After coming onto Sup Forums ive decided that i want to try oht linux BUT, i dont want to fully get rid of windows FOR NOW.
Im planing on Arch or Ubuntu dual boot with windows, anything i should keep in mind with dual boot
>inb4 install gentoo
After coming onto Sup Forums ive decided that i want to try oht linux BUT, i dont want to fully get rid of windows FOR NOW.
Im planing on Arch or Ubuntu dual boot with windows, anything i should keep in mind with dual boot
>inb4 install gentoo
Make sure you have a partition free for the installation, otherwise you might accidentally overwrite windows. Also, stick with ubuntu or linux mint for now. Learn to crawl first before you walk.
I've used Kali before, but I need something to use as kind of a main system, can you brief me about DEs?
Ubuntu should make partitioning easier than Arch.
go with mint
Why? Idk shit bout Linux so ye
go with gentoo
Arch is for someone who knows what to do with a system
Ubuntu is bloat shit spyware
Mint is based on Ubuntu it's light and better with better desktop envs
fuck off
no u
you will have more issues with any "noob friendly" distros then you will have with arch, unless you refuse to read a wiki page entry about your problem
all those "noob friendly" distros are straight garbage that come with 4 year old software
no u
Go to bed Xern
Oh, wow, I'm so tempted to mock you now.
use ubuntu, it's easy to install and works with most hardware
Do I need to do anything after I install it or will everything work? (YouTube, LoL?, Skype etc..)
interesting post
Linux newbie what can I do
xubuntu is great try it
why only hackers use kali
Well I'm not a hacker but tried learning, pretty fun
Go through system settings, turn off any analytics/amazon shit.
Install vlc and youtube-dlg(if you would like to just download the vids).
And I would suggest installing Ubuntu 17.04. Don't bother with LTS for a trial run. The newer kernel of the 2017 version will make things easier.
Try Gentoo. It is the most configurable and customizable Linux distro. Gentoo allows for levels of customization that even Arch can't provide. It is also definitely worth your time and won't turn you into a NEET.
But watching vids on yt I don't need flash or some shit right?
ubuntu is canonical they arent any better from Microsoft ...dont use ubuntu
What should i do then?
>he didn't try gentoo
Yes, it works out of the box.
Ubuntu's fine for a starter. But if you want non-canonical you can try Kubuntu. Bonus points for you since the KDE Plasma layout is like Windows unlike regular Ubuntu which is more Mac like(sort of).
>Bonus points for you since the KDE Plasma layout is like Windows
That's what I want to change, want something cool and sleek unlike windows
manjaro is pretty good
So much this , you'll want to go with the most mainstream one, at least you won't be weeping all alone if things go awry, frankly when I am desperate I'd rather be spoon fed even though I know full well that if I get over the current difficulties with my own means I'll be a better dev/sysadmin/webdev...
Here is how I went from being a yuckdows user to a *nix lover (all I need now is the standard shell and my beloved text editors)
1st distro: Unknown, I did use some flavor of unix back in my time at the university but I was so ignorant I only realised that later when identifying the editor I used as vi. This was not why I stick with *nixes today.
2nd distro: mandriva, sucked ass and almost got me disinterested in the whole *nix world for its broken installer and lack of drivers. This is why I never recommend my own distro to newbies, they should be able to get help easily.
3rd distro: Ubuntu LTS of its time, this was the babe that held my hand through my *nix learning process, pretty stable and quite noob friendly, spent a couple of years before building enough self confidence to go on to the next step and decide on a final main stay OS.
4th distro: Debian stable, this one is rock stable with old ass dinosaur packages, ran it a few years and got enough hands on experience tweeking and configuring it. having to use many alien repositories I thought that stable with old packages is not for me... and on to my
5th and current distro: Debian testing, at first, before getting acquainted with the Debian family of OSs, testing gave off the vibe of buggy unstable software, now that I have run testing for almost a year, I can say with confidence that I have never experienced any kind of instability or bugginess, the damn thing can run for months do a system upgrade and continue working just fine for more months. Man, I love this stuff.
Ok so I'll go with Ubuntu as my first distro, what about gaming? Mainly League of Legends
No? Kali only has a pre-built in resources to make your life easier. It is not meant to act as a main OS.
All the tools pre-built-in Kali can be downloaded in any other distros.
Try Gnome 3
>dual boot
Good luck you fucking masochist. Arch is not for people who ask if there is anything you should keep in mind. Most likely you will accidentally format your hard disk or something. Arch is a tech support simulator for when you want to see weird errors noone has seen before. It breaks every time you update and you need to manually do all sorts of weird havks. The arch wiki is also shit and the drivers don't work and the wiki instructions don't work
You should consider having at least some credibility when trying to bait.
get a macbook
His image is true tho.