Did I linux right? (new guy since yesterday)

did I linux right? (new guy since yesterday)


what is that wallpaper from?

i think vice city? I download it from /wg/




Shoulda gone for Antergos. It's the fastest I've ever seen gnome run on my computer.

This must be the new desktop thread


horrendous wallpaper, timmy
get some taste, seriously

all yall love unnecessary status bars and such clutter.

now a snapshot
so edgy

install dash to panel and we'll talk

OP is running GNOME, but you know you can run Debian without systemd?

>no anime
fuck off back to plebbit normie.

Looks comfy, even though I dislike GNOME. Welcome to Linux. I hope you won't have trouble adjusting to a new operating system.

could you enlighten me briefly on what systemd is and why it's bad?

Why a random picture of someone's dining room for wallpaper?

it's the newer, more efficient init that Sup Forums hates because muh freedoms.

I like to cycle through interior shots with wal, it's comfy.

Gnome always looks really comfy. I've considered switching out openbox for gnome.

isn't it obvious?


Clearly pajeet wishes for his own dining table.

well freedom is really important. I'd allmost as importan as life

wake me up when owoposters ruin the thread

>not windows
try again kiddo

not disagreeing. but sometimes Sup Forums is way too far up stallman's deluded ass

>he didn't slay pedestrians with a mighty katana on the streets of Vice City as a kid
>he didn't mod animes into the game
Wasted youth...

Yes absolutely, most stuff downstream from Debian is good too, I like Mint myself.

>inb4 lol its downstream from Ubuntu LTS
I know and so does everyone else! stop leaving me in the bathtub for hours mum! the water gets cold you monster

nice, good job


Nonsensical post since RMS hasn't said anything negative about systemd.

It's a buggy piece of shit that's full of bugs and breaks on me all the time. Sometimes, instead of fixing his own bugs, Pottering tries to implement cludges in the kernel instead. One time, he broke the POSIX-spec on every system that used Systemd because his faggot shit didn't like usernames starting with numbers. Still don't know if he got around to fixing that.

Also, it doesn't play nice with other inits, good luck making your daemon compatible with both systemd and openrc/sys-v.

People like Systemd because it's incredibly easy to use, but it's bloat and cancer and poorly thought-out. Unlike Pulseaudio, which at least enabled new things with it's unified audio channels, Systemd brings nothing to the table and even 'ease' OpenRC does without the Sysd's problems.

I don't hate everything Pottery does. Pulseaudio is easy to remove for those that find it gets in the way. Flatpak is the best sandboxed phone-app-style implementation I've seen (although I hope they don't plan it as a replacement to current atomized package managers). Pottering, weather you hate him or not, consistently makes good stuff, with the exception of Systemd is not one of them.

is this the new desktop thread

>unnecessary status bars
At minima I need to know where windows are and what time it is

kumiko sucks and shes straight

You actually did pretty good, OP

We all had to start somewhere.



>but you know you can run Debian without systemd?
install devuan