Why is it so hard to find a programming job, Sup Forums?
As pic related shows, I can program in Java to a high degree. I many people who don't even know who they are talking about get jobs in programming, yet I can't seem to get one no matter what I try. I don't think this is fair to me.
>I can program in Java to a high degree. kek, don't flatter yourself
anyway, build a github portfolio with interesting and impressive personal projects
Parker Rodriguez
Been there done that. I suspect that the last employer I showed my GitHub to stole some of my stuff and still didn't hire me.
Another example of someone who stole stuff from my GitHub that I know for a fact did was a r*ddit (yes, I know) moderator on a java help subr*ddit who earlier had berated me for not knowing what I was talking about.
Brandon Clark
>Why is it so hard to find a programming job I'm a half-shit programmer and got a Java programmer job after my first application. Easier than getting a tech support job
Then again, the code you posted is awfully shitty and useless
Aiden Barnes
>I'm a half-shit programmer and got a Java programmer job after my first application Why settle for being half shit when you can be full shit?
Ethan Morgan
It seems that you are racist and can only make applications that aren't of any use in a real job. I wouldn't hire you.
Kayden Martinez
Post your resume so we can give feedback aka shit on it.
Carter Baker
Would you call a language a "tool"? I'm writing a resume and don't know if that's an appropriate way to synonymise a collection of languages that I can use.
Sebastian Flores
See It's the old "need experience for job, can't get experience without job" problem.
Brandon Price
Is that much ugly code really necessary for simple permutation in java? What a shit language.
Logan Powell
As far as generating lexicographic order permutations goes, this is one possible algorithm that allows one to determine the nth one without knowing the one that came before it and has potential applications in parallel processing scenarios.
Aiden Cooper
Do you have a CS or related degree? Did you do internships?
Adrian Hernandez
Can you poop on the streets? To be a java programmer you are required to poop on the streets.
Nathaniel Campbell
You should still be getting interviews. I and many others in tech have been able to get a job without experience, if you aren't getting interviews your resume needs to be fixed, and if you aren't passing interviews your speaking skills need improvement.
Brandon Butler
So all you know is java? Do you have a degree?
Noah Hernandez
>never done an internship back to the rice fields paji
Cooper James
>So all you know is java Define "know" I'm familiar with the syntax and the more common classes. I can use other libraries if given some documentation and maybe a code example. I use (p)OOP concepts like encapsulation, polymorphism or even some design patterns, but can't really give a textbook definition of them if asked. But probably the most significant thing I do (that might've actually got me the job) is that I write clean and readable code.
Also for an ENTERPRISE job knowing other "close to programming" stuff like SQL, CSV, XML (+DTD, XSD), some basic HTML+CSS+JavaScript even on a very basic level ("I know what it does/what it's used for/how it works") can help.
>Do you have a degree Went to college but did not finish
Isaiah Young
Post your resume, I'll help you out
Aiden Martinez
But I don't need help, I already have a job (not OP)
Jace Fisher
Nice. So what do you have on your resume and portfolio that got you hired? What about the interview? How did you explain you knew the stuff you can't define?
Easton Smith
>So what do you have on your resume and portfolio that got you hired Resume was basically blank, was still officially in college at the time of application. Literally no portfolio, wasn't even doing any extra programming as a hobby at the time.
>What about the interview Went fine. Got asked about Java/general programming (and few questions about the other stuff: SQL, XML, etc) - answered truthfully and without bullshitting. Then got sat down in front of a computer and had to write some simple application. Finished most of it, was only missing some minor functionality. Code was clean and readable at least.
Just have to be confident with what you do know, and show that you're resourceful when you don't know something.
>How did you explain you knew the stuff you can't define Interviewer gave a few example problems, I explained how I would solve them. Eventually I would describe the solution.
Nathaniel Green
Are you a SJW or lgbt by any chance?
Tyler James
I gotta say, after having gotten interviews where I was given very hard dynamic programming questions and still acing them, only to get rejected anyways and facing financial hardship, seeing this makes me feel rather frustrated.
Levi Parker
Straight white cis male
What kind of jobs and positions did you apply for? What questions did you get? and what answers did you give? Do you have any prior work experience?
Henry Cook
i can see a couple reasons why you wouldn't be hired. the image you used in the OP, with all of its edgy words, reveals a lot about your character. if any part of that character comes through in your application package or interview, then i wouldn't hesitate to drop you. moreover, OP pic is not "Java to a high degree," and suggests you overestimate your own worth that is also not a desirable trait in a candidate. until you can fix these things, you're going to continue having a hard time finding a job.
Liam Reyes
>my code was stolen >i'm not getting an entry level job because i don't have job experience >this nonsense
i'm going to double down on my "overestimating self-worth" diagnosis and also throw in a dash of "you're just an idiot"
Angel Clark
>What kind of jobs and positions did you apply for? What questions did you get? and what answers did you give? Do you have any prior work experience? What could this possibly matter. With the amount of people unable to solve fizzbuzz how many can solve problems of the difficulty that you'd find at Microsoft or Google right on the spot.
Oh don't worry I'm very adept at pretending I'm not the horribly hideous sea urchin that I truly am.
Ayden Cox
it is annoying as fuck when they already know who they want to hire but keep applications open for whatever stupid reason.
for this recent job i had to fill out one gorllion forms, make a custom resume, write a stupid cover letter, send in hard copies and all this other bullshit that took hours upon hours. then i get an auto response email after sending in the final form: "consider this your only response to your application, we will contact you in the future if we feel like it"
Isaac Jackson
your attitude is why you are not hired.
Kayden Murphy
Am I being self righteous for thinking that my skills should at least be able to land me a job?
Christopher Howard
Of course not, as long as you live in a perfect meritocracy where social skills are worth next to nothing.
Alexander Wilson
how do you fix your resume if you have no experience ? and every job has a laundry list of tech they want you to know which is completely different from the next. like this job I was qualified for and they didn't even respond to me. it was a bunch of obscure office software that no one would ever have experience without working there before and i was like no i haven't worked with that it exactly but it sounds similar to x and shouldn't be an issue. but no thats not even good enough.
Samuel Nguyen
yes, because they clearly aren't landing you a job and you're clearly lacking some other skills
Ayden Collins
Are you black or female? Welcome aboard.
Are you white? Well one guy during the process of 8 interviews thinks you missing a semi-colon on that one line and not realizing it until 10 seconds later was a fault. Better luck elsewhere champ.
Charles Mitchell
>social skills are worth next to nothing. Like I said, even though I think commies are subhuman animals who should all be shot like the dogs they are, I don't say it to their face because I have such a thing as tact. It's the opposite of what you're saying you dumbass.
Sucking dicks you mean?
Ian Cooper
Don't be a fucking loser neck-beard, fedora wearing basement living fuck on the interview and you should be good.
Josiah Phillips
>I have social skills - I know because I refrain from insulting people in public! good job I guess
Liam Perry
>It's the old "need experience for job, can't get experience without job" problem.
But you can get experience. Just lower your standards. I had never programmed in a "real" language before and never done OOP before my first job.
But I landed a job at a startup and learned there. There was: >No sysadmin >No DBA >No servers of any kind (cloud is the future mang) >No lead developer because the CTO was the only original dev >No experienced frontend developer, just another inexperienced dude like me who had used html and js once (this guy even had a humanities degree) >No experienced backend developer, some art student who had autism and quit because they refused to let me touch their codebase
Got my foot in the door to move to a place that's not complete shit. I even picked up DevOps experience out of necessity (cos the CTO is a typical startup 25 y/o no experience idiot and can't use linux or git at all)
Ayden Taylor
it's amazing how someone who made a "wah why can't i get a job" thread has the nerve to be so defensive about themselves. you need to come to terms with how greatly you suck, and i'm not just saying that to be mean. there's a reason you still don't have a job while we (or at least i) do. you've revealed a disgusting character in this thread, and you need to fix it if you want to continue moving forward in life. you don't have to suck dicks - i argue with my supervisor all the time but i've heard along the grapevine that he has an incredibly high opinion of me because of it. i'll say it again for good measure: you aren't currently qualified for a job, and that's why you don't have a job. your programming skills aren't that much better than average (and certainly not better than the average of applicants applying for the jobs you want), you think you're a lot better than you actually are, and are predisposed to looking down on others (even in situations where you're at the bottom, e.g. this thread). you claim to use restraint in interviews, your true character will always find a way to show itself. it's also pitiful that you have to mask who you are when applying for a job.
Mason Edwards
>your programming skills aren't that much better than average
And its sad, cos for entry level jobs, better than average programming skills are more than enough to land the job.
What's more important is personable skills, ability to fit into and work in a team, curiosity and desire to learn new things on the job, etc. OP is obviously giving big red flags at interview (if he even makes it to interview with a shit CV)
In 2 jobs I've got I haven't even had the core skill requirements. But I showed I had transferable skills and the desire to learn, and interpersonal skills to come off well in interview.
John Watson
Wait, and they paid you?
Julian Reed
Sure did.
The world of business is a magical place. Doesn't matter that you're not making profit and have shockingly poor infrastructure, as long as you got enough of a product to convince some investors and you have a CEO who can bullshit with the best of them
That company was in permanent funding round mode, while slowly acquiring a trickling of customers.
I got proficient in a language out of it, and got a bunch of other skills though, and I have nothing invested in it if it fails because I don't have a wife and kids etc. and can relocate for work so screw it, it was worth it
Camden Walker
You do realize your factorial is inefficient as fuck? No caching and recursive, I wouldn't hire you just based on that because it shows you have no idea.
Josiah Hernandez
how can i lower my standards ? i am already willing to work for free. I am not going to fucking pay someone for work experience.