Have you disabled Intel ME from your computer?


Have you disabled Israel ME from your computer? If not, now is the time.

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Never bought one to begin with...

>intel hardware

No way Jose.

I'm bumping this because it actually pertains to technology, as well as being a good read.

Do core duo (regular not 2 duo) cpus have intel me?


>Starting from Nehalem the Intel ME firmware can't be removed anymore: without a valid firmware the PC shuts off forcefully after 30 minutes. This project is an attempt to remove as much code as possible from such firmware without falling into the 30 minutes recovery mode.

Fucking lol.

You do know AMD has something similar? The difference is that it was introduced later, and they vaguely mentioned open-sourcing it once, and for some reason now nobody cares and nowhere nearly as much research went into it as into IME.


REMOVE AMT remove amt
you are worst intel. you are the intel idiot you are the intel smell. return to israel. to our amd cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,intel we will never forgeve you. jew rascal FUck but fuck asshole intel stink israel sqhipere shqipare..intel genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead intel..ahahahahahINTEL WE WILL GET YOU!!



>he thinks it's actually disabled

Libreboot or go home.


How is Libreboot going to help you when the botnet is integrated right into the processor as its own chip independent from everything else?

Brian, stop.

Because you can disable the chip, permanently.

And also because every new Intel and AMD processor has this new cancer and I don't think they expose any e-fuse to scuttle it.


>Because you can disable the chip, permanently.
Quoting >>he thinks it's actually disabled

Better hacking it myself than trusting Intel's "disable" checkbox :^).

I dunno, on my Thinkpad t440 there is a bios option to disable it I tried it said disabling it is a permanent decision, when you disable it will not come back even with bios reset.

Because the co-processor requires a payload to function, and this payload is fed to it by the BIOS. Replacing the BIOS with one that doesn't feed it this payload means it doesn't function.

Except then you can't boot at all on hardware later than Ivy Bridge (?) because the Boot Guard requires signed firmware.

No and neither do core 2 afaik (before nehalem), as they need vPro.

Right, that's why you shouldn't use i-series hardware unless you like being part of the botnet.


>I didn't read Ops link

>B-B-Brian please stop. We don't need to mention AMD's implementation which is far worse.

i already don't have it, and it's not like this disables it anyway, use coreboot.

Is coreboot available for new hardware now?

>as they need vPro.
What about the CoreiX mobile CPUs that uses vPro?

AMDs secure platform has been hacked so badly once nobody even thinks about it anymore
It's literally just a ARM processor that acts as a watchdog

What intel series are not botnet , newfag is interested

>It's literally just a ARM processor that acts as a watchdog
Can this be disabled?

pic, I have one like it and have not seen it.

Nope, just fud written by amd zealots

What architecture is safe?

im not hiding from govt or big money hackers so its not a pressing concern...we need FOSS hardware companies to gain popularity if you want a real solution

Core 2 duo or -quad, I can't remember which.

Hardware rootkits cannot be disabled.

Core 2 Duo and earlier. Anything made within the last five years is rooted out of the box, this includes AMD and ARM.

For anyone interested, here's an in depth talk that gets to the heart of it regarding Intel ME specifically: youtube.com/watch?v=rcwngbUrZNg

>Still using C2Q for as my main work's machine
Feels good man

Moves and gestures like a man imitating a woman.
Facial structure and body build definitely fits male patterns.
Good at computers.
I'm guessing a trap or Swyer-syndrome at best??

Yes this is well known. His first paper was written and presented at a security conference under his birth name, before trans. Also his """partner""" is a lesbian.

>govt or big money hackers
There are tools to access people's computer over the ME in the wild obviously at this point.

Not sure, the information is on point though that's all I care about.

are FPGAs and microprocessors at risk too :O

The problem from my understanding is firmware

So is anyone going to try this? I would surely brick my laptop.

If you really think about it, there's probably similar firmware that exists through partnerships with most modern consumer routers and modem manufacturers or they chipsets they use in them. Which would give whoever has access to it the capability to walk in and out of any network they choose and right past any OS installed on the devices running on that network, completely undetectable.

The only reason I dont filter you, is because your stupidity is so god damn entertaining. Please keep posting.


really makes ya thunk.

what did he mean by this

X200 with libreboot is the way to go

You beat me to write that

Probably bait, but whatver:

coreboot doesn't remove the ME. It's just a BIOS/UEFI replacement and aside from the recent me_cleaner integration, doesn't touch the ME section of the firmware image (which according to you wouldn't disable it anyway, but that's wrong). On top of that, for modern intel chipsets, it's totally reliant on FSP, which is just another black box.

This pretty much. Even if someone successfully runs a custom/modified firmware they flashed, no one knows what the ROM on the chip does yet, at least not publicly. Whatever is there could be even worse than ME and no one would know.

So ARM based laptop = holy grail?

>not supporting the state of Israel
It's like you literally support ISIS

Hey, anyone remember that user that posted here saying he had found a way to disable ime?

So, is this just marketing fluff or have these guys successfully disabled ME?


holy grail of shit software and no games?

Arm has their own version of it, so does AMD with PSP

>he doesn't have his own microlithography electron wafer etching and condensation tools

What ME cleaner does is read the UEFI BIOS partitions and remove several ME partitions, while leaving the ME bootloader so the computer doesn't reboot due to ME failure. If you have a programming clip for the flash chips used as modern UEFI this is no big deal, you just make a backup and use the clip to reflash the original UEFI if it doesn't work.


They turned on the NSA mode, that disables the backdoors on the chip.

the only solution is to build a computer out of microcontrollers

Wait, you mean I can just wipe the chip's memory using SPI, and it disables it?

It's more complex than that, but not that much.
You need to keep some shit running because the ME actually performs some essential tasks like actually booting the system etc..
Also it has a mode designed specifically for the NSA computers that disable everything but the essential.

Is this possible to turn on this mode on any chip or it has to be baked in during manuf?

Apparently its not even in the chip itself, but on a flash memory on the mobo.

>b-b-but Botnet x is worse than botnet y

You need to kill yourself

I can't wait for me-cleaner and other groups to completely neuter this thing and then use the functionality to run an OS agnostic mini firewall on it. Would be glorious.

desu I'd rather move the entirety of my network-related functions and shady operations to a Rpi that is actually open, running on neighbors wifi, connecting to a VPN via Tor, circling back through Tor to another neighbor's hacked router, and back through Tor to the internet.

They can hack into my Intel powered computer that I use to post pictures of my cat on Facebook, I don't care.

You probably can avoid 90% of the ME nastiness by using an external network thing.
Specially an older, not so standard thing.

t. brainlets who don't know how proprietary software works

should we tell him

No. I have respect for Jews.

How much does the CIA use ME to steal prototype information and schematics of future inventions?


I'm getting sleepy. Anyone else getting sleepy? Should probably head to bed.

He's right.

Pack it up guys, this is all just a big nothing-burger.
let's go to sleep

>special ME disable mode made for the NSA
As if Sup Forums needed any more convincing.


so the best non botnet cpus are the fx series
if you need intel c2d and atom
what about the xeons, threadripper and epyc?

*yawn* Oh man, I know it's early so I won't go to sleep, but maybe a nice little nap would do a whole lotta good. *yawn* Just gonna get in my comfy bed and take a little nap. This thread can wait.

I'm pretty sure the FX series already had the AMD version of this. Threadripper does.

Epyc probably will, but maybe if they disable it since it's server grade, it would be pretty killer.

fx doesnt, it was the last one not to. the apus from the same gen do have psp however. i cant actually find any proof of threadripper having psp. i know ryzen does but even amd wouldn't confirm it for me when i asked them. if epyc doesnt have it and becomes available stand alone i might just get one...

Surprised that the FX didn't have PSP. Is there an article on when they started PSP integration? Might stock up on a few cpus.

And I don't see why Threadripper wouldn't have it, considering it's still part of the Ryzen line and it would have more of a reason to have DRM enforcement/restrictions/etc.

>Have you disabled Israel ME from your computer?
My dual Xeon system doesn't have Israel ME.

The GPU on raspberry pis runs a closed source operating system


Epyc confirmed for botnet. Stick with your Opterons.

The TCG is the enemy. If you care about freedom join the war against the TCG.

PSP is in Kabini, Kaveri and later. It might not be functional in all of them, sometimes it was annoucned earlier and only marketed in a alter successor. And the ME/AMT-like functions are only active in Pro versions.

Anybody wants to buy A10-6800K (last and best APU without)? I'm still waiting for these to become valueable due to swarms of tinfoils wanting them.

what a beautiful day