Which distro is the most comfy out of the box? I'm hearing a lot of good things about Solus

Which distro is the most comfy out of the box? I'm hearing a lot of good things about Solus.

probably ubuntu or mint

Manjaro with Gnome

red star

>red star
Kim Jong Comfy

Define comfy you meme spouting fucking retard.

For "normal" looking desktops OS though, solus budgie is good. Gnome is hideous so fuck everyone posting it.

Solus or Ubuntu mate.

You don't "define" comfy mate, everyone has their own definition. I'm wondering what people consider comfy out of the box.

If you think any distro can be comfy out of the box, you're not computing properly.

>t. autistic rage

Second this, Ubuntu mate is comfy.

hey kevin
lurk more

Okay, what steps do you take to make your distros comfy then?

Just get a Mac dude.

>This is what Sup Forums actually believe

>This is what faggots actually post

Nah, I don't like the mac look, actually I don't like anything about mac.

Fuck off Kevin

>I don't like anything about mac
lol you've probably either never used one, or don't do anything technical on your computer.

>locked software
>proprietary hardware

Yeah so much to love about macs, what can I do on a mac that I can't do on a more powerful desktop running any of the 9million Linux distros? Please tell me.

Out the box?
For the average end user?
Definitely Solus.

I would say all _modern_ distros are good looking by default which is not bad thing

Not him but I actually bought a MacBook to give it a shot. There was absolutely nothing I liked about it. Ended up giving it to my sister, buying a new laptop and installing Linux on it.

>proprietray hardware
fucking lol dude, basically all consumer hardware is proprietary

>what can I do on a mac that I can't do on a more powerful desktop running any of the 9million Linux distros

Test/configure/write/run server-side or headless linux software natively using the command line just like you would in linux while still having a seamless OS experience, integration with your other consumer devices and services (iPhones, iPads, other macs, apple watch) via icloud, the ability to natively run Adobe software and other software not available on Linux.

For example, I can copy text on iMac and paste it on my iPhone or Macbook Pro without having to configure anything, other than singing into icloud when I setup the device. Try doing that on linux.

And believe me, I use fedora 25 at work and, its far from a seamless experience and lacks any type of multi-device integration anywhere close to that level.

The fact that you see no benefits to using macOS strongly suggests that you are NEET af. In reality, you probably dont need the features provided by Apple's ecosystem because you are too NEET to use them

>all consumer hardware is proprietary

Alright I didn't need to go further than this, you're fucking retarded. Can I take an Gigabyte GPU and put it in my mac? How about throw some corsair RAM in there? What? I can't? I can only use APPLE BRAND APPLE HARDWARE? Fuck.

you don't know what proprietary means.

Anyways, I actually am running 8GB of corsair RAM in my 2012 macbook pro that im typing this on right now so you are wrong about that one two.

Way to strawman the fuck out of my post.

You didn't even address any of the other valid points I made.

why are you trying to hard to convince him?

Stop listening to Kevin.
I don't know what your criteria for comfy are, but I like openSUSE

Oh how very relevant!

Im bored and still feelin them stims lol

Who is Kevin and what the fuck is wrong with you people?

still works great and sells for $600 on craigslist
You get what you pay for


Nice try Kevin, nobody is installing solus

You're moving the goalposts my man and I'm not even the guy you were replying to, it's fairly heavily implied that the discussion was about macs that are currently on the market.

Older MacBooks are great, my m8 has a 2012 one too which he still uses, but you can't deny the newer ones are trash. Have you tried typing on the new MacBooks? Keyboards so shallow haptic feedback would have been a nice feature.

You are a very strange person.

>And believe me, I use fedora 25 at work and, its far from a seamless experience and lacks any type of multi-device integration anywhere close to that level.
I'll agree with the device integration, but tell me how Fedora isn't seamless (whatever that means in this context). I've used Sierra and every Fedora since 21, I much prefered the latter.


a thread died for this shit

Solus is good. I thought it was OK during its first week of official release. Now Budgie looks beautiful.

>moving the goalposts

yes and no, sure he was talking about new macbooks, but not all macbooks are new. I think the old MacBooks are still perfectly viable machines that still are worth buying and will still be getting software updates for at least 3 more years and they are still macbooks so saying all macbooks don't have interchangeable parts is bogus.

>newer macbooks are trash
I disagree, I dont mind shallow keystrokes (I actually kind of like it), the keys are bigger which is nice, and the backlight doesn't bleed.

Also that giant touchpad with force touch is DANK.
Im totally gonna buy one next year when the used ones drop in price.

It's mostly issues with the window managers I've used.
Started with Gnome but the font rendering is fucked up so 'h's look like 'n' randomly which would fuck me up big time when I'd be reading documentation.

Then I switched to i3 which fixed the font rendering but now I have to run a shell script I wrote to setup my screens every time reboot and chrome shudders when I scroll.

macOS has none of these problems and I never have to waste my time fucking around with my window manager to smooth things out.

>I disagree, I dont mind shallow keystrokes (I actually kind of like it)
Ok, then I like plastic cases and TN panels.
Just because you somehow convinced yourself to enjoy typing on a touchscreen doesn't mean it's good.

What? The rendering looks way better than macOS, post proof.
And why the fuck did you change WM to fix this?

I personally strongly dislike the shallow keystrokes but, especially not that shallow. Wouldn't want to go any more shallow than my 2170p.

It's not just the keyboard though, the parts inside are, for the most part, soldered or glued in place.
New MacBooks just aren't as serviceable aa the older ones and to me that matters.

I agree on the touchpad though even if I do find it's size strange to look at.

>why the fuck did you change WM to fix this

Because when at work I need to be getting work done, not fucking around with my WM. It was faster to dnf install i3 boot reboot and use my coworker's i3 config then it was to track down this obscure font rendering problem in Gnome. Also Gnome was running kind of slow on thel NUC I used at work so I wanted to use something more lightweight. Two birds with one stone.

I cant post proof, Im not at work rn

>I cant post proof
Classic Mactoddler

I have. It werks, mostly.

>it's faster to change your entire WM than to install infinality
No lol.
Also this is what stock fedora (except a gnome theme) font rendering looks like to me.

ZorinOS Core/Lite

Looking at your bookmarks using icon only makes me wonder why I don't do that..

It's one of those things that when you do, you never go back.

Like I said, I needed a lighter WM anyways so it made it worth it.

But I will keep infinality in mind if I ever run into that problem again

Don't bother with infininality, I don't use it and my font rendering always looked like that without it. Something is wrong with your machine. Can't it be just that you're comparing a high DPI mac screen to a PC running fedora with a 1366x768 screen?

Inb4 chinese botnet

>Can't it be just that you're comparing a high DPI mac screen to a PC running fedora with a 1366x768 screen
Not likely, that box has two 1080p screens hooked up to it where are higher DPI than my old macbook's screen. Also the 'h's would only look like 'n's some of the time. Sometimes scrolling would fix it temporarily.
It was a weird bug. Spent at least 45 minutes trying to fix it before I just gave up

>Mactoddler can't fix simple bugs, installs a whole new WM to fix n's
You can't make this shit up.


also, when you write software for a living, accurately decerning 'h's from 'n's is very import for writing code that works and avoiding unnecessary debugging

Stay NEET friend, it keeps my salary high

>macs are technical

you must be NEET.

native unix makes macs great for developing software for servers and linux as well as configuration management of remote infrastructure, which are quite technical activities.

You know what else is great for that? Linux.



Solus doesn't have software in its repo

nobody cares

elementary. Trust me, I'm a habitual distrohopper and I've tried everything

linux was a mistake

>pick patrician distro
>ruin it with gayest DE

Yes they do.

depends on the distro, depends on what bothers you, depends on how likely you are to get distracted by tweaking the OS isntead of doing work. i'm mostly happy with how Fedora with GNOME works, there are only a few minor tweaks that differ from a fresh install that make it perfectly usable for me.


Ubuntu LTS is very polished.

I'm glad Fedora is gaining traction, it's the best OS I've used.

Gnome3 is comfy as fuck, kill yourself.

It's not that used, not very rated and in the last 30 days to 3 months it had 0 traction.

Arch is the most comfy distro out of the box, because it doesn't come with lots of random crap installed and configured. You get to pick and choose and have everything exactly how you want it.



This. I'd say Antergos is the comfiest arch can get.


Fedora needs to change its name

If you are looking for a comfy distro out of the box, you are missing the whole idea of GNU/Linux and are probably too pleb to use it anyway. Go back to your win$hit, learn some stuff about GNU/Linux and then come back when you are ready to use some real distros like debian, fedora, bunsen or gentoo


t. permavirgin
Anyone can use linux in 2017, it isn't your super secret club for special little boys, fuck off.

Unless your planning on sitting on your computer you should buy a cushion.

If by "comfy out of the box" you mean newbie friendly, then anything Ubuntu based will do. If you can follow instructions install Arch, you won't be disappointed.

Your autism is raging, calm down sir.


Legit question, you did say there was nothing you liked about it so it might be the reason, but why didn't you just install a linux distro on the MacBook?

comfy doesn't mean user friendly, it means fun to use. +1 for arch

Not OP but from past experience Linux on a Macbook isn't the best thing. It runs hot and battery life is virtually non-existent. It also requires a patched kernel to get suspend working and even then it doesn't always work properly. You also need to install a reverse engineered out-of-tree kernel module to get the webcam working if you care about that sort of thing. Oh and because of Nvidia being Nvidia they broke the mobile graphics driver so that the screen backlight is always stuck on whatever percentage it was last set to and cannot be adjusted (note that the open source drivers work fine).

TLDR; Linux on a Macbook is doable but a nightmare. You're better off with a Laptop that has first class support from the upstream Linux kernel.

I just realised in all of this I didn't even mention Broadcom, let's just say their proprietor pixie dust t that they call a wireless driver is hit and miss (you also need an ethernet adaptor to install it because how else are you going to do that without wifi?).

fedora 26 cinnamon has a nice winter theme and ahips with arc darker as default. i hate the default icons though, paper is the best any day



Comfiest out of the box would probably be antergos GNOME or maybe Ubuntu.
Also go away Kevin.

This meme again...

+1 antergos gnome, soooo comfy

>i need things to be far more difficult than they have to be so i'll have an excuse to waste my time not socializing or making any sort of progress in life
home linux users in a nutshell
top fuckin kek at this distilled autism. computers are supposed to work FOR YOU and not the other way around. kys

people have their individual reasons for using linux. Not everybody is using it as a fun project for tinkering around with. There's no universal reason to use it just specific advantages

It's not my fault every DE looks like shit out of the box.

newsflash for you: most of the distros have a minimal/bootstrap option. Arch just does bootstrap installation by default. Try debian mini.iso with the boot option install-recommends=false

at least you actually posted a fedora. an unfortunate name all in all. fuck trilbies man.
