*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
Click no
do you start threads just to start threads?
I fucking hate auto-updating worst meme of the 2010's especially when it makes you download and install it manually most inconvenient "convenience" ever and EVERYONE is doing it these days and the only ones to do it transparently are Chrome and Atom s.m.h
>installing the autoupdater
lemme guess. you're the kind of person whining about the ask-toolbar after a jre-install
sudo apt-get update
how do windows fags even compete
>after a jre-install
Uhm... a-are you okay? You know it's 2017, right? Huh?
It's just apt now.
don't know about you but in my country almost everything you have to submit to authorities has to be done using some pajeet java application.
cup all
god I do not miss that.
Why the hell thought that every program should be checking for updates?
updates should all happen at once, and optionally by user command.. not randomly throughout the day.
I miss notepad++ though. Ive found kate to be of a similar feel, though syntax highlighting was all different. Kate lacks the macro function that made mass editing a breeze.. they need to make notepad++ for linux.
*hacks your server*
*pushes malware as new update*
heh.. nothin personnel
>No central package manager
>All devs have to waste time making their own broken updaters that only work when you open the program
When will wincucks learn?
feelsbad, i don't even remember when i had java runtime installed on my PC
thank me later
Im checking it now, and Id prefer to thank you now so thanks.
Does this have macro functionality? I found a screen shot that shows macro buttons but when downloaded it doesnt have them.
my nigga
People still use windows?
>mfw payment terminal software made in java 6 that shits itself if you do anything wholly unrelated on the computer
If you're going to use Windows at least use a package manager (Chocolatey).
I'm not some GNU poorfag NEET
You have no choice but to update. The IoT has assumed great control of your devices.