What are your thoughts on Rust?

What are your thoughts on Rust?

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The BC was a huge mistake.


Borrow checker.
It's how Rust achieves safety, in the most incorrect way ever.

Borrow Checker.

this. it's a disaster

Which aspect of their memory model do you disagree with?

triggers C-tards

I love it

The part where it rejects perfectly correct programs.
The BC is too coarse.

I think C++ triggers Ctards even more.

Learning Haskell was a breeze in comparison to rust specifically because of rust's borrow checker. I've never heard of anything so frustrating. The IRC channel was literally empty. Not a single person cares, apparently.

I was eventually able to figure it out, but since then I've been unable to figure out how to write refactor-able code. Refactoring parts of the application seems to create hundreds of seemingly unnecessary compiler errors.

Maybe there's some way to write efficient Rust, but I couldn't figure it out after a whole month so I just gave up and used Go.

That was my experience with it, at least.

Meant for

>it rejects perfectly correct programs
this this this this

That's what you get from trying to solve an insolvable problem each time you want to build a program. My main issue with Rust is rustc, not the language itself with is just fine (although I seem to understand this is part of the currently non existent but planned specification?). And the retarded community.

check em tho

Rust is trying to do everything Ada already did perfectly 35 years ago, just learn Ada if you want absolute error free programming


>if you want absolute error free programming
Coq my man
kek captcha has Isabelle in it too

Boring game. A lame version of Ark

Wrong board, manchild

Can you give examples where you had problems with BC? Personally I only had minor problems with it, only when I had to deal with nested match statements.

I know it's hard to make self-referencing types, much honestly they're usually already implementation available on std or just a crate away.

Personally while the borrow checker was a pain in the ass, it did help me write better code.

Rust is fine. Actually pretty decent once you get used to it.

I'm not using it because I need a good GUI library, not an undocumented wrapper

I don't think about irrelevant things

it's def relevant user. some not-unpopular people say it's going to overtake C.

Black cock


Donald Trump among others.

C/C++ won't change whole ecosystem, python/java/go/javascript developer don't care low level languages, OCAML/Haskell/F#/Scala saw rust as inferior language, swift begin in ghetto Apple, nobody love rust.

>nobody love rust
It definitely has a community. I wonder whether it's a valid one though.

Rust is the third fastest language you mentioned, it comes with automatic memory management without GC/Ref counting.

I've been trying it out recently and once you learn how to do something, it's amazing how easily it all just works. There are far fewer gotchas than I have to remember in C or C++.
If it doesn't compile, it tells me exactly what the issue is. If it does compile, it runs fine too. Really a nice experience once I got used to the borrow checker

That's the problem with Rust's "safety" model. It makes it impossible to write modular code that is amendable to change.

Ada actually does it in a sane way, Ada 2012 has obsoleted Rust.

>t. Rustnigger
I think after seeing the latest shitshows in tech, people are going to be staying away from your SJW languages as much as possible.

The only thing that can make people avoid Rust is the lack of user friendliness. Plain and simple, no other reasons

Ugly faggot syntax.

Do you even need another reason?
