Best Windows 10 version?

Best Windows 10 version?

LTSB? Pro? Enterprise?

Gonna build a new PC and want the least shitty version.

Other urls found in this thread:

LTSB all the way.

Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB

Why 2015?


Windows 7

>Windows 10
>Best anything

install gentoo

We know

There are some faggots that claim that MS is trying to embed telemetry into critical applications such as explorer.exe.

>I know shit tastes like shit, smells like shit, and is shit but I continue to eat it
Why do you do this? Windows 7 is fine if you need to remain with the Windows ecosystem, but Linux is and has been a perfectly suitable replacement for Windows for years now if you aren't running anything to absolutely need that is proprietary to Windows.

People who use and actively defend Windows 10 are like beaten housewives who have developed such severe Stockholm syndrome that they refuse to even acknowledge their own bruises.

I do all sensitive computing on an iPad, it's boney but less so than Windows.

I'm gonna be using Kaby Lake and want DX12

>I'm gonna be using Kaby Lake
Someone's already released a patch for Kaby Lake

>want DX12
You don't and you won't need it. There's still no DX12 exclusive games other than the dog shit M$ pumps out on the Windows Store like Halo Wars 2 or some shit. Vulkan is a superior API to DX12 in everyway and DX11 is still fine to this day.

There is no reason to use Windows 10.

Just build a hackintosh, and get MacOS Sierra

Microshaft is gonna kill DX12 with their exclusivity bullshit anyways


Should I switch from Pro to LTSB; and if I do will there be any speed/battery life benefits?

I use W10 and let me tell you, DX12 is completely irrelevant and meaningless, no one gives a shit about it including Microsoft

Switch? Yes
Speed? Probably
Battery benefits? I dont think so

Can someone post that infographic or guide for windows 7 I want to install it now, ignore gaming and program 24/7, please help I don't want to switch to Linux I much prefer visual studio, office and other software that I've been using on windows for years.
