Which programming language did you learn at high school?
Which programming language did you learn at high school?
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Visual basic :(
>Which programming language did you learn at high school?
Who the fuck learns programming in high school
Unless you are currently in high school
C++ What kind of pleb tier schools did you guys go to?
None. The most advanced computing class I took in HS was Tech Literacy, which taught us how to use Google and Yahoo along with other things you'd expect any individual that isn't braindead to be capable of.
Turbo Pascal, the editor had that comfy DOS aesthetic
turbo pascal (1st year) and C (2nd)
shit was interesting but i prefer law/accounting major to get me a job
Bash and batch
Microsoft Office.
This. I've been coasting on my Office 2000 certification for 15 years.
>high school
You high?
I learned it in high school and I graduated from there in 2008. We did visual basic
The only one that matters HTML
Python 3
QBASIC and HTML (not a programming language but still) in school
C, C++, and Java in univ
VB6, C and batch and shell scripting in free time
Fuck off pedo
We had C.
USSR late 80s.
turbo pascal
I didn't learn jack squat in highschool.
was this standard in your soviet country?
Yeah; we also had pascal
turbo pascal, C# and I fucking hate programming.
Im from Germany, never had any programming lessons in highschool
TURBO Pascal
Argentina, decent public highschool, but just as good as something in the middle of a dry forest can be in regards to public education.
Pascal and Clipper. 2007-2013.
Clipper 5 and VB6
>he went to high school
Enjoy your leftist indoctrination.
Scheme and pascal. Graduated in 1998.
BBC BASIC. I work as a C programmer now, and have to admit it still looks quite good. Nice and structured. I even found a modern interpreter at github.com
You must have went to some poor as shit. I learned BASIC in 6th grade math class in 1993 on Apple IIs
Q Basic
I wrote programs to solve for formulas given matching variables, because fuck memorization.
nothing personell, r****t
Fuck off
This is the only thing they teached us, my school was shit.
Visual Basic
we were taught some visual basic and ti-basic
Basic PHP syntax.
We never used it for anything beyond exercises that you'd find in the first two chapters of any beginner programming book.
Off yourself, pedo
Honestly I can't remember, all I know is that it was Java related.
Nothing better than HTML aint that right boys
Lots of C# and some HTML and CSS.
>gay pedo
Basic...sort of. Going into networking anything so wouldnt have helped me
we were supposed to do python but the teacher just gave us an online course in an unrelated electronics class and said do it by the end of the year
i dont think one single student finished it, which is a shame because thinking back it was actually a good course and it even had a real professor to look at your work and grade you
Compulsory HTML, CSS, Logo, C with I/O streams and Basic for Excel macros.
Java on a study group.
Lua at home.
They taught me pascal, but I learned C and x86 asm on my own.
Turbo Pascal
in 200 FUCKING 9 :DDDDD finland truly the forerunner in technology
Woah, someone's old.
C on AVR microcontrollers
But I'm only 24 years old...
Also, I meant turbo pascal.
HTML, Pascal, VB.NET and C#
What? You learned this in high school?
Burgers learn programming in high school ? The only thing my school taught me was Microsoft Office
CSS v34
Visual Basic. I was already self-taught in other programming languages before then though.
HTML :^)
Java for 90% of lessen.
Assembly, javascript, Perl, c, c#, php, scala,bash.
Non prog
PostgreSql, html5, XML, mongoDb, CSS.
Turbo Pascal
Turbo C
>teached us
Yes, your school was feces indeed.
None, we only had html in school and i cheated in both exams in uni
We made some thing in Scratch last year
QBasic - > Javascript -> Java
Some ASM near the end.
Our teacher was a math nerd so all the projects were fucking boring.
Shit is easy
Last year of high school here and we also learn Pascal, it sucks knowing the time would be better spent with half the other languages.
Went to a school that was for kids that have a talent for maths and stuff.
Also, I live in an Eastern European country, so that's that.
Oh man, the memories
>go to programming courses at 14-ish
>know programming better than the teacher in highschool
>the whole class doesn't understand shit
>help everyone to do their assignments
>get the nickname "king of pascal"
>it's as cringy as it sounds
>everyone considers me to be that weird nerdy kid
>live through highschool years being a beta cuck who helps people during programming classes
I believe pascal is a pretty good language for studying beginner level programming.
I had some trouble getting used to the changes in syntax when learning C++, but now it's relatively easy for me to pick up new languages.
pascal/c++, with pascal being abandoned this year last i heard
I unfortunately did not learn any programming during my school years. That's probably partially to blame for why I still haven't learned now.
Good taste, he is one of my favourite artists.
And it's you again. In every fucking thread now. Always pushing this same psyops shit to distract people from the real pedos i.e. you.
Mods gotta do something about this fucker. I have to self-report this post so they get the message.
Taught myself
C#, ASM, C++, LUA, (WEB SHIT), C, Java, ETC
I'm... not sure, actually.
We definitely covered some versions of visual basic (script and applications). I think I studied C at some point. ASP and PHP were both involved, I think?
Mah nigga
I did it 17 years ago
ASM & Java, which is pretty weird