Macfag buys T420

>Be me
>Past redditor on various tech subreddits
>Learn about Sup Forums
>Too afraid to post anything
>Go to /tpg/
>Get strangely interested about Thinkpads
>Decide to purchase almost untouched Thinkpad T420 for 150 $
>Realise that the machine is reliable as fuck
>Make it into my personal shitposting machine

Why the fuck are Thinkpads so much better than all other PC brands. Seriously the comfiness is on the same level as most macs, even better at some cases.

Other urls found in this thread:

welcome to the masterrace

I'm trapped in this hell now, right?

I bought a t430. My kid knocks it off kitchen counter hits tile floor four feet below, still werks. My mom makes fun of me calls laptop a shitty school toy, throws her MBP into her back seat breaks screen. T430 8gb 240ssd 2 9 cell batteries low wear ~ $170, MBP ~$1600 of solder and glue, broken ass lcd.

yes, there is no going back, especially once you are used to the trackpoint

>recently bought old ibm spacesaver for 60 bucks on ebay for the trackpoint
truly hell

Yeah I need to do that too. I find myself naturally trying to touch the trackpoint on my desktop keyboard

now install gentoo on it

ok, I'm gonna tell you something you're not gonna believe right away - thinkpads are to every other PC as a proper Linux based OS is to Windows.
you're doing yourself a disservice if you run Windows on that thing.
Here's a kicker -- Did you know that the T420 can run Mac OS with native stability?
T420 uses super generic off the shelf hardware - all of which is located in macbooks as well, so everything works out of the box.
The only thing that doesn't work is the wifi, which can be remedied by buying a $15 laptop airport extreme card from ebay and a very simple 10 minute bios flash to get it working.
Have fun with your new companion OP! Tinker with it, thinkpads are slutty bitches that all want to be opened up and messed around with deep down. Don't be afraid to break anything because literally everything is replaceable.

>t. mactoddler

t420s > t420

op said they were a macfag, and hackintoshing is a great intro project for fucking with a machine.
it's also a nice stable pretty well maintained unix-y OS that isn't Windows.

>tfw mom grew up in 80's and typed up her phd thesis on dual 5.25" floppy machines
>used W3.11, XP, 7, etc for work
>loves her thinkpad for the keyboard and numpad
>first time she used macos i put on a t420 she commented "it's like a little kid's toy"

Lol fucking liar.

>I use plastic dishes because they cost less and don't break!

>hackintoshing is a great intro project for fucking with a machine.
absolutely not, why should i spend hours to make my system function and when it functions, i can't do more shit than browse facebook, fuck, you can't even use apple services because they're impossible to run.
>it's also a nice stable pretty well maintained unix-y OS that isn't Windows.
it's a complete utter bugfest, you clearly have no idea what stable means. run debian for a year and you'll learn.

>i bought a gold toilet on a 50 year loan and live in a trailer because i'm not poor!

My family never used laptops until I bought a few T400s from an auction a while back and fixed two of them up for house use. I installed Xubuntu 14.04 LTS and they have been using them for almost a year now. They think a T400 is a standard laptop.

I think they will be in for a rude awakening if they ever use anyone else's laptops.


Stop being a cheap fuck. At least get them T420s or T430s or anything with an i5 2nd gen or newer.

I am posting from a T420. I used to believe that these so-called "Retro" thinkpads were a meme. They are a meme but they are a good meme (unless you are purchasing a thinkpad that is older than five years, then it is a bad meme).

This. Nobody should be using a Core 2 Duo or a CENTRINO for fucks sake.

Fuck off reddit.
Who am I kidding, Sup Forums is 90% reddit these days.

When I can get a T430 for less than $20 (the price I paid for both T400s) then that's when I'll switch them out. As it stands the T400 is plenty of power for what they are doing with them.

I did buy a couple of cheap 40gb SSDs and put them in each computer. The speed difference was still remarkable.

the T420 would be the perfect Notebook, if not for the shit tier panel.

i had mine for 4 years now, and this piece of shit probably ruined my eyesight.

Are your dishes made of recycled soda cans?

>Seriously the comfiness is on the same level as most macs, even better at some cases.

Did you think they're ugly for no reason? Workstation laptops are designed to be comfy to do work on for extended periods, with the reasonable assumption that your eyes will be on the screen. They're thick and heavy so you aren't annoyed by heat buildup, for example.

>core 2 duo

I tried LXDE with that and it couldn't even run Youtube without lagging like shit.

Yeah, it'll do vim or whatever shitty chan you shitpost on regularly, but if you're going to give it to normies who WILL use it on bloated normie social media and google services websites, it's not going to cut it.


Why did you capitalize Centrino like that? Are you implying it is some lower-grade CPU? You know that it's just a variation on the Core series with wi-fi built in, right?

>I tried LXDE with that and it couldn't even run Youtube without lagging like shit.

That is a configuration error on your part because I can watch a 1080p youtube video with no problems on the T400 with a 2.5ghz Core 2 (Centrino).

It's not related to the CPU at all, it's just specifically a matched set of chipset, wifi card, and Core CPU that are supposed to be energy efficient and work well together.

Yeah, sometimes I run into these people that think Centrino is another CPU line like Celeron or Pentium and that is not correct.

Actually I just checked it and it is a 2.26ghz CPU.

Because they're real computers not designed for toddlers and women.

>fuck, you can't even use apple services because they're impossible to run.
"I ran Mountain Lion in virtualbox once therefore I know everything about hackintoshing!!"

>retard gets mind controlled by Sup Forums, blogs about it

Thanks OP!!

what does open and closed source anything have to do with this thread at all
could it be, you're deliberately posting off topic content in order to derail the discussion?
Now, what reason could you possibly have to do that?

you fell for the meme. junk outdated laptops for underage kids on part time jobs.

{{citation needed}}
i ran a bunch of versions on a bunch of hardware, and they all suck, it's just a time waste

t. Sup Forumskids on alienware gaymen laptops that run hot enough to sterilize you in your lap

do you need a reason to post unrelated pics now ?

If you really want to the T420 is fairly easy to use OS X on too, you just gotta get whitelisted bios so you can use a supported wifi card

I have an x230, I just don't care about blogging about it on Sup Forums to try to sound like I fit in

You can swap the panel with one from an Alienware M14x R2

It's glossy, it's still 1600x900, it's still TN, but the colors, brightness, contrast, and viewing angles are insanely better

Has the same cable position and screw mounts too so all you need is to just buy the panel and swap it in

best upgrade I ever did to my T420

go away redditor

I was gonna get this but no upgradable processor
And since I want the gpu so that when I egpu I can use the same screen.
>wanting to use shitty t420 screen.
I'll replace that later.
If I had gotten the t420s with the same specs you're looking at like 2 hours battery life :/
and I'm not paying 140 dollars for the slice battery meme.

that was very insightful user

I think you're the redditor user
I had to leave k cause every thread turned into a marijuana argument somehow, I would really hate if g turned into that too.
I just got my t420 too. And I love it. Next time you find a 5 dollar bill on the ground spend it on a trackpoint replacement. I bought a set on ebay and found I liked the soft rim the most. The classic dome is nice too.

T400 is still a good machine for normies.

឴>implying we're not all redditors

>can't even greentext
Sup Forums knows

I haven't posted on reddit for over a year
y-you're not a redditor? Are you user?

I'm not
I hate the way reddit looks man. It sucks. Also whenever I google a question it always seems to come up with a thread from like 2010, so to me it seems that things are uneventful there, at least my interests are.

>implying implying we're not all redditors
aside from you telling me I could tell you're a leddit

>and I'm not paying 140 dollars for the slice battery meme.
On the T420s you can put a battery in the ultrabay instead


>Tfw can't stop collecting Thinkpad

another 30 mins and horrible battery switching
no seriously what were the faggots thinking when they decided that the ultrabay battery would empty first instead of the main battery.


you also dont need to wash them
you throw them in the trash
~like you were as a child

I'm a macfag and have a t420

The screen on the t420 is absolutely terrible. Terrible. Otherwise I like the machine.

>hey there, steven at steven here, how can I help you?
change your hostname

They're often quite useless too, I've spent so much getting Reddit threads and I cannot recall it solving any technical issue I ever had.

>implying their balls have even dropped yet

It's adding 3 cells to 6 cells so it adds 33% more capacity

That's more than 30 mins

It brings you to the same battery capacity a 9 cell T420 would have

I have the better model (webcam and shit) SL510 with a core 2 duo and intel integrated graphics with Ubuntu 16.04 and I can run 1080p video perfectly

Sorry, that's adding 50% more capacity, I am bad at math

See Tilting up still makes things a mess but everything else is super improved
Double the contrast ratio
Way better viewing angles (in all directions except up)

The Alienware panel is 48% Adobe RGB which isn't amazing but is a hell of a lot better than the stock panel's coverage

>not being the guy whose name is on the door

hey that's great advice, thanks

Is this worth it guys? just € 170 that they bought in bulk from businesses.

hehe good work user

>ruined my eyesight
you can't get vision damage from looking at an older technology screen you millennial

>m-m-muh secret club

No, I'd look through amazon and ebay for T420's cheaper than that

Is it a real pita with t430 vs t420 to do mods like bios and whitelist?

>slice battery meme
Fuck off, the slice is nice.

>Past redditor on various tech subreddits
Hate to break it to you OP, but making these attention whore blogs means that you're still a plebittor.

I dont like buying used.
Are there still any new ones?


If you take two seconds and look you can find one that basically has never been touched.

Found a t440p untouched plastic on it for $150. $20 of trackpad later i have a usable box

I guess that's correct. I was wrong because I was thinking in terms of the larger fullsized batteries I have a 9 cell and a 6 cell but since the cells are larger on the t420 than on the t420s I was comparing the smaller cells of the ultrabay battery to fullsize rather than the equally sized of the t420s. Just wanted to clear that up.

Depending on where you live maybe that's a good idea. I know here in the states thinkpads are cheap and You can honestly find one in alright condition for like 100 dollars US or less.

I really wanted one and the main reason I didn't buy the t420s is because I don't have the money to buy a used slice.
the thinkpad poorfag thing is true, about me at least

Thinking of getting a thinkpad, problem is I hate the nipple trackpoint with burning passion. Worst pointing device ever invented.

Is it possible to remove/disable it?

X200 with libreboot master race

T420 is okay.
Now if you want a real machine, get an X230.
You being a macfag, I think you'd like this. It's small like a macbook air, it's light, and it's sexy as fuck. Perfect for school. Fuck outta here with that old shitty keyboard.

>old shitty keyboard
Chicklet boards are for faggots and you should kill yourself for suggesting otherwise.


Which is why you get a x230 and install a x220 keyboard in it

I unironically prefer the new keyboard on my T430 to the one on my T420.

The keys feel much less mushy and more solid. Just because it's chiclet doesn't make it shallow zero travel mac-chiclet shit. Thinkpad chiclets still have a really solid feeling and nice feedback when typing.

it's because the size of the dome and scissor is unchanged from the old keyboards, it's just the profile of the key that changed.

Thinkpads are not for you if you don't like the control clit, though there is a way to disable it both in BIOS and in software. Plus you can just take the nub off if it gets in the way.
It is worth noting however, that the control clit on a Thinkpad is wildly better to most others out there. It's possible your experience is from shitty ones.

It feels completely different on the newer T430 though. All the keys on my T420 have a soft feeling when pressing down and no sharp click feeling when it bottoms out, whereas my T430 has a bit more resistance and a crisp bottoming out feel when pressed down all the way.

I would guess it's a more firm membrane they used for the dome sheet. I would've thought people that type a lot would prefer more feedback.

I like light crisp keys. I don't like hard mushy keys.

behold the absolute state of thinkpad fancucks on 2017 Sup Forums
PS: the bezelpad is garbage

Nice blog, hope you die soon.

>all of these pelets
What's the point if you can't write on your sceen?

>not 3:2

what thinkpad has a 3:2 screen?

I just ordered an X220 i7

me too but the tablet version!

I'm getting the non-tablet version. It'll be my second Thinkpad (my first one is a T520 i5) and I am excited desu