Do I have to buy new ram?

Might as well upgrade CPU while you're at it.

No, ram typically has a life time warranty.
Just RMA it

I have no money and certainly not the $300 to buy an i7. If I download TOR is there an onion that will take me to cheap electronics or something idk

I don't have the box. I don't remember where I bought it from. Who am I supposed to return it to?

In the mean time you can remove the faulty module and use your computer normally.

You know Ryzen exists, right?

It's worth noting that "lifetime" in "lifetime warranty" is the lifetime of the product and not the buyer.

How do I know which one is faulty?

If you don't want to go through the hassle of RMA then go ahead and eventually buy new RAM. Follow advice while saving up.

it could be a wrong RAM configuration, too tight timings etc.

Get an FX-8350 or 70. They use the same socket and are dirt cheap now that Ryzens are out. Less than 150 yurobucks here in slavland.

Trial and error. Try one installed at a time.

Try Memtest86+ v. 5.01
Then decide if you need RAM.

You know I said that I couldn't afford the i7 right? Besides I use this computer to play games from 2002 it's not like I'm bitcoin mining or playing GTA

Pretty sure I saw them selling for $79 on Amazon today.

You usually RMA to the manufacturer, just read the serial number on the ram stick to figure out who made it, I had to RMA an 8GB stick with crucial and they didn't even ask for the box or the receipt, just asked to send it back, contact the company and see if they can do anything, it's worth calling them and asking.

Safe to use my hands? I don't have those static glove things. What do I set the ram on when it's outside the case to prevent damage?

Either that or look in your mobo manual. There might be a mention of the order the DIMMs are addressed and then just guess the correct module by the faulty addresses.


Yes you can use your hands. Just be sure to touch a radiator or your computer case beforehand in order to become grounded.
Pull the power plug on your computer and hit the power button several times to drain all of the electricity out of the components.
If you dont have any antistatic bags for the RAM, just wrap it into a piece of paper.

Thanks everyone

>being poor