What does Sup Forums think of my heatsink? It cost 18pence/ 23cents

What does Sup Forums think of my heatsink? It cost 18pence/ 23cents.

What are your temps with/without it?

once it topples, it'll destroy your raspi

with: 39.8
without: 39.9 (aka тeмпepaтypa cтpacти, тeмпepaтypa кипeния)

I have only just installed it. It's currently showing:

/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp

I will update after the heatsink has cooled the cpu a little bit.

Did you sand of the coinage?
I had a heatsink like this before, sanded every part blank with 600 grit sandpaper

increase heatsink surface area and apply thermal paste

also, buy some cheap thermal paste put it between each layer

you forgot the bus controller
depending on your usecase it might even get hotter than the cpu

Dude, apply some fucking thermal paste or some similar heat conducting material between the coins and the chip in order to use the full potential of the coins' heat dissipating capabilities


>copper-plated steel

/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp

This pi is running a full monerod + other workloads. the load average is often quite high. It's never running less then 10% CPU of four cores.

do you have any thermal paste?
if not then an oily substance will make for an okay jury-rig

Why do you use those british coins?

I have some europoor coins too, should I use them?

he's probably from bongistan user


Those aren't coppers, just a steel core. It's not an improvement versus aluminium coins (steel heat conductivity is way less than aluminium)

I had my pi on old aluminium Peseta coins for a while

It looks pretty inefficient. It has a raised lip around the edge and raised areas on the surface that will trap warm air in more than anything.

Please take an introductory physics course. Such a class is likely available for free on the internet.

Euro cents are thinner than pence iirc, but I'm no Britbong so I'm not sure. You want high surface and small volume. Also use thermal paste, or just something in between them

1 get some steel wire for dish
form a tree or mushroom
stick it on cpu with thermal paste
pros: now surface is up to 1000x
con: will collect dust


the upgraded version is working great.

Nice job cooling the RAM.

r8 mine

couldn't finish the job?

For all we know that fucking cream filling could be thermal paste so I'd say you're golden.

I think your a bit fucking optimistic with that exchange rate to be honest famalamadingdong.

I am pretty sure that's Intel TIM

Use some 1 Euro coins.
Get some thermal adhesive (or mix 50:50 epoxy and thermal paste) and some PRE 1992 10p coins. (new coins are steel core)

Alternate 10p 1euro 10p, etc
Bond the 10p coins to euro with the paste but only in the centre of the euro coin.

delid this

>delid this

Testing the euro

The euro is hot and is rocking

how hot was it without it?

just buy a heat sink - it's cheaper

Testing multiple euros

Over 50C, with the penny heat sink it was 37-38, testing the euro stack now.

Yeah the euro stack isn't going to work how I thought.
I'm aus and had somehow remembered Eurocoins as the inverse of what they are (high copper in the centre, higher nickle on outside)

The euro stack is dropping the temp

Post moar ghettups

The € 1, 2 and 5 cent are made of iron/steel
and only coated with copper. Not sure how good this works.

just spend those coins to put a little VRM heatsink on it

just reading the current temp from /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp was too easy, so you wrote a shell script for it?


Here in Canada at least, iirc pre-'67 pennies are all copper and not copper-plated zinc. Gud for heatsinks.

I'm pretty sure that's actually worse.

If you're going to stack them then the first thing you should do is sand down the coins so that they're super smooth. Also, thermal paste is just meant to create better contact but too much of it is worse than too little.

Really though you should figure out another arrangement that allows airflow instead of just a big block of thermal mass. Try pulling some copper wire out of the walls or get a hold of a copper coat hanger. Wrap that shit up into a loose ball and weld it onto the surface of a smoothed out penny.

>тeмпepaтypa cтpacти, тeмпepaтypa кипeния

The heat keeps melting the super glue.


it would be about 12% more efficient if you interwined the small coins and big coins.


dilute this

Toп кeк

Short circuit inbound. Prepare to shell 35$ for a new pi, thanks to your stupidity.

That's like a value of Twp actual heatsinks there

> Buy a raspberry because "le media center"
> No netflix
> The spotify addon is shit
> The youtube addon is shit
> The twitch addon doesn't work
> The only thing that works are pirated movies in low quality
Should have bought a fucking roku
At least I can play nintendo games i guess

If only there was some sort of substance to make objects adhere to other objects

Cum doesn't work. I've tried.

Nice thread OP

...it's a fucking computer, user, not a black box. Open browser, navigate to Netflix.

God save the Queen

Being this retarded