Wikileaks exposes govt snooping

Sup Forums What can I do to plug these leaks?

stop doing stuff that has leakage value

fuck off cia

didnt you meant the wikileaks leaks?

hey shes cute what show

you should know this
frame arms girl
or /fag/


Would like to patch this.

use TempleOS

>patch a persistent ring0 backdoor
lmfao the lengths cucks go to use windows

You can't really patch software like this. It's just doing what it's designed to do.
You need to prevent it from being installed, and that's the scary bit.

Did julians dead mans switch get hacked too?

yeh u no big daddy microsoft need u succis dick
ha micro mo like mega ha wyboi
dere u go...

this smells of the CIA

damn boy u good..u been in the big house befo huh..
you got nice hair too..
member to swallow sweetcheek..

>a persistent framework to infect Microsoft Windows


Maybe stop using wingdings?

>sony uses a rootkit
>Massive panic, outrage and lawsuits

>CIA uses a rootkit
>no-one cares


> Believing anything in [[[Wikileaks]]]

Wangblows users fucked in the ass once more.

well corrected my friend!

says the intel ME user

nsa can restart my pc

OpenNIC (or at least their Texas server that I was using) is redirecting to I just switched to OpenDNS which isn't blocking it.