitch has been totally down for almost everybody for almost an hour. Page is blank...
What will happen to the Linux kernel after his death?
Rate Home Screen Thread
Password strength: weak
Old hardware thread?
Is there a music player that isn't a botnet or pure distilled autism (pic related)
What's the deal with this car?
Who else uses / works on /SAP/ software here?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Are sound cards a meme?
You hear that Sup Forums?
Rice r8ing
Who else is ready to make the switch when Firefox 57 hits?
Hate the new youtube theme? here try this
/wt/ - watch thread
Youtube new dark mode
I have to admit, I am pretty disappointed with VEGA, I was expecting alot more out of AMD...
KDE Plasma is by far the BEST Desktop Enviorment on Gnu/Linux
Privacy = Epic Privacy Browser, Brave
Bitching about the new youtube layout
Why don't we take him seriously again? The man just engineered a television
Join us now and share the software
Is 24 bit audio a meme?
Just got 400 Mpbs internet. What router should I get to take advantage of my speed?
RX Vega is a server card
Redpill me on this
Ok Sup Forums, I need to find a good music player/manager for Android...
/sec/: Cybersecurity General: I'm behind 7 demerges edition
/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General:
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What would you do?
Has Sup Forums ever made a successful project?
/psg/ - Programming Socks General
Planing to set up a cheap Kodi box for my uncle, is Orange PI PC a good choice
Rankine is better than Kelvin though
Shortened and abbreviated numbers becoming a trend
MacOS in combination with a macbook is perfection
Is it really as bad as Sup Forums says it to be?
Kali Linux
A while back I slammed my brakes on the highway, and it seemed like my brakes gave out...
"Don't be evil" - Google
How would you make this buggy heap of shit "better"?
I have very little knowledge on tech, but the whole goolag scare and privacy breaches are making me seek alternatives...
Is Firefox still much slower / less responsive than Chromium? I want to move away from Google...
Linux is faster
What's a good Thinkpad for school?
Speccy thread, I have multiply pcs edition. I have 5 how many do you have? Pic 1 / 5
What technology would he use Sup Forums?
Redox OS
There is a big inflation & housing problem in Silicon Valley. So is homeownership just another Jewish trick?
Tfw been making steady progress since I started practicing a month ago
Is there any reason to get a G-Sync or Freesync monitor if I already have one with a 144hz refresh rate...
Which API design makes more sense?
Ultrabook choosing
Net Neutrality Proven Titanically Stupid By Net Neutrality’s Proponents
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Utility Knife Blades
Hello Sup Forums
Programing Challenge Thread
So, now that Youtube UI looks "merry", why aren't you using MPS-Youtube?
Yfw you first discovered Incognito Mode
*vibration noise intensifies*
Better web browser?
As a common mad scientist invention, everyone knows about the shrink/growth raygun...
Well you fucking maggot want to join the fight against Goolag and the Behemot Alphabet inc...
Let's see what does g browse
Sup Forums loves IBM but hates Apple. How, then, does Sup Forums feel about Swift...
Everytime I startup my computer it goes to this screen and freezes. Why is it doing this?
What is the most alpha distro, Sup Forums?
Be whiny beta cuck
Ok, seems like ublock origin doesn't work anymore on Firefox. What webrowser I should migrate to...
What programming language should I learn if I want a job...
Since crypto miners bought all RX Vega i will have to buy a GTX 1070 like a good goy...
What's a good alternative to Gmail for people who aren't NEETs
Jailbroken vs. non-jailbroken iPhone
So is Ryzen actually future proofing with games requiring more cores or is it just meme since bulldozer?
Do you like the new layout?
Monitor thread: 1440 vs 2160
Why is everyone so mad at Apple about the iPhone not having a headphone jack?
Trying to learn programming
What is HTTPS and how can it help protect you? For example in privacy or security what does it do?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General - Cooking for Weebs Edition
It's 2017 and you're not running Nightly, what's your excuse?
/SQT/ - Short/Stupid Questions Thread
Orwell was right: Mozilla fans now want to censor articles that expose its bad decisions and flaws
Flash Vega 56 to 64
Qwant what do you think of it ?
10/10 websites
Ublock Origin
How does Sup Forums clean thermal paste off a CPU?
I need help. How come reCAPTCHA will not appear in my pale moon browser...
Do you guys buy your phone in store or online? Which one is the better choice?
Nootropics, brain enhancement, self improvement and biohacking general
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What version of Microsoft Office contains the least amount of botnet? How does 2013 compare to 2016...
Programming is fucking hard
Using a monitor
Hey Sup Forums , what is the best free program to create my own server and ditch google drive?
Need to get hired quick as fuck
New to Ubuntu
Portable Tv Help
Are e-readers going the way of PDA's?
Why does Sup Forums hate Python so much?
Firecucks will defend this
GPD Pocket General
These are just a way for us to improve googles autopilots, right?
Coding in bed
/HD600/ -- Sennheiser HD600 General
Sup Forums will never be this happy about a new computer
*Breath in*
Does anyone here own the MI Notebook Air? It looks amazing...
He's too poor to afford Apple's products
I've been using Arch Linux for a while now, and while I like it for the most part...
Firefox is killed
/ahkg/ - AutoHotKey General
Is it time to pull the trigger?
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Can we discuss how underappreciated edge is?
Install ubuntu
What do u think of the new firefox
Speccy thread
Communists and Anarchists are usually very skilled and knowledgeable in technology
Who in their right mind would become a game programmer or a game developer in general?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Why the fuck does this connector still exist in 2017?
How long did it take you to learn colemak?
Inkjet Printers
Some idiot made this. Can you fix it?
Best Buy employee here that got forced into the Apple Master position, ask me anything
Nu/g/: censorship is okay as long as it's against people I dislike
An undocumented Windows update was pushed by Microsoft last night
Talk me out of it Sup Forums. The only thing I care about is a big screen and aesthetics
April 11, 2017
How does this make you feel Sup Forums?
Internship regret thread
Someone recommended I use 2015 LTSB over 2016
Which language is most brainlet-friendly?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
AMD’s Epyc pummels Intel’s new Xeon-W workstation CPUs
Pick one
Opinions on eclipse Sup Forums?
Go to the store to get light bulbs
/vag/ - Vape General
Sup Forums, why don't we make our own ISP/telecom company?
I am thinking of upgrading from Android phone (Samsung S8) to IPhone. Should I upgrade now or wait for the iPhone 8?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How do I convince my ISP to go symmetrical?
So uh... people use this? Like.. really?
What is good linux lightweight linux distro for uefi based laptop?
/bg/ Browser General
Macbooks are overpriced
/fag/ - Friendly Apple General
State of Linux
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Best java IDE?
What file Explorer does Sup Forumsuse?
Is Audigy 2 Platinium still a revelant sound card?
Okay, so I've been here long enough to see that Sup Forums hates Linus Sebastian
That kid in your CS classes taking notes and programming on a gaming laptop
Hey Sup Forums i was thinking of getting ryzen for gaming but my friends tell me that ryzen 2 in 7nm will be coming out...
Sup Forums Humor Thread
Software Mascots & Lo/g/o's Draw Thread
Why isn't there any adblocking for mobile phones?
How much do you guys pay for mobile internet 4g?
The new Youtube layout
Quick. Minimize Steam and Discord. This is important...
Are you a green bubble?
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Why do cameras and people often blur the background and focus on the main object...
Tfw KDE will die once Ubuntu fully adopts gnome
Browswer extensions
Exploring different browsers, liking vivaldi. tell me why I shouldn't use it
Try to give mozilla meme forks an honest chance
About to go buy a new Macbook Pro 13 inch model...
What if isntead of making computers faster ecause mmores law ended they instead can put the computer in a smaller...
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Time for a Home screen rate Sup Forums
Vim or Emacs Sup Forums?
Making GUI application in Linux
Do you own a smartwatch, Sup Forums? are these things any useful to you or is this just a fad meme
Why is MS trying to turn Windows into a web browser?
How to git gud at programming besides learning a language or two?
Best FOSS alternative to Nova on F-Droid? Also general F-Droid app recommendation thread
(No) Politics in Sup Forums
Can someone help me hack an iCloud
Intel (((Management Engine)))
/rg/ - Rust General
Is this guy better than Ballmer?
Why do people recommend beginners to stay away from IDEs...
Speccy thread
Antivirus General
All chromiums are botnets
Is IRC social media?
After coming onto Sup Forums ive decided that i want to try oht linux BUT...
Win $1,000,000
Richard Stallman was 42 when he met his "childhood sweatheart"? What am I missing here?
Google changed youtube's interface again
Everything is turning into a subscription (music, photoshop, 1password, other apps)
/mbg/ MacBook General
What are some web browsers for Android?
What are you using now that uBlock is fucking broken on Firefux lads?
Cisco cert
Did I do well, Sup Forums?
Why is Firefox doing this?
What's your biggest personal project that you have written?
/dpt/ - Daily Pascal thread
Hey Sup Forums rate my RX Vega64 mod
What do you prefer for your virtualization needs? Hyper-V, Vbox, VMware?
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Which is the best and why?
X264 lead developer and turboweeb Jason shows how millions of dollars won't help you pass
Not ricing your 3ds
Post memes only tech nerds will understand
This is why Unity is the best destkop environment
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Buy dedicated server
Core 2 quad CPUs are still usable in 2017
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Ads are now uninstalling adblockers
What does Sup Forums think about purism?
Tech frogs
Need to reinstall os, should i go for windows 10 or stick to 7?
When did Sup Forums became literally Sup Forums? I can literally see shilling and counter shilling everywhere now...
UBlock get somehow outdated in firefox
Why is this so insanely low?
What does Sup Forums prefer? Sennheiser or Beyerdynmic?
GTX 1070 performance
Use Jabber!
Which distro is the Chad distro? Which one is the virgin distro?
Why does Sup Forums defend the command line so much?
What should I use?
Let's start one of these
Ntel® i5-3320M Processor (3M Cache, 2.60 GHz) Up to 3.30 GHz with Intel Turbo Boost Technology
Is google running out of fucking captchas, literally every other one, no matter which board
Have you ever donated to Wikipedia?
Heart rate during fapping
Why does Sup Forums care so much about their online privacy?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Ublock webext-hybrid???
Laptops will never ever be able to do this again
Now that the dust has settled, is Adnauseum a scam or not?
What gigahertz will we be at in 2027
How The CIA Made Google
Jammer for a single domain
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Can instant messengers be popular again?
If they invented FTL communication, what if you had transistors connected with FTL speed
Go to interview
Sup Forums will defend this
Is this thing really worth $800 ?
SciFi Computer Theory - Alternate Data Storage
How it feels to have a i7770k
The normie-appeasing techtard makes a video that actually is actually honest and insightful
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Holy shit. Someone did it. Terry got a drum set! Also, general Terry Davis / Temple OS thread
Alright fa/g/s, how do I go about making a VPN on Google Cloud for the sole purpose of 'Merican Netflix...
What does Sup Forums think of barnajerry?
Is LGR literally /ourguy/?
Cats are technology
What have you done, white boi?
Failing infrastructure is technology
What color, Sup Forums?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General : Weeb Cosplay Spoilers Edition
Show me you are not a newfag by showing what rare shit you are hoarding
Orion IRC Client
What color temperature does Sup Forums recommend for f.lux/redshift?
What Windows/macOS apps do you really want to see brought to Linux?
/sec/: Cybersecurity General: WokFi Edition:
Don't really like the idea of cryptocurrencies that much
Laptops keep dying on me
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Anyone else prefer BSD > Linux?
Why is it so good?
Is Machine Learning/Deep Learning the ultimate career path?
Things linux users will never understand
Hi Sup Forums
Superclocked GTX 1060 3GB or Standard EVGA GTX 1060 6GB? Can't decide which one to buy (3GB is cheaper by $20)
Windows 10 is bl-
Tech pet peeves ITT
What is the point of iOS?
Whats the most aesthetic Linux distro?
Let's hear those startup ideas, Sup Forums
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Repairing your own computers at the circuit board level; soldering new chips, capacitors, etc
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Tfw gradecuck
ITT: God Tier books
Could The Daily Stormer get taken off the Deep Web?
What is a good VPN that is not based on (((Sweden))) or (((United States))) ?
Why doesn't Sup Forums use Adblock Plus?
Ex applefag here
What are the alternatives to Google?
Tfw can't touch-type
Google is in you
Since Qwant, Finx, DuckDuckGo, Ecosia and Startpage are botnet, what option do we have regarding search engine?
/tpg/ - heatsink mod/gore edition
How does someone manage to spend $140,000 on an 8K cinema camera and still have their footage look like this?
Does anyone else just feel like Amazon prime 2 day shipping is too slow?
AMD RX VEGA 56 - sabotaged launch
Macfag buys T420
What's the best non-systemd out of the box distro that is still easy for babby?
What do you listen to when programming?
Elm Lang
His laptop is more than 3 years old
Reddit is better than Sup Forums
Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~
Would you willingly replace undamaged and healthy parts of your body with robotic substitutes if the benefits seemed...
So Is Ace Player literally just VLC+? Is there even a reason to use VLC when this exists?
Wtf why is there no kumiko thread up????!!!!
Admin deleted our anime thread
Ctrl f no *fetch thread
/wt/ watch thread
/gg/ - Google general
Sup Forums defend the ban
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Ad Vault Thread
Windows just works
Home screen general /hsg/
What VPN are you using and why
Firefox OS failed
Shitposting devices
Haha u fkn poorfag...
Google attacks Japan!!!!
Console hate thread
How do I remove this?
I can get a new MacBookAir 2015 for 800€. I'd use it for work doing some office drone task (I can use MS office rit3...
GNU Moon
Have you disabled Intel ME from your computer?
Nobody at work says bless you
Mfw i fell for the dual boot meme
Move from ISP DNS to Google DNS because ISPs selling data
Python is not the best programming language
Waterfox vs Pale Moon
/csg/ Chink Shit General
He thinks TOR, Dynamic IPs, and all the proxies in the world can keep his information safe from the FBI
/pcbg/ PC Building General: Best girl edition
Is win10 more/less user friendly than win8.1?
My teachers claim you don't need to know anything about networking and you don't need books to pass everything...
OpenDNS blocking Dailystormer
Hey Sup Forums
Clock boy transitioned
Where can I find the essential firefox about:config pasta?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
What do you do? How fucked are you?
Mods, delete these threads. Thank you!
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General
Redbull me on Katie. Is she really a girl?
Unprecedented: OpenDNS/Cisco Umbrella censoring new DS domain. 2% of global DNS. 65m people
RX Vega 56 Real Price is $499 - $399 is a Launch Price
What's the best choice for a private GIT server?
How long til technology can turn me into a cute anime girl????
So Sup Forums, what exactly are you going to do to the casinos with pic related to make them hate you?
Nootropics, brain enhancement, self improvement and biohacking general
Sup Forumsuts thread - shit image quality edition
Share Pajeet WTFs you encountered here. Pic unrelated
How come Debian is so popular on Sup Forums all of of sudden...
What are my chances to pursue an IT career?
He has a point you know
How to into embedded systems programming?
RX Vega 56 sold out
What is the comfiest way to compute from bed?
Not cleaning your mechanical keyboard regularly
Musk's Neuralink
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Ctrl f no *fetch thread
Has there ever been a better color theme?
So, the wiki is telling me to use KCP but looks like its last release was like 3 years ago
Why haven't you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour and switched to Temple OS?
Mfw certain combinations of 1's and 0's are illegal
Which one win?
Trains are technology
Where to buy music?
Is it good?
Don't mind me, just browsing with adblock on
Since firefox has gone to shit recently, what browser should i use?
Just got AirPods
What linux distribution are you using?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Haven't pirated a game in a while
Will quantum computing reach desktops?
What's your excuse?
Are you ready to fix the internet? yes? Then start using Firefox
Tfw fell for 16 gigabyte random Access memory meme
Western Digital to buy Toshiba memory
What has to change so the linux can capture significant share on desktops?
What's your mi?
Why did tablets fail to replace laptops?
Tor Community Selectively Deactivating Nodes for Daily Stormer, in an ironic act of censorship
ITT: Old programs and software you remember using as a kid
*sips herbal tea*
New to Ubuntu
RX Vega 56
Who provides the best Antivirus and Antimalware software for pc? I am getting mixed reports
EDC thread
Where the FUCK is a good music player for android that is free - open source - and plays flac?
Are you ready for this to come to america?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
So yeah guys im sick of being harrassed online by virgin boys when im gaming
/dpt/ -Daily Programming Thread
In Japan right now, let's discuss Japanese railway technology
Ok Sup Forums, Vega was a bit of a disappointment
buying laptop that 100% compatible with arch linux (used thinkpad)
Move to new apartment w/ family
What is the technology/IT equivalent of "spitting in your food"??
When are normalfags going to get tired of shitting up the internet?
It's almost here. Will you get it?
What VPN is the best VPN
What did Google mean by this?
You are NOT a true techie if
What are your thoughts on Rust?
Why haven't you switched to Mac OS yet?
Rust vs. go
Defend this, Cloverfags
Pale Meme blocks AdNauseam because clicking ads and not buying stuff causes 'direct damage'
Why didn't anybody tell me that programming would be HARD! All my things just crash or loop! I've seen those words...
Donde puedo piratear el tf2
Parents gave me this old acer aspire one laptop. I don't know anything about technology...
I have $50 dollars to purchase one programming (text)book
Should I sell my 980Ti SLI Hybrids and get a single 1080Ti?
Something about this just doesn't feel right. Am I the only one?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Best Android music player?
Why is Windows Shit?
Hey Sup Forums
Ugly PC cases
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General - Anime edition
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Thinkpad issues thread
Guide to Removing Google from your Life
I have got a s7 edge with a cracked screen...
ITT: How to know if someone is a pajeet/koder/otherwise incapable programmer
When Windows 7 is end of life, what will you guys do? You can't keep using, you will have to upgrade to Windows 10
Why is GNU/Linux support for refresh rates over 60hz so bad? Compositors don't work, browsers don't work...
Everything's a file bro!
/gg/ - Google general
What frameworks are memes and what frameworks are useful...
Speccy thread
Best Windows 10 version?
Slackware discussion thread. Who's on it, who's thinking of moving. Advantages/disadvantages?
Did I linux right? (new guy since yesterday)
This is how Firefox is fighting (((Fake News)))
If you switched from Windows to Linux post the reasons in this thread
Charge your phone
Linux email client
When did you realize linus was a paid shill
In what order will they fall?
Found a 2G iPhone with 1.0 firmware, what do
Retro thread
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What are some Sup Forums approved youtube channels?
Opera 12.15 (Presto) Leaked Source Code Discussion
/TPG/ - ThinkPad General
Smartphone fingerprint
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/nrg/ - Nyaa replacement general ~ How do we save Pantsu? Edition
Laptop Challenge
Screenfetch/neofetch thread go
ITT: Sup Forums in 1996
What happens if I don't activate Windows 10 and keep using it indefinitely? Other than that annoying text saying
Run Windows
Do you collect magnets from hard drives?
What's the best lightweight linux distro?
How can we stop poor people from posting here?
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
Which DE should I use
Got-tier tech yotubers?
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser
So is this legit or just a meme?
/pcbg/ PC Building General
Youtube will almost certainly be one of the most difficult parts of Google to defeat...
A free, open communication platform
What is everyone Favorite Anti-Virus and Why?
Tor Operators have banded together to choke Daily Stormer traffic to Kb speed
Hey, Windows haters. Here's a simple challenge for you. If Windows is spying on its users at all times like you claim...
What the best language to code a self learning AI in?
I'm a visual artist who lurks Sup Forums
Why are there no good music players for Linux?
If you buy Apple products in any other color than Silver or Gold you are fucking retarded
I have -4months to get over 24.4WPM
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
The current state of Linux gaymen
Tfw too intelligent to solve captcha
Why net neutrality is impossible in these days?
Node.js forked over alleged CoC violations
What do you fa/g/s do for backup?
Apple Planned Obsolescence
The English language has no words to distinguish 'free speech' from 'free beer.'
Konqi on the front page!
Retro Thinkpad leaks
How do you sync your music, Sup Forums?
How long, do you think, till operating systems will become an art form?
IOS is better than Android
Custom Homepage Thread
D-Did I do good, Sup Forums?
13 or 15 inch?
GPD Pocket General
Which countries should I block for my server?
Non-IP networks
/pcbg/ PC Building General - Skylake-X Edition
Why aren't you using Windows 2000, user?
App thread
Why is it so hard to find a programming job, Sup Forums?
Youtube Censorship
GitHub profile sharing
What addons do you guys now use on Firefox since 90% of them don't work anymore
Is the dark web worth shit if you're not a pedophile?
Redpill me on Void. Why should I use it instead of Arch?
Full-time job as software engineer
if (result == 0) {return false}
I have reason to believe there's a conspiracy between Sup Forums and Google...
Nootropics, brain enhancement and biohacking general
Why isn't there some GNU version of fucking google translate??? I don't want jewgle tracking me
Microsoft Windows lifetime
Can I use OpenBSD as an ultra-secure host for virtual machines?
Not making your code as cryptic as possible so it can't be used if it's leaked
Automatic weapons were pointing at his head
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...