This is how Firefox is fighting (((Fake News)))

welcome to Sup Forums 2 month ago


>last update: 2010
I want Sup Forumsjeets out. Out to their designated shitposting board. Nobody needs or wants your poosts.


>(((le scary jew parentheses)))
(((Wow))) (((so))) (((funny))) (((and))) (((original))) (((famiglia))) (((please))) (((we (((need))) (((more))) (((of))) (((your))) (((insightful))) (((contributions)))

>wanting a rich powerful man pulling the strings behind your "free" browser the way he pulls the strings behind elections

Free as in freedom right

(((no))) (((u)))

>said the neckebeard while polishing his Trump dildo
Please, tell me more about how licking the asshole of the most powerful man on the world makes you smart, contrarian and edgy.

Where do you find these hilarious reaction images of triggered trannies?

good goy


>opposing the scheming jew means supporting the dickish loudmouth
if that's what it takes so be it.

Josuke has more (((balls))) than you (((ever))) will(((.)))
Please don't call me Jew it hurts my feelings user I'm so sad right now. ;-;
I didn't realize the Trump Defense Force was here. Please spare me. I don't want no trouble.

>newfag doesn't know what goy means
>obvious leftist

he's a good goy.

>Sup Forums hated Trump before election
>Trump wins and the only guy with enough power to defeat him is Soros
>Sup Forums hates soros

I don't know about you retarded Westerners,
but when Soros makes even the most conflicting nations in Eastern Europe agree on him being a piece of trash, the kinds of countries that would usually rather cut their balls off than agree to mutually find agreement on something,
then you have a fucking problem.

>calling him Jew didn't work
>I-I'll call him newfag and leftie!
Y u so mean¿ T-T

>not knowing what goy means

Soros is a fucking kike.


I don't see any difference with trump

lmao, you just confirmed his suspicions. gg no re

>Josuke has more (((balls))) than you (((ever))) will(((.)))
>my imaginary friends, the post

Why are you okay with giving up freedom to some rich old guy named Soros?
>muh imaginary friend could kick ur ass!
nevermind, room temperature iq

This triggers me.

>deporting trespassers and lawbreakers is the same as having secret police execute political enemies
really boiled my tea

Are there legitimately triggered jews itt?

>shills still pushing this fake news

A really vocal minority of Sup Forums is pajeets or hyper vocal tranny-tumblrnas which depend on these warped politics so they don't lose their day jobs of rewritting comments to make them less problematic

It means "I'm a fucking Sup Forumsjeet poosting on your board."
(╯° □°) ╯︵ ┻━┻
>said the Sup Forumsjeet, as he worked on a new variation of a frog from a furry webcomic to express his ideas. He's so edgy and unique!

wow... so it's real. RIP Firefox.

>t. triggered leftist
are you getting paid for this retardation

why are you still responding

It's fun to watch someone call everyone who disagrees with him Sup Forums. It's a special kind of cancerous mindset.

>ignores point being made
>tries to involve trump (?)
>tries to insult
>probably thinks he was victorious in his Vicious Rebuttal against a bigot

have a good day lmfao

im sorry for what youre going through

Are you(((?)))

What's his endgame?

Point? If there was a point in here I'd be interested in responding. Sadly, it's nothing but (((Jew tumblrina leftie commie tranny sjw cuck nonwhite)))
This thread doesn't even belong here. Sup Forums is the place to discuss petty conspiracy theories, not Sup Forums.

its a clear indication of successful indoctrination and support in the dehumanization of those with opposing views of any variety

watch closely, friend.
the true face of western bigotry is revealing itself to you.

desu, the thread is about a tech company siding with a globalist jew to tackle fake news, you are the one derailing it with your ever losing lefty politics.

not a single one of those was mentioned

again, im sorry. for the hatred and bigotry that youve chosen to base your opinions on.

>Missing closing parenthesis at end of file

Point the exact post where I derailed with "leftie politics". You can't because I never did.
The only retards shilling for their politics in every single fucking board are the Sup Forumsjeets.
>muh tech company
Just because it's a tech company doesn't mean it belongs here. Should we also discuss what do the people at Google eat for breakfast?
This is a thread to discuss politics, not technology; therefore it doesn't belong here.

Your analogies are so poor.
>comparing massive investments in technology that might harm our digital freedoms, thus appropriate Sup Forums content, to a breakfast.

You aren't in the least bit interested in discussing the matter, you just want to police the board like the rest of you retarded SJWs. Every single one of your posts is like Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums. What a weird obsession.

>You aren't in the least bit interested in discussing the matter
Because it is Sup Forumsitics, not technolo/g/y. And if you were actually interested in the matter and wouldn't just post your fake-news. You would look into this and realize it is bullshit.

>t. SJW

What would J.R. Dobbs do?

he's right, though, user

Do some more research.