Got the letter today they're cutting my welfare payments...

Got the letter today they're cutting my welfare payments. I was so close to having enough saved up for an i7-4790K and GTX 1080 and Z97-G45 motherboard.

serves you right for not voting hillary into office jamal

register next time for zuckerberg 2020


Not a 'muricuck
'muricuck would need decades to save up for a 1080 alone

Terry managed to build his workstation with schizo bucks

schizo bucks =/= neet bux

yeah you get even less money for being a useless schizo, now get off your ass faggot

shut up

>On welfare

Posting on Sup Forums

Jesus, I really need to move on in life and realize the people here are so fucking mentally ill they can't even get a job

Jesus, they take 2500 a month in taxes from me and this is where it goes

Go jump off a bridge

You are the reason Europe is dying.

there's worse boards in that regard, Sup Forums and Sup Forums are filled with unemployed mongoloids and the ones who do have a job are all retail slaves

>2500 a month

Here I am being an idiot and working for a living. Where do I sign up for free money?

Living in Norway as a NEET is awesome though.
I don't give a fuck about Europe. We are not even in the EU.

You create a power-monopoly over your citizens and do whatever you want.

You know leeches like you are the first to die when shit hits the fan right?

UBI when?

>wanting to live with a shitty fan

UBI = slavery

Exactly what the democrats want

Shit hitting the fan in my lifetime? Unlikely.
Also, I have 18 months of military behind my back, I think I can handle myself.

welfare is the only way to survive. jobs aren't real.

that's how they destroy white men. by killing them slowly while theyre too proud to go on welfare. you fell for it. even millionaires exploit welfare because you HAVE to.

>having a salary on top of a guaranteed income is slavery
I could just make random project from home and sell them for extra cash and maybe get a part-time job. That would already put me in a comfortable range with UBI.

slavery is already happening. UBI is a deception they push to scare people into thinking slavery is coming when it's already here. In action.

We will never be allowed to have UBI because it's just a trick. UBI would be amazing.

In theory but not what they are actually proposing.. It would work for lazy fucks at first, but it will stop working

We already have UBI and it is a joke

Explain to me what you think UBI actually is and what they actually want to achieve in the long term?

Once again, once you know how this will play out UBI = slavery

>We already have UBI and it is a joke
Nowhere on the planet do we have UBI fucktard

>Explain to me what you think UBI actually is
a trick. idiot. it will never be enacted. It's a carrot on a stick for liberals, a boogeyman for republicucks. FIllibuster tactics to keep us enslaved. They will talk about "possibly implementing UBI" for decades but never do it.

dumb goyim like you fall for it every time.

Socialists governments get elected because they pay people for their vote in the form of welfare.

zuckerberg is a freak like the rest of us, he can interact properly with humans and acts like a robot.
He will try it but i don't think he has the potential to win

>being against the idea of everyone having a safety net, education, health, etc.
Take your ass back to the 1800s.

Reminder that Bernie would have won.


Get a job

>tfw have a comfy job at an amazon warehouse
12.50/hr is pretty nice for a uni student

No he wouldn't. He still would have lost Florida because of Cubans and the Rustbelt because they hate communists/socialists and New Yorkers. Plus, they hate people getting things for free because it means they don't know the value of hard work. Jim Webb would have won though because he literally is a business Democrat, like most people in the Rustbelt and he's not a socialist so he would have a shot in Florida.

>Posting on Sup Forums

It's depressing, isn't it? Every now and again I realize I'm interacting with the dregs of society.

>waking up at 6am
if you're waking up that early you're not a wageslave, you're a literal fucking slave

>not having a healthy sleep schedule and rising when the sun does

how does it feel living off your parents, son.

I woke up that early throughout HS and college cause i had a 1h long bus drive, it's shit no matter how good your sleep schedule is.

holy shit this is accurate

How do I stop being a NEET?

Kill yourself.