Tor Operators have banded together to choke Daily Stormer traffic to Kb speed

The tech lead behind the Daily Stormer just posted this and says it is interesting how they haven't done this to pedo or drug sites.

He also says he is going to try I2P.

This is censorship that Sup Forums never thought could be possible!

>even has to use an alternative social media website in order to avoid censorhip


I don't get it. Can't they serve their website on the clearnet by a plain IP?

this is ridiculously for a stupid meme website, SJW are really that mental ill? every day that passes it gets worst




AHA! that's why their website was slow as shit

Kek, good

>Can't they serve their website on the clearnet by a plain IP
Are you just pretending to be retarded?

yeah but then there wouldn't any free social media attention

You are retarded

Are you also just pretending to be retarded?

>ohhh it's just a meme website that's why we need professional web hosting

As if you needed any more proof that tor is compromised.

Like I said, Tor onion sites are really vulnerable to DoS when everyone who isn't a frogposter hates you. eepsites are no less vulnerable when set up by an idiot like weev, and the naming is centralised.

As a former I2P designer: GTFO our nodelists. We do not want neo-Nazis on our network.

I hope Tor will be compromised and everyone will be forced to use i2p or something.

Who knew people hated nazi's.... damn

>these are the people who post on Sup Forums

It's telling how their arguement isn't that they are a good website that deserves to be treated better, but that there are worse websites than theirs

Worse than people who sell illegal drugs, distribute child porn, and hire hitmen?
Tor is just an SJW shithole now


yeah it's basically
>well me might be racists nazi trash b-b-but the pedos and druggy degenerates!

kek, what a bunch of retards.

TOR is a cia tool intended to destabilize third world governments, it's explicitly their goal

Nobody ever said it was a tool for your anonymity

Who would accept that argument? Nobody. But if you mention that sites that sell pictures of naked children don't get choked by Tor operators, you get people's attention.

>complain about SJW and their safe spaces
>cry when Tor violates their safe space
ah, right-wing logic.

found the pedo

Murderers are worse than rapists, therefore we can't arrest any rapists until we catch every single murderer

Honestly yea, drug use should be fully legal, what you ingest is something only you should have a say over.
Child porn distribution is meh, go after the sick fucks actually diddling kids

Hiring hitmen isn't exactly difficult, and wouldn't you rather have them contained someplace that is somewhat monitored by law enforcement?

Sup Forums cucks btfo

Visit the site and see.

is there any proof its actually the tor project doing it?


>have a network that is the core of pedophilia, hitmen, drugs, snuff videos and other illegal activities
>lost shit when a stupid meme pages just host on it
ah, leftard hypocrisy

Sup Forums was right about Tor being run by Feds.

As if you were surprised.

>not realizing that by doing so they're turning the network into a leftist safe space
ah, left-wing logic :^}

I fucking hate the 21st century.

and I hate the rise of authoritarian demagogues, yet here we sit.

Pic related from the owners gab.

You realise this might as well be like one person with a Raspberry Pi, right? Tor onion sites are quite easy to DoS.

The onion router is designed to provide an anonymity set for your TCP internet access, notably the World Wide Web. Even onion sites were an afterthought (and it shows). It is definitely not designed to shield neo-Nazis against an entire internet that hates them. Nor is I2P, or anything else - if more than half of the network hates you, you are completely fucked in any fielded network design.

And I don't feel like fielding a new one until the frogposters are thoroughly BTFO.

Yes. Nazis are even more universally reviled than pedos. After all, we didn't fight a world war about pedos. Or even drugs (the opium wars were comparatively short).

>not knowing Tor was run by government jews the whole time
>not knowing all the cp and other illegal shit was either honeypots or private clubs for elites
>not knowing any legitimate legal dissident trying to utilize Tor was going to be wiped out quickly

What do you expect from Sup Forums? They're all fucking children who've got no actual technical expertise besides the few script kiddie faggots who've been "red pilled"

>authoritarian demagogues
>literally no meaningful policy changes since the election
kekerino my neoliberal corporatist friend, did you actually think those elected conservashits could do anything to /our/guys?

Keep in mind what is legal, is not only allowed, but enforced. Legalizing highly addictive drugs leads to employer drug scandals and modern slavery. If it's not addictive or lethal I'm fine with it, but what do you know, the majority of outlawed drugs are addictive and lethal.

Hiring hitmen is difficult. There are more fakes than real ones, hitmen on tor can anonymously build public reputation and do more than "word on the street" cartel members.

This, part of anonymous and free exchange of information is extremists ideals. Even if the majority considers them harmful, moderation ultimately results in a biased, non-free safe space.

When you want an anonymous and free internet, you have to take the bad with the good.

Marijuana is the most commonly used drug besides maybe caffeine and alcohol, isn't physically addictive, and has no potential to be lethal.
Yet it's illegal and comprises the VAST majority of nonviolent drug arrests in the US.

>companies and private enterprise should be unrestricted and unbidden, able to do what they want
>but not like that
alt-reich retards, everyone

Trump just pardoned a guy for violating a court order that was given for violating people's constitutional rights.

They're allowed to do it but only when it's for our side, obviously.

>some conservashit didn't have to sit in a cell
Big fucking woop dumbass, keep your eye on the ball. None of that matters so long as we control the bureaucracy, the media, the schools, the corporations, and the internet. It's just more rope for us to hang him with.

>tfw some fair-weather liberals don't think they'll live to see an execution followed by a true cultural revolution
ye of little faith

ah fuck now how could I forget

I thought it felt slow, even for Tor.

Yeah, it's slow as fuck now(?) but working alright. Nazi must sue tor guys for breaking net neutrality rules:3

Oh, he's still on Wordpress? Someone should sort that out with them.

If they had the technical expertise they would have known how very easy it is to DoS identifiable nodes on overlay networks. And they would have known if >51% of the network doesn't want them, then with any network design that scales, they won't be able to participate.

Also, there's the meta-play: it's in the interests of the Russian government to attempt to drive people off Tor, the only widely-deployed overlay mixnet with a reasonable anonymity set, which they're already trying to ban. Convincing people like you that Tor is somehow unsafe to use for any purpose is in line with their psyop goal.

Let me be clear: the cypherpunks did not create mixnets for the benefit of fascists. Anarchism means everyone can punch Nazis.

>>some conservashit didn't have to sit in a cell
You completely missed the mark. He pardoned a guy that violated the constitution. He's implicitly saying the constitution is irrelevant and telling his supporters he'll cover for them if they violate it. His pardon undermined the court system. He's trying to disrupt the government institutions so he can make himself the only branch.

If they really believe in national socialism or some form of Fascism, they'd almost certainly NOT agree with the first. Corporations and small businesses alike would answer to the State. If the State were to crush free expression, well, it may not be unconstitutional depending on what the country's founding documents outline for free speech.

Like with anything, they're pissed off because under the CURRENT system this sort of thing is permissible and seems uniquely targeted at THEM, furthering their belief they are being targeted for removal and demographic replacement.

I won't be opening any champagne bottles over this.

>illegal immigrants are covered by the constitution
Nobody complains that most of the people he "violated" were actual criminals though.

Have these "interesting" logs been posted anywhere? Not inclined to just believe weev here. The leftist conspiracy angle has more way propaganda value than a simple DoS.

This is very disturbing.

He detained people without probable cause. Reports indicate that he would roll up to like Mexican restaurants and detain everyone in the restaurant and demand to see ID and arrest anyone who refused which is illegal because he does not have probable cause to do that. The fact that maybe some were illegals is irrelevant because they're still have the majority of the rights guaranteed by the constitution when they're inside the united states. The police do not get to ignore the constitution on a hunch.

There's no constitutional right protecting illegal immigrants.

>there are actually people unironically defending the death of free speech


>fake news site makes fake news about being fake news

Yeah I'm sick of these babies now.
You can't censor shit on tor, it requires massive coordination, and opposite to what the SJWs believe, no-one gives a shit.

>He's trying to disrupt the government institutions so he can make himself the only branch.
Wow, you sound like a conservashit. Who the fuck cares about the constitution idiot? Are you some kind of patriot cousin fucker?

Like I said, we own the corporate edifice of this place. We have everyone from Bernie Sanders to Goldman Sachs in our corner. We can't lose.

>commie going "muh werld wer" again
For every year America fought Nazis, eleven were spent fighting communists.

Politics is like football. Everything is okay when you're winning. When you begin to lose you get mad, scream about the ref, and focus on minor technicalities of the rules.

> "If you use Tor in a political way that we can decipher as something we don't like, we'll go after you."

Let's all say "easy manipulation" together, now!

>Its another "Lets defend the death of the internet" episode

Your personal opinions on the content do not matter. Your political leanings do not matter. If you support the end of free expression on a supposedly neutral medium then you're a monster and a useful idiot puppet of the state.
This 100% absolutely is going to end with the government stepping in and placing harsh restrictions on the internet in the name of "preserving freedom." Then we'll get bill after bill of legislation curtailing user freedom and it will be sold as defending the children.

You fucking retards are actively killing one of the most useful and powerful tools mankind has ever created. Less than a decade of you normie retard faggots getting on the internet and you're fucking killing it.

> they still have the majority of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution when inside the United States

Given how many anti-gang laws are floating around, I'm not even sure that's true. Police are able to roll up dozens of people on the pretense a given property is known to be a public nuisance. That's all the "probable cause" they need.

That's probably why Shapiro was hammered for contempt of court, not finding 0 probable cause or "profiling." The police more or less have a blank check.

That should probably concern us more than any one sheriff wise to the fact.

Wisdom, that will go ignored.

>most of the people he "violated" were actual criminals though.
No, they weren't. Look up his full list of abuses dumbfuck

>If you support the end of free expression on a supposedly neutral medium then you're a monster and a useful idiot puppet of the state.
Are you frustrated naziboi? kek

Anyone who is inside the united states has a subset of the rights that are guaranteed by the constitution. They don't get the right to vote in elections or the right to own weapons but they do have most of the other rights.

The founders of the united states recognized that some rights were not to be granted by government but were natural rights that were owed to all men. The constitution does not grant these rights it protects them from violations.


why would the feds not want to keep the masses distracted with Nazi LARPing

also this guy is an outrage monger, there's no reason to believe a single thing he says

>this entire post
When will commies learn they never win?

1871 LOST
1919 LOST
1920 LOST
1938 LOST
1953 LOST
1989 LOST

Wrong. Look up actual reports, not one posted by Vice.

>Uh, wad heppen?

I support limitations on free speech. Deleterious and bellicose rhetoric should be restricted

>muh constitution
>muh rights
Shut the fuck up Ted Cruz. It's a living breathing document.

Has he actually posted the log output or do we just have to believe what he says? How does he know it's the operators and not another party thats doing this?

I too wish to be raped in the mouth by my betters.

>anti-trump FANATIC
Clearly unbiased article.

Joe was a county sheriff that ran a jail. He didn't run a prison. The people he detained were suspects but not criminals. The court system determines guilt and administers punishment not him.

Then amend the Constitution. You do know how that works, right? If you support tearing up the 1st Amendment, I expect you have a plan.

The Supreme Court shits on you literally every time you try that stupid argument. Your last victory was what, the Civil Rights act? Which isn't even an amendment, it could be repealed at any time.

>kills someone he doesn't know based entirely on political belief
>not a fanatic

what does it matter? He can say that's what's happening and as is evidence by this thread alone, people believe it regardless of if it's actually true, and since people believe him and are acting on it, then it MUST be true. Right?

I'm talking about the articles itself. Journalism should be unbiased and have only the facts. Any time you have name-calling, you're inserting bias.


He killed his neighbor, idk about you but i've wanted to shoot a neighbor before, especially busy body cucks.

Not to mention, how the fuck is his next door neighbor
>someone he doesn't know

>be illegal immigrant
>get arrested because you refuse to incriminate yourself
>police officer goes to prison
Nice country amerifats

>he thinks america entered the war to stop ebil naazees
/leftypol/ needs to be gassed

Fuck your ideals and your morals white devil.

go back to /leftypol/ you pedophile faggot

>When assassinations aren't done by fanatics, but running over some commies is domestic terrorism

>Liberals are unhinged mental cases that can't be trusted near a weapon
Tell us something we don't know, Adam Lanza.

You have the right to not incriminate yourself. The police have the right to detain people if there's probable cause that a crime has occurred. Looking mexican is not a crime and is not sufficient enough evidence to make it probable cause.

Sometimes you have to take inventory of your life, and ask yourself whether you might be the problem.

>he ignored everything I said and instead posited something totally unrelated

Holy debate skills batman!

If you take weev at face value, you must have no idea as to his history.

Such a DoS could be done by one person, with one VPS, with no need for it to be distributed. There is no way to defend against it. They are as anonymised by the Tor network as weev's server is. The same technique works on I2P, because we never actually implemented the attempt at a defense and certainly won't for the benefit of neo-Nazis.