Programming is fucking hard

Programming is fucking hard.

well it is not

if you think it is, youre a code monkey, not a programmer. programming is like another form of expressing thoughts and processes, it comes natural to me

>using your brain is hard

somtimes yes, sometimes no. this is like everything, right?

t. Artisan

>i can't figure out how to write instructions in a language made for writing instructions
Good luck with the rest of your shit life, OP. You'll need it.

Guys how do I make a table with unknown amount arguments?

def createTable(self, name, {"a": "b", "c": "d"}... ):
c = conn.cursor()

# remove all symbols except for alphanumerical
# "z@_d" => "zd"
name = ''.join(c for c in name if c.isalnum())

c.execute("CREATE TABLE %s (a b, c d ...)" % name)

so do you guys just write lines code for fun or what? I don't get it

Sometimes yes
There are a good number of people that it clicks with though, and I just can't understand it
However I'll be the type to pull all nighters trying to figure stuff out and reminding myself how syntax for passing arguments and parameters works
Its kinda rewarding though

Yes. I wrote a couple of small games for fun. We like making things, you should try it sometime.

it's just boring when there is no hardware involved

Funny, it's exactly the other way around:
If you are a code monkey, you might think programming is easy. It is easy to write a simple FizzBuzz or a sorting algorithm.

But to write good code which is sensible, robust and maintainable and also writ it quick enough takes years of experience.

Why do you think refactoring is a thing, eh?

Math is fucking harder.

nah I prefer circles or rects code

Loop through arguments and append SQL Syntax accordingly.

Noob programmer: programming is fucking hard
3 years programmer: programming is the easiest thing ever!
6 years programmer: programming is fucking hard
9 years programmer: programming is really fucking hard
12 years programmer: you don't know where i've been

Same way as doing most things with unknown arguments? For or While loop that works correctly until done

if your typing a whole dict into your argument your doing it wrong, pass in a prebuilt dict, or pass in *args


wtf i'm a 3 year programmer and thought i'm over the hard part
turns out i've got a big storm coming

it's not that programming becomes hard again, it's that designing programs becomes hard. the actual act of implementing your design is never that hard.

Anything that is applied and returns success or failure on spot is hard. Everything where 90% work 10% natural talent is required for good products is hard damn...

Right. I'd restate as:

>Noob programmer: programming is about learning programming languages

>Entry-level code monkey: programming is about using google and the correct libraries

>Experienced code monkey: Programming is about reading other people's shitty code

>Veteran: Programming is about organization, but more than one person is incapable of creating a well-organized program