When did Sup Forums became literally Sup Forums? I can literally see shilling and counter shilling everywhere now. It wasnt like this
When did Sup Forums became literally Sup Forums? I can literally see shilling and counter shilling everywhere now...
Blame the kikes and their poison
everything is politics now user, personally I still blame the ever increasing normie coverage Sup Forums has gotten lately. people are coming here thinking its this cesspool of edgy nazi rp over the entire site
just do your part and keep posting ontopic even if half the thread is derailed to politics
Sup Forums is all Sup Forums. If gook moot banned Sup Forums then all that would happen was the other boards would be even more Sup Forums like from the migration.
If you are sane people with intelligence then you must be Sup Forums
green tree frogs are racist now according to the media. what a time to be alive.
When jewt gave up and let the Sup Forums tumor grow until it metastasized.
Better than owo-posters.
At least they discuss stuff that matters.
>moot sells out to google
>its somehow strange that jews are running the place now
Some Sup Forumslers are spamming this board. They are annoying but they aren't the majority. Also, the mods are deleting their threads that got nothing to do with technology.
Hopefully they'll leave after some time.
Technology naturally attracts socially dysfunctional white teens and young men, who because of their persecution complex turn to demagoguery and the perceived counter-culture which happens to be being anti-semitic Nazis.
>Sup Forums
More like Sup Forums. Sup Forums here is a subset of Sup Forums
When did Sup Forums start loving Google? I can literally see shilling and counter shilling everywhere now. It wasnt like this
Where? I honestly cannot remember a pro google thread in the last few months
when did you figuratively become reddit using the word literally twice in the same post?
When tech companies became infested with purple haired faggots who are using products to push their retarded agenda
SJW started this shit, you're now seeing the counter reaction
Enter any thread about google and watch the google shills in action
Janitors not doing their fucking jobs.
The liberal free speech loving, privacy wanting, freedom zealots of Sup Forums share all of these qualities with the "Nazis". Only issue is Sup Forums likes to think of themselves as Nazis and since everyone who doesn't want to be sodomized with an An-Cap flag is called a "Nazi " we get the bullet (shilling) too.
They've been here a while. But it seems they have a blank cheque to bitch about 'censorship', or SJW related if there's anything technical to do with it.
But all supported by random blogs, and their own storm* sources. It's awfully dull
>pic related
Tech companies, especially the ones in charge of social media enterprises are starting to adopt several bad policies. To make a long story very short, they market themselves as free speech platforms, but are caught engaging in ideological censorship via human and algorithmic means. It's just coming to a head now. You might not think Google cracking down on Nazis is a big deal, but there's another principle at stake here. Banish one form of extreme speech, and another form of speech that wasn't extreme before will become the de facto new form of extreme speech which will then later become the subject of censorship.
Fortunately, I don't think this situation is going to be permanent. And the big three (i.e., Google, Facebook, and Twitter) will either wind up doing one of 2 things.
1) Clean up their act and return to their roots, realizing that in a battle of ideas the best ones always rise to the top when they are aired in an open marketplace of ideas.
2) The market will correct itself and Google, Facebook, and Twitter will go the route of America Online, Netscape Navigator, and Myspace. Other services will take their place as their user bases are alienated.
Technology is the battleground that this argument is being fought on now. Nothing more, and nothing less. So naturally the actors on both sides will fight on any venue that discusses technology, like this board.
This x1000
>hurr durr, literally Hitler
kys, fagit
All of Sup Forums nowadays is infested with Sup Forumstards and r/the_donald. It's time to move on desu.
Anytime something slightly technological shows up on Sup Forums, they come here with their lack of knowledge to "redpill" us
When did Sup Forums became literally consumer whores and viral marketing? I can literally see shilling and counter shilling everywhere now. It wasnt used to be like this
It's also infected with /leftypol/turds and r/BernieSandersforPresidentfags and I agree
I literally have the same shirt as that guy.
Honestly a few years ago. You need to dig for the nonshit threads friend, they do exist still. They're rare though.
After Google fired that horse faced guy for writing a grand pseudo scientific little paper on women.
Something like that would naturally get the Sup Forums brainlets going.
I think that somewhere along the lines, this website has entered the public consciousness. If you long for the days of an insular community, that's long past.
LOL. I remember that.
> Congress wanted to block access to websites that infringe on copyrights.
> Users would still have been able to access them by punching in the raw IP numbers into their browser, making the regulations utterly worthless.
> Congress shat a brick as Google sicked everybody using their search engine on them.
> Congressional support did a complete 180 in 24 hours.
A barrel of laughs.
Because laws
>It wasnt like this
But now it is.
>b-but what about the other guys
t. "centrist"
>He's not a radical centrist
do you suck dick?
>le "skeptic" ribbitor
Since common sense became rayciss
butthurt SJW fags
>Said the extremist idiot
Yeah, get tired of all those retards with their "muh firefox is now sjw, what do" threads.
This is false. The pro Google trolling at the normal levels fag. >Muh Vidya much chrome is faster.
The only thing that changed is pol falls for ad nauseum which I ironically post first when I thought it was good saw it was shit, pol ignored it. Cause they were less stupid. Suddenly Google thing happen it resurges as people shilling it. So now you got pol being a pseudo Sup Forums new fag with ad nauseum duck duck go etc shilling. Pol believing they are doing something to Google, when it is probably a Bengali click farm getting caught.
>Lets pretend everyone of those threads aren't full of google shills - the post
The end is nigh
>People that do not fall for ad nauseum meme and instead use a ad blocker are Google shills.
>Sup Forums tell you to use a condom so you don't get degenerate ads after being profiled ,must be a google shill
>>Sup Forums please leave
>red herring
i never denied that there is an influx of polacks shilling ad nauseum but denying that there are lots of google shills borders on retarded
>If you don't militantly hate one group and autistically worship another you're scum
Why has this become acceptable?
És o Alberto Barbosa?