Do you have a computer stored away/ in mint condition saved for future use?
Do you have a computer stored away/ in mint condition saved for future use?
No because I don't waste my money like an idiot.
They're not mint condition, but I keep my old computers to save them as a file archive and to preserve old technology that might be vintage/retro one day.
Does a media Pc count?
I was like thinking, having a PC fresh with windows XP or some other OS you'd fancy to use fresh out the box when/ if your computer gives in, or something!
No. but I have a backup laptop and save a lot of my work and school stuff in Dropbox for easy syncing.
>future use
they spoil pretty quickly.
I'm actually considering doing this, because I'm almost afraid of not using Windows 7 in the future (because Windows 10 doesn't look and feel as good). Are these feelings stupid?
I'm too technologically ignorant to properly assess whether an OS as kick-ass (my opinion) will come in the future (and if it will, perhaps buying a computer with Windows 7 now for future use won't be necessary). Sorry for long post.
Windows 7 is supported until January 2020, you can have it for a while yet.
By supported, you mean being given security updates.
I haven't actually updated my current computer which I've had since 2011, for years. I think I'm smart enough to not run into malware etc, so I actually don't worry that much about that (I understand many people think this is idiotic, but if I don't damage my computer, I think I'm fine.)
(I was thinking for a second you meant that Windows 7 wouldn't function until after 2020, hah - sounds a bit like something Microsoft would consider actually).
wouldn't function after*
People will design programs that will detect your OS and straight up tell you they don't want to install.
Drivers no longer work for anything and you cannot get any of the working ones from anywhere.
That's how they get you
t. Win 98
Switch to linux and find alternatives before you are absolutely forced.
XFCE is a good one for aero speed and it's half as big a memory footprint.
Nice youtube channel there. Great bloke who tells things as they are
I've heard about Linux, but since I can't program (which I believe you have to be able to do, no?) I don't think I could use it.
(Is the future really this grim for Windows 7)
Sup Forums is full of idiots that can't do shit besides ricing up their desktops. You can have zero clue how to program to use linux.
>but since I can't program (which I believe you have to be able to do, no?)
Couldn't program to save my life. But it just gets free updates that actually improve stuff so I stick with.
Plus the advanced filesystems mean I haven't lost a file to corruption of any sort in two years.
>(Is the future really this grim for Windows 7)
It's already on the way. Prebuilds/ new laptops are being forced down people's throats with win 10 that will cause market share to bump and once microsoft drops their support, it's only a matter of 7's market share (and subsequently amount of users to bring your software to) that will keep up to date software and drivers running straight on it.
I keep 7 in a VM and relegate it to very specific tasks that I can carry out for extended periods of time without ever needing to be reset or reinstalled.
I just want my comfy Windows 7 to watch anime on, browse the net with, write documents, read pdf's/cbr's and listen to music.
I don't want to lose the Windows 7 experience :
If it is in mint condition then how will you know it is not defective without testing it, like with memtest?
I trust my retailer, and the PC producers quality control. I've never gone wrong with that trust.
just use windows 10 jeez
get the enterprise ltsb, bloat is gone, and is actually much faster than win7
or do whatever, just don't be too scared of windows 10, it's mostly just a meme
I have used Windows 10 (my mother basically installed by mistake - needless to say I found it to be a downgrade in looks and not improving functionality/ speed. I became sort of disillusioned after that, hence me wanting to hold on to Win 7 which I trust and am VERY comfortable with. It also looks way better than Windows 10).
In my opinion (that probably is a s good as anyone's) Windows 10 is uglier and not better than Win 7. I am sticking with Windows 7 and I'm probably buying this computer (Original Pic is a Fujitsu Celsius W550).
I have 2x3tb and 5x500gb of external hard drives sitting on a shelf collecting dust. I liquidate my DDR3 hardware and need to get a new job before I refurnish my apartment. I want at least 4x4tb NAS, a gigabit SoC for entertainment, and possibly a Ryzen workstation for Monte Carlo simulations and coding. I hope the Digital Dust doesn't degrade my 10+ years of porn hoarding before then.
Anyone save them in faraday cages?
I have my "old" workstation from work stored in my basement, wanted to use it to host game servers for when I play with friends on the weekend but I never got to setting it up.
>buying a computer just to have it waste away in a closet
What's the point of that exactly? By the time you need to use it, it will be obsolete... I'd understand if you want to keep it in perfect cosmetic condition, but the plastics on a PC case don't really get any wear from normal use...
yes, right next to my stockpile of fresh milk.
Yeah, I have this sexy beast from 2006 stored in my basement.
Looks nice. What OS is it running?
If I was rich as fuck I probably would just in case something happened to my PC and I didn't feel like waiting a whole day - 2 days to wait for parts to fix it but as an average joe I can't see myself doing something like that.
Windows XP Media Center Edition & Lubuntu.
I have this iMac 2007 stored as my backup it just werks and I could install ubuntu on it too.
Holy shit. I knew people there were people who did this.