/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


Copying my chromium profile from my backup location(which i was running it on while i was restoring data) no longer works.It presents this error message.I checked for any lock files in the profile, and there are none.However if i point via command line to my backup profile, it works as expected.How do i restore my profile? There are no zombie or background chromium processes.

Failed to create a ProcessSinzgleton for your profile directory. This means that running multiple instances would start multiple browser processes rather than opening a new window in the existing process. Aborting now to avoid profile corruption.

second for DragonFlyBSD

Oi guys. I need to use Excel and Word for Uni but I don't have Windows. I haven't done anything nasty or illegal for years so I'm out of the loop, where do I get a Windows XP image to setup a VM through QEMU?

/fgt/ — Friendly GNU Thread

use Windows XP POS - microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=11196
works the same as XP, supported till 2019
use one of these keys: KGRMV-TWG8H-43Y2K-7PJBC-PM4CB

ffs, why does Gnome always have to be such a fucking bitch.
typeing xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap works perfectly.
But I've been trying to get it to apply on startup.

Turns out Gnome doesn't run ~/.xinitrc
Tried making a desktop file under ~/.config/autostart/ didn't work either.
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap
Comment=Apply keymaps

What am I doing wrong here?


>What am I doing wrong here?
You still breath

what's your point?

Put this in .xinitrc
if [ -s ~/.Xmodmap ]; then
xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap
if [ -s ~/.Xresources ]; then
xmodmap ~/.Xresources

DEs don't run xinit.

Just use xprofile.

If your gnu\linux is so good, how come there is less than 1% of all steam users that are using it?

Friendly thread.

MS pays devs to use their closed formats > games only work properly on windows > people stick to windows to play games
wooooow that was haaaard

>mom? I posted it again!

Don't they give you a dream spark subscription or something so you can get a win7 iso?

Average gamer IQ is

the "no game" argument is fallacy: at one moment, eight of the ten most played steam games were supporting linux.

made me kek

dumb spammer

What are your must-have security/anonymity related programs?

What's the best terminal emulator?


Learn iptables, tor, firejail.


urxvt, termite, st

how would you save the stream your watchin on mpv
im using livestreamer btw

"hyper" is the new meme terminal

y u no ytdl

twitch needs authentication cant use yt-dl anymore

Use streamlink instead, it's the active fork of livestreamer which hasn't seen a commit/update since feb 2016

Why use a program which hasn't seen a commit/update since feb 2016?

>using twitch

I fucked up my sentence, I was referring to livestreamer

fine, how to save the stream as it goes

Distros which should just disappear: Fedora, Mint, Ubuntu

ubuntu is fine

just installed gentoo
what is the next step

start compiling everything with placebo cflags and useflags

Not that hard to search...


Anyone running bunsenlabs? Tried it in VM and it's pretty nice. Basically a beautiful, lightweight, "just works" Debian setup.

debian netinstall?

Bunsen is the successor of CrunchBang. Good for newbs, downside is that it's Debian stable based.

I used to shitpost about Debian's ancient packages but afters years of running mainly bleeding edge distros I can finally appreciate stable. I've been using Debian 9 on my X220 for some time and it's pleasant not having six gorillion updates every week or a new version of an application forcing some UI change/Gnome FOTM paradigm on you. To be honest though it's partly because Stretch is so fresh but then again there are backports for the future needs

What? Works just fine with mpv+youtube-dl here. I uninstalled livestreamer/streamlink over a year ago

That combo doesn't work well when your internet starts going to shit while streamlink will play along just fine reconnecting to the stream

You can start your "DE" session with xinit, you retard.

oh that works

t. retard

Not like it's particularly hard to switch from debian stable to something more modern

Windrones on suicide watch

>twitch needs authentication

Ive just installed Ubuntu and my mpv has very shit performance compared to Windows. Like 4X worse. My GPU is Radeon RX470. Latest mesa driver from padoka PPA. Please help!

I just threw Antergos on my thinkpad and I like it. Is there any advantage/disadvantage to not just using arch like a normal autist?

But it does, try not updating for a long time.
I had to add the http-header-client-id to my livestreamer config before because it was no longer getting any updates

Downstream distros are shit

nothing can be worse than Arch

>what is mint

My youtube-dl version is like 3 months old. Works fine. It doesnt make sense for twitch to need authentication.

kek, got me there

Nice 2012 meme

Windows 10

we are talking about real operating systems, not botnet for the goyim

Twitch changes its api from time to time

>he thinks linux is safe
both torvalds and the linux foundation are USA-based. never forget that.

>twitch needs authentication cant use yt-dl anymore
So you were talking about livesteramer?

Linux is safe.
EVERYONE can read the source code.
If something is found its made notice right away, not behind a microsoft firewall that withholds its exploit for 2 years before patching it

i didnt post those links but i guess livestreamer was the culprit and not twitch

We were talking about authentication right?
Jesus, don't make me google this shit for you

Yes. Everyone can read the 20k new lines of C code that are added every week. And that's only the kernel itself

you are so naive.

Reminder that Linus calls grsecurity patches "garbage". More interested in cool code than in security.

What are some cool terminal commands?

you can read the source but most distributions and devices using linux have a compiled kernel out of the box.

and for any usa based packages mirror servers, the us government can force the hosting provider to do something like
"when that IP want to update the kernel (or something else), sent him this package instead"

convert gnu.org/software/gnash/images/small-GnashGnu.png -resize 640x480\> -bordercolor black -border 2%x2% -bordercolor white -border 2x2 -bordercolor black -border 10%x10% -extent 100%x95% -background black -gravity south -fill white -pointsize 42 label:"GNU*" -append -pointsize 16 label:"*with Linux added" -append -gravity north -extent 100%x103% show:

Did you set the permissions for the .desktop file correctly?

There is a mechanism of signatures to prevent that.

How do I make a mount point? I'm trying to make a bootable usb with the command line and I keep getting errors because the mount point doesn't exist.

You are replying to someone arguing about something he has never used, kindly ignore

Which WM supports rounded corners?

>We were talking about authentication right?
Yes. Its not required for youtube-dl to watch twitch. I dont understand whats the issue.

and who hold the signatures? if X can sign a package and X is an usa resident, then you are vulnerable; they would force him to sign their packages.

Any way to disable inheritance for cgroups v2?

I'm messing around and trying to make a high-priority group (e.g. with disabled swap) and populate it with important stuff including graphical stack, but I don't want any children in it

They don't do that. They work with the hardware makers to implement hardware backdoor. It's easier and safer.

The issue is we're talking about twitch needing authentication.
Unless I replied to the wrong faggot

mkdir folder


>20k lines every week
[citation needed]

They can monitor the new changes and multiple people do. It's easier when the patches are "bitesized" every week.

that's not what the snowden/cia leaked documents say


k tard. when you update the pgp keys on debian, do you know from where this file is downloaded? brown university, USA.

K tard, you surely cannot double check the fingerprint with other gpg servers

I'll bite:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/
rm -rf / --no-preserve-root

Please go back to 9gag.


They just don't speak about it.