/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


Allow me to interject, it's actually Wine/Linux.

install Source Mage

don't tell me this is real

wtf, because of the fiasco with bumblebee I forced to use "hybrid graphics" in the bios to get 1080p when i log in, but it slows my laptop to shit the battery is unplugged

i've reset the bios to the factory default and when i boot up i get a 640x480 display. i can't change the resolution as the display is only recognized has being 640x480.

How do I get spotify web browser to work on Ubuntu? It's either that it won't even work at all (chrome) or that there's no sound (firefox).

I just installed GNU/Linux and created an unencrypted /boot partition and an encrypted with luks + cryptsetup / partition. Why does it ask the password two times? How can I make it to ask it only once? It asks it once before the grub menu is shown yet after it says "welcome to grub" and once after the kernel has loaded.

did you set a bootloader password also? check your grub config file

Nope, I did not. That being said, it seems to refer to resources outside of /boot, at /gnu/store.
I am on GuixSD btw.

stop using spotify

What exactly is the difference between a login and interactive shell? If I load lxterminal or whatever, would that be an interactive or login?

i'll give you the search time i used in startpage, it will give you the answers you want:
'login vs interactive shell'

I'm new to this whole switching OS thing and I have a question on making partitions for installing Ubuntu along with Windows.
Is this okay? Is dev/sda4 where windows will be kept? And is dev/sda5 how much I will be able to store on the ubuntu portion?

Can someone help a brainlet out with a script to use ufw to block all IPs contained in a text file?

yeah that's right
you'll still be able to access the files on windows partition from ubuntu, but windows will not be able to read the files on the ubuntu partition. that's probably too little space for such a big distro though, GNOME is quite big.

for ip in $(cat ips.txt); do command-to-block-ip $ip; done

Thank you, kind Sup Forumsentooman. Now India is permanently blocked from my computer.

>I was renaming my files in Debian but now I can't anymore. Every time I try to rename a file this little space where I wrote "test" appears. No matter what I type there, the file doesn't get renamed.

>What can I do to fix it? I already tried to logoff and reboot.


lmao learn2redirections

It's an artificial distinction for the purpose of executing profile/rc files, and most distros don't even honor it.

Idiomatically you have a profile script that runs once per each login (X session, tty, ssh, ...), which sets up your environment variables once, and then a rc script that only gets sourced by interactive shells where you have things that could fuck with shell scripts like command aliases.

Most distros in their stock config seem to source one or both for every shell and include all the interactive stuff in a block tested against $- == *i*

isn't that the file search field?
renqming is afaik F2

login loads ~/.profile

Install adnauseam.io/

that doesn't work, if anyone could tell me a command that does i'd appreciate it

and to reiterate the question so people don't have to go to last thread

how do i do the equivalent of
>sed '/^$/!s/^/(the tab character)'
in vim? ie prepend all non-empty lines with a tab?

Hit ctrl+v, then hit tab, then ^I should appear, which is the tab character.

I don't think it's a file search field. I type things and nothing happens. Actually this field apears if I type anything in the folder without pressing F2 or whatever.

I also noticed that this is happening only in the Downloads folder. Looks like it's all good now. I opened another Nemo window and it worked in this new window. I don't know wtf happened. Maybe it has to do with the name of the picture with various moons.

instead of deleting files that start with something and end with anything else, he deleted something, and every other file

if all else fails, you could just install a different fm like pcmanfm or thunar

i might not be understanding what you're saying, but i feel like you misinterpreted my question. i don't see how that does what i'm looking for

visual select the whole file and press >

select the whole file
hit :
/^$/!s/^/(the tab character)'

select the whole file? does /g not do what you'd want?

that does it for the whole line only

this works, but i'd also like to know how to do it with the sed style substitution if that's possible
this doesn't work for me

What is the best distro for normies?




I used to run Linux 2 years ago as my main os, since i went to university i got a new laptop and just kept Windows. I want to get back into Linux and I'm thinking about xubuntu since it just works, maybe not the most stable you can get, but i want something with little hassle and a lot of ricing

Any suggestions?

You can always just externally call sed with :! and substitute the current file name with @%

gay macfag in denial


try ones you like the look of. install virtualbox or use some flash drives, try all the distros you might want to use

Install Debian GNU/Linux.

mac is also great for normies so what's your point

What's unstable about Ubuntu?

Nobody deserves malware products like macOS. Not even normies.

i need help
i was writing a shell script on windows for deploying on some instances of freebsd
but on upon moving them over they get all fucked up and are filled with ^M's
what are these?

Been using GNU/Linux for some years now and I want to look into BSD for fun and gaining some knowledge. Any tips which I should check out first?

FreeBSD is the only actual usable one.
OpenBSD and NetBSD aren't bad but useless to people who actually want to use their computer, and trueOS is just plain bad.

you may have written them in unicode/utf-8 format which the freebsd console does not support.
begin with freebsd. use that for a while, and once you feel comfortable using it try out open/dragonfly BSD.

Windows newlines.
Should have been obvious.

Instaraider stopped working.

What do I use now to scrap cuties' instagrams to build my "clothed" fap folder?

Yes, I'm being serious.

That's windows cancer. Windows lines end with \n\r, while Unix-like systems just end with \n. The \r is represented as ^M escape.

You can heal your file via this command: sed -i 's/\r$//' your_file

make a perl/python script to do it for you
remember user we don't judge here you don't need to attempt to justify it


It's not exactly unstable, it's just that you can add a lot of third party repositories which increase the risk of breaking. But it's more unstable than debian for example, and one reason Debian is more stable is because it has a strict policy of what packages it allows.

But this is how i understand it, could be I'm telling you something false

Openbsd if you want security, freebsd if you're looking for an experience more similar to gnu/linux.

You can add 3rd party repositories to Debian as well, which may fuck your system up just as well.

Just don't add 3rd party repositories, no one forces you.

I have random blinking on my main display. Something randomly flashes once in minute. But it only happens if i set refresh rate to 75Hzm on 60 it works fint, but 60Hz is shit. On windows it works fine. I've tried to make
>A workaround [2] is saving high or low in /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_dpm_force_performance_level.
But it doesn't work. I've R9 380 with amdgpu driver.

That's the hard way. I guess I'll try to do something with wget and try to tweak instaraider when that doesn't work.

>we don't judge here you don't need to attempt to justify it
Thanks. Then I can openly admit that I don't really fap to them, that I just collect them to fill the void and I rarely look them as it just makes things worse.

No luck.

I should have back up those instagrams when instaraider still worked...

I'm very interested in debian, do you think it's something i can easily jump into as an semi experienced ubuntu user?

Yes. You shouldn't have trouble.

Thanks love ;*

It was my first distro. Although I had a friend to hold my hand a bit. Once you get the WiFi working you're golden. If you have ethernet it will be even easier.

What is the best distro for experts?



plain grub + kernel + emacs

Wait a second that hat
> captcha: only Merlin
Oh never mind

Do we still need to run fstrim for a SSD manually on recent versions of Ubuntu, Debian or Fedora or is it done with a cronjob automatically?
How do I check?

x='this is the coolest terminal command ever seen on Sup Forums'; echo ${x:7:5}${x:51:1}${x:33:1}${x:31:1}${x:37:1}

oh-my-zsh or antigen?


Does everyone here use a riced urxvt?

what else would you use?



Something shit and default like GNOME terminal obviously
What do you use?



hmm perhaps.

Is VFIO audio still fucked up on the guest? Last time I did it was around December and the audio stuttering + latency made me give up on GPU passthrough and go back to Windows.

did you try it again?

downside of urxvt is that it doesn't render true colors correctly

If I did, then why would I ask if it's still fucked?
Do you even reading comprehension?

so you did try it, yet came here to ask if it didn't work, but you already knew it didnt
i'm not sure what to think here user

is linux is so good, why doesn't it have basic things like filepicker thumbnails?

haha wow you sure got them there :DD

Write hatemail to Torvalds and tell him to fix it.

I don't know who hate more , you for the @ or him for the memeing

I'd love to read his response.

the at(@) is ironic user

Hahahaha, here's your (you).

>4 you's in one post
Can I get one too?


>3 bad threads in a row