X264 lead developer and turboweeb Jason shows how millions of dollars won't help you pass

x264 lead developer and turboweeb Jason shows how millions of dollars won't help you pass.
He singlehandedly created and advanced the field of video compression by lightyears. Then he became a she and abandoned the entire field of video compression and open source. She now works for Apple, the most restrictive company in terms of developer freedom, known to treat their workers like slaves. She's getting millions out of x264 royalties and doesn't even have to work yet does. She now does educational cosplay (see @FioraAeterna), showing further that different clothes won't help you pass.

Here's she giving a speech last year:

This convinces me that hormones make you a worse developer and a worse human being. I think no one should undergo HRT since soon in the future our brains can be converted to computer chips so we can change bodies and abolish the meaning of gender.

Other urls found in this thread:


She abandoned all links with his former self quite badly. The first thing she did after she transitioned and got a new name was a couple of patches for Dolphin. In an interview for this work she said that this was her first time contributing to an open source project[1]. Which is retarded considering that she was still contributing to x264 under her new name and also she rewrote the entire git history for the x264 project (which is a taboo that no serious project will EVER do, since it makes everyone have to redownload and rebase all their work). Putting the needs of someone who can't live with their past in front of the project's future and development is a very bad sign and an abuse of power.

1. pcgamer.com/how-gamecubewii-emulator-dolphin-got-a-turbocharge/

next time when you make a thread, decide on what you wanna say or achieve with it



so twitter eternally btfo this freak and the response is

>th-th-th-is wreng bad deleteee this reeee!

>for time measurements
You're too intelligent for Sup Forums.

>soon in the future our brains can be converted to computer chips

Keep dreaming.

that wasn't a time measurement

What was that master You want your daily blowjob right now. But we're in a puglic place!

>rewrote the entire git history (to edit out his old personal name)
holy shit what a fucking asshole. People who think the past can be changed by pretending it didn't happen are seriously mentally ill.

>it could be really intimidating (with the 50:1 gender ratio certainly not helping)
>Dolphin's team was really unusually helpful and friendly, and never seemed like the sort to mock me for having seemingly dumb questions.
stop attributing your stupidity to your gender, stop pandering to your stupidity by changing your gender to match your false expectation, and stop fucking implicitly calling every man out there a sexist asshole on the false presumption that you'd be bullied by them. You wouldn't be bullied by them if you weren't acting like such a fucking twat in the first place

god, neofeminists are such fucking trash people

Hormones make you emotionally unstable and like a cliche woman. Fiora is known for throwing stupid little hissy fits over stupid shit.

It just shows that asexual traps are superior programmers.
I bet she wears programmer socks too.


If she has those millions I'd lick that boypussy like it was made out of chocolate. Shes probably a "lesbian" anyways.

Better bring your fursuit

why are you referring to it as a she? it's still a he.

>reverse image search
>classifies it as a lady
Anyways, source?



Would smash his bussy and bully his dick.

>the state of applel



>giving a royal fuck about any of this


The feeling i have when reading this is far beyond anger

That masters degree comment is particularly retarded. "master" in that usage isn't gendered at all - its called a masters degree because you've "mastered" the subject in question

Zoe Quinn?

50 pounds too light to be Zoe

Does he know what entropy and information theory is?

Trannies are mentally ill


weebs btfo

fiora posts cute photos from time to time so i follow her.
also we've shared meme tweets twice and i like it when she posts some stuff about gpus or llvm.


How do you go from this

...to that?

>the state of apple employees

>Sup Forums angry at someone who's more talented and happier than they will ever be.
top kek

>a tranny
Nice meme

At least I didn't cause my co-workers to neck themselves

go back to emugen

Being a furry is a bigger deal breaker than being a tranny. Fiora doesn't pass, but they look like a sissy slut cross dressing. I bet Fiora sucks a mean dick.

Looks like Bleach character.

Greetings from /emugen/ :^)

It's unknown who posted that comment on Sup Forums. No evidence it was Fiora. In any case, Rachel mentioned the multiple health issues and pain as the primary reasons. There's also evidence of physical abuse among family members. That comment was done after Rachel had decided to kill themselves, and was not what made them do it.


Rachel got harassed on a daily basis on their IRC channel too. Sup Forums didn't start it.

Jesus Christ what did he do to himself to end up like this?

Start using apple

Joanna Rutkowska is a tranny too

He already looks very gay

>50 replies
goal partly achieved

He switched. :^)

>x264 royalties
Are you retarded? x264 is just an open source implementation of the proprietary H.264 spec, she doesn't get royalties for the codec, nor did she create it, she just made a popular encoder for it.

LOL first thing I thought of too
Goddamn so close yet so far

I think it depends on whether I respect the person or not, as to how far I'm willing to appease someone's autism.


I just fapped to shemale porn.

They are she because I'm not a homo.

There is some money, because x264 has dual commercial licensing available. Companies not willing to use gpl did pay to use it.
Not sure it is millions.

>I'm not a homo.

except you are

Whatever, but please don't bully/stalk etc online thee people. They are usually a bit mentally unstable so it is better to leave them alone, unless you are a dick.

And anyway, there are much worse (and consequential) people to be angry about, in the world.

Where do you think you are?

That's why I said that, if it was me, I would never even bring up the topic on Sup Forums.

The worst part of all of this is, you don't even have to change your gender if you wanna crossplay as anime girls, especially when you're a millionaire who collects royalties on a substantial piece of software you spearheaded.

Why did he even transition?

I dunno and hasn't heard of any reasons ever shared. Or rumours, even.
Why does anyone? People usually don't tell the world what the details etc.

Like any deeper life/personality/social issues one can have, I'd say it tends to be embarassing and personal.

Because he's mentally ill.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA holy shit faggots are this fucking delusional

>the state of appletards

dilation is no joke
preventing your new body cavity from healing over naturally eats up most of your time

this is why i love reddit


A mentally ill parasite living by the royalties when he was healthy.

>make millions through patent scam
>invest it all to become a tranny

He needs to starve himself for a while to get rid of those muscles.

You cant get rid of bone structure.

it does help a lot though.
He's already doing cosplay as his "regular" attire, he might as well adopt gothic lolita and dress like this all the time to cover up his shoulders with puffy sleeves.

friendly reminder that he's a victim of MKULTRA/MONARCH

It beats every other encoder out there, even after the MPEG-LA cut he gets a quite a lot

It should be fine, it's not like the difference is that radical, especially if you're short.
Don't forget that there are plenty of real women with pretty narrow hips and stuff too.

I wouldn't be surprised, desu.
Or maybe s(he) has a half inch (erect) benis and that's why s(he) decided to live his/her life as a dude.


nice shoulders dude, you look more masculine as a woman than you did as a man

How do I get a license to do this procedure? These people are a gold mine.

Go to medical school, specialize in invasive reconstructive plastic surgery, lose your moral compass, etc.

1 out of 3. This is going to be easy.

>At one point, the abuse on Sup Forums, an anonymous Internet message board, became so bad that she left and started using Reddit instead.

I almost thought that was a less flattering picture of Lillith Lovett. Jason has a ways to go it seems.

>those shoulders
he should've gotten way bigger tits to distract people from those shoulders

who cares?
he/she writes useful code and you don't have to look at her face

>those shoulders
No wonder trannies have high suicide rates. You can only delude yourself for so long, until you eventually hate yourself.

any tranny who got srs post puberty, will always look like shit

>That fucking voice.

Yeah but all the server users (streaming sites) don't pay since they deploy to their own server and as such they don't care about GPL. So they got money from software packages vendors and the like.

Nobody can avoid the voice, women don't sound like this. I've never heard a single crossdresser that can pull off a female voice, especially a laugh.

Evidence that bullying WORKS.

>good riddens


Don't forget about the hands,damn son


I just call that person Dark Shikari and wonder if DS is still a huge touhoufag.