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New rms appreciation thread.

The free software community would be better if it weren't led by Stallman and the shitty GNU operating system.



fat parrot-fucker kike.


>the current state of Sup Forums

The hero free software needs.









I am gonna steal your folk song,
deal with it, Bulgaria, deal with it.




rms, if you're reading this, you're the hero of the software world, any monkey can code, and to an extent make technical progress, you on the other hand brought together a community, only visionaries do that.
Kudos for a worthy life, and an achievement not many on here apparently can appreciate.

God damn i hate this fat fuck why can't he be supermodel tier? Then it'd convert some users...what say you fast food eating lard-asses?



I love how cheerful he looks in this pic

Join the conversation.

so much for fucking freedom

wtf is that to the right of rms?


is fake, the shirt is not red

Yall niggas need freedom.

is that someone famous?

It's the guy who made Linux.

just sent a SCATHING email to some shitty electronics company demanding sources to their kernel images


see Sup Forumsyps are the biggest posters on this board


stop trying to meme polyp, it sounds retarded

when's the last time this man even programmed something?

last night, programmed ur mom to squirt, then pushed it to a public repo, i laughed