Has there ever been a better color theme?

Has there ever been a better color theme?

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That looks like the kind of color theme an autistic child would choose

Kind of looks like it was made for kids

JewBrains Darkula is breddy gud.

That looks juvenile

yah i miss my college student key to use

>getInstace is a static method
is this how the way to do oop?

Vim elflord

Depends if you work a lot in the dark or not. GitHub theme is breddy comfy

what type of software is that?

Dark themes are for unemployed edgelords

I'm an autistic child juvenile and I like it.

Gimme gimme gimme gimme

looks like fruit loops code

Gets old pretty fast desu. I like One Dark better.

gimme gimme gimme that fruit loops theme

they both do

Go go go back where you came from

For me, its singly coloured

I just w-w-wanted a crayola th-theme

VSCode default


Nice. What theme is that?


>what is a Singleton
stick to chinese cartoons

I'm a Gruvbox fan -- both dark and light themes.

>every word colored differently
How to spot someone who doesn't really program.

base16, it's more like a bunch of scripts for linux iirc. I have been using base16's eighties dark for a long time now


I can't use monokai at home anymore because it reminds me of work. Same with darcula.

I don't know if better, but I got tired of Monokai and started using Dark One, the one good thing that came out of the Atom text editor.

I'm using it in Neovim with a small bitmap font and it works out great.

t. person who doesn't understand syntax highlighting
kek pls go

I must be an autistic child because I like it.

base16 google

At what age did you grow out of kiddie crayon mode?


When I started using ed

thats not base16 dark ocean

what text editor is that?


That's not zenburn

this actually looks nice. Going to give it a try.

muh readability though


rainbow-blocks-mode is really useful in some (((languages)))
I write in tcl mostly and the amount of nested parentheses, brackets, and braces can be mind numbing. I prefer context highlighting over syntax highlighting.


stop watching laracasts

thankfully it's ported to every editor