Repeat after me:
"Eight hundred dollar graphics card"
Repeat after me:
Other urls found in this thread:
>I'm too poor to enjoy a life
видeoкapтa зa copoк вoceмь тыcяч pyблeй
Pyccкиe — пeтyхи пo oпpeдeлeнию
get outta here. damn Russians
>визги хoхлa
Russian board
I'm using on board of the core i3 2100
mine cost over 1 thow. All i use it for is to play overwatch at 1440p 144 frames per second
Achthundert Dollar Grafikkarte
This is the GT 710.
I'm looking for something to display the desktop at 1440p 60hz. Since my iGPU can only do 1080 this seems like the best bet (for 40 dollars).
If nobody else has any ideas i think i'm gonna buy it
That was a waste a 1080 gtx does that.
doubt it
GT 1030 is better
Well it does, Ive got a 144hz 1440p monitor and 2 1080s. So I have tried it with 1.
So nah I dont doubt it
I mean he was dumb enough to spend 1k+ on a GPU just for gayman so he's not really gonna care that you can actually do the exact same thing for literally half of what he paid.
>enjoying life
Fucking sju peasant, it's syv. You faggot
>хoхoл пoд кaждoй кpoвaтью
>he uses his mining card for silly 3d games
don't know why you'd bother spending $1k just to play it on ultra when $230~ on a few year old used card would do 1440p/150fps~ with some demanding settings knocked down a touch - medium/high with 100% render scale
>Ivans > burgers
t. spaghetti
>I'm too dumb to spend 800$ to play my baby games xDDD
>medium settings
I'm looking to move on from my 970. What's the actual next big thing for graphics cards in the near future that isn't overpriced shit?
>i play games all day on ultra max settings with 200% renderscale I am the true ALPHA MALE PC MASTER RACE lol how can you compete
t. virgin
wait(tm) for the Volta(c) xx60
I'm not him, but what's the point of 4k if you aren't going for high settings in games? I thought the high resolutions resulted from "Okay, we've almost perfected graphical fidelity in 1080p, the next logical step is to increase resolution." Wouldn't you be tossing that?
found your problem
i'd rather just not tinker with settings then sell the card for almost what i paid for it a few months before the next gen comes out.
Okay. Eight hundred dollar graphics card
Acht honderd dollar video kaart
1080ti x 2
>not using a old shitty laptop with linux and spending all your money on drugs
it's like you want to be plebs
>A $70 card is better than a $40 card
>Since my iGPU can only do 1080
Dafuq kind of iGPU do you have? You still rocking a core2?
As for what GPU to get, the GT710 is just a rebadged 610, which is a steaming pile of shit. You should be able to find better cards for the price new. Then again, this is one of the few cases where I'd recommend used cards.
You'll never get me to say "Eight hundred dollar graphics card" you double nigger.