Privacy = Epic Privacy Browser, Brave

Privacy = Epic Privacy Browser, Brave
Security = Comodo Browser
Light= Midori, Polarity
Features/Productivity= Ghost Browser
Chrome-like decent browsers = iridium
Privacy Nightmare = chrome
Compromised = firefox, palemoon

Is my browser worldview correct?

Other urls found in this thread:

Shouldn't privacy nightmare and compromised be combined?

Pale Moon is garbage now.

Yandex is Russian.

No links -g

That """infograph""" is wrong. Mozilla did not partner with George Soros to fight "misinformation"; it is not "compromised".
It started an initiative to fight actual misinformation. Misinformation like that gulf-times article. But it has nothing to do with Soros, or wanting to brand/censor sites/articles as fake-news.

what about comodo dragon?

Redpill me on Dooble, Sup Forums

these infographics are so fucking lazy. Has ungoogled-chromium but doesn't have actual chromium (which I use by the way). Why don't you guys stop being so auticstic with your browser choices and just pick something that works and is fast.

Stop sperging out about your "privacy" nobody gives a fuck that you spend your time watching anime all the time like a weeb fag

they sell it for advertisers, without giving you money!

You're over reaction

That's why I choose Firefox. It's becoming faster, more lightweight and more privacy focused. You won't regret installing it.

Pale moon is fine, calm down.

>vivaldi is a botnet
imma need a source on that one

Im part of several right winged orgs that would get employers to label me a notsea, so no

How is Pale Moon higher than Waterfox?

By choosing fast browser you simply endorse web monkeys to feed you with more javascript bullshit. Guess who will tire first.

Thank you for setting us straight Mr. Shekelstein.

>is fast
>muh speed
as if milliseconds saved getting to facecrook are going to change your life, normie scum

Uh, no. Try again Soros shill.
Their blog post gave an actual known fake news organisation as an example of (to them) a credible news source. They're compromised. They're not fighting fake news, they're spreading it.

Brave should be in God Tier. Pale Moon should be in Shit Tier.

Waterfox is the same as firefox, which is gay.

>Go to iridium site
>"The next planned release will be based on Chromium 60.0. Version 59 had no crucial security related fixes as such. Therefore we’ve decided to skip this version and instead assure that we deliver version 60.0 in timely manner in August."
>We are almost in september}

Brave is designed to be as gay as Chrome, so no.


how's midori?

> 2017
> Palemoon still does not support clipboard pasting

What about Conkeror?

It's pretty shitty

Wait how does this prove that Mozilla has "partnered with George Soros"?

I never said Mozilla partnered with George Soros.

It sounds like there's no decent browser that won't sell my info or support some shiity company.

>Asking g to stop being autistic about something

Switched to Waterfox the other day. It's pretty much identical to my firefox setup, even with classic theme restorer working (until it crashes the browser from the add-ons page). Seems pretty neat.

Uh, yes.

>gave an actual known fake news organisation as an example of (to them) a credible news source
If there is one wrong article once in a while that does not make it a known fake news organization. And that they can't make good, well researched and just correct stories. In the end, their initiative has nothing to do with telling you which news organizations are credible. Part of their initiative is about teaching consumers to be critical and able to find out themselves how credible a story seems.

>They're compromised
What does that even mean? How are they compromised?

>They're not fighting fake news, they're spreading it.
What fake news are they spreading? Can you show an example?

Is this le epic new buzzworrd :DDDDDDDDDD

>lonely manchild
What is childish about text browsers? Pictures and "cool designs" are for babies.

It doesn't, they're just mad that an old fart is more successful than they are because he isn't spooked by a moral compass

>fedora tip

>Privacy = Epic Privacy Browser
stopped reading

>Reactionary man child crying about forces beyond his control
>Thinks "Le globalistz" are why he can't have unprotected sex with white women
>Thinking he has a right to >fedora tip

go on

What's the best browser for privacy then?

>Right wing loser thinks he can invoke psychoanalytic buzzwords
>Entire ideology still forked off objectivism

Pale Moon
look it up


continue, tell me where he touched you

If god didn't want us to put our pee pees up our butts why did he put our g spot there :^)

ITT: only negative information

How about you replace OP picks with things that you consider better?

antifa shills are in full force


Must be straight from Mozilla. No point in using Firefox when waterfox exists.

As if google knowing you wank to trannies will have any effect on your life either

I'm just a 35 year old guy that is starting to get pissed off about all this shitty big brother stuff.

Why is everything so complicated today?
Sometimes i really get nostalgic 'bout the ol good 56k times, plain html , no java , no ads, no shit- the big bro was still there, since all was unencrypted, but nobody gave a fuck, Computers were niche.

Well fuck everything.Fuck core i9, fuck Ryzen.
Last month i was so pissed off i've managed to install firefox 1.5 in my old amd 5x86 133 win 95,surprisingly i 'm able to browse modern sites.
I do wait 1 minute for a page load, i'm not able to reply to posts, due to java,scripts, xml and all that shit, but i'm fucking free.
(post sent from a first gen core i5 pc lol what an hypocrite)

I do want my old Net back.

So in other words you have no self-respect

How fucking retarded are you? Epic is literal spyware.
>partnered with Soros

>I may be 400lbs, bald, have a 3.5" penis, spend all of my waking life installing new distros and changing the wallpaper to various CGDCT anime characters, but at least I have my dignity!

Netflix doesn't work with Pale Moon, and LastPass auto-fill is broken as of 27.4.2

pathetic. see