So you spent another summer being rejected by pic related. What'd you do instead?
Internship regret thread
I work at one of those companies actually :^)
t. amazon warehouse worker
Learned C/C++ and Python.
>Moz://a not listed
Really bish.
Get an internship somewhere else. I got one at a trading firm that turned into a job offer and now I'm making 6 figures out of college
My internship is part of my degree program. Medical field btw.
As a current Microsoft intern, I can tell you that were it not for the good salary I would much sooner work for a startup or small tech company (digital ocean, wire, redhat come to mind as viable employers). There's nothing good about interning at any of those places except the money and the resume label.
Go work at Salesforce instead
>learned c++
no you didn't.
quit projecting
Trying to win brownie points with my parents so I can mooch off them when I turn out to be a failure in every way except undergraduate academics.
>Small tech company
Pick one
Because tech startups aren't a thing.
Redhat does not fit in anons category of small tech company or a startup, that's all.
I got an internship as a systems engineer where my friend works, got paid the same wage a salaried employee, then got hired full time as a data engineer. Worked out, pay is good, work is nice, coworkers are nice.
Only thing that sucks sorta kinda is that one of the two guys I interned under left for Netflix, pretty cool.
In comparison to Microsoft literally anything is small
Yeah, Google is a small tech company for sure. :^)
Interned at Analog Devices this summer. I thought everything Sup Forums said about code written by electrical engineers was just a meme.
I thought wrong.
Microsoft's a law firm not a tech company. It happens to own a tech company (Microsoft Research)
Thanks for clarifying. You want a fucking cookie?
Okay, that has literally nothing to do with what I posted. Redhat is not a start up or a small tech company
i as an EE major have 0 desire to work for any of those except ibm. Defense contractors/automotive/industrial equipment manufacturers are way more rewarding and way less millennial than those.
please dont post my waifu while talking like an ape and praising some horrendous organization
Half the people on my team started out in IBM. I wouldn't count them among places you'd want to work.
Pay is meh and you're not going to learn as much for future roles there as you will in any others in that pic.
M$ is the only one I've gotten an offer for, but the interview process was laughably easy
IBM internship was balls. Internet was slow as shit even in the early mornings.
My fellow intern accidentally walked into a high level meeting and once he realised his blunder, he said "I heard there was a party going on here" and left the room. The execs in the meeting were flabbergasted and nothing happened to him.
I'm interning for IBM. Was selected out of 3 positions and 240 candidates. My focus is on Machine learning and neural networks.
Interned here. It was actually awesome, tons of fun events and food.
>Hired for meme networks
Did an internship and installed Gentoo.
I'll meme myself into Prolog if it allows me to make HAL 9000