Speccy thread

Speccy thread

its OK, i need more storage, got 41gb left on that SSD and 9gb on the HDD

OP do you know what cropping is?


Fiber still going? I thought it was pretty much gone because internet companies gave them so much shit in expansion (though I guess I never heard about any retractions).

A lot of their expansion has been delayed or halted beyond where they're already installing. At least for the mid term, it's a dream ISP if you already have service - insane bandwidth with a relatively low userbase to keep load down.

I am literally in a hurricane right now and took that screenshot a half hour ago to see what my speed was gonna be like.

>he bought a trashcan mac pro
>not even a high specced model
look at him and laugh


That would be my office computer, laugh at my procurement department

My crap

>his procurement department bought mac pros
>not even high specced models
leave an open memo that i laughed at them

Nice temps for the kabby lake i7, how is it on a z170 mb? I thought about going for the 7700k, but ultimately bought a 6700k.


>tfw hot room

How hot does your cpu get under load also what cooler are you using?

High 70s-low 80s. NZXT Kraken x62


I'm rather impressed that this card OC's on stock vbios as well as it does with no voltage unlock or power increases or temp significant temp increases.

That is one toasty cpu, also how is it having a professional gpu?

little hybrid laptop for college. Unfortunately non-native Windows apps become blurry af with 125% DPI scaling


Damn how much did that cost?

>on windows
>can't run speccy
just want to show off my awesome computer specs


speccy is a windows program

Not for Windows 98

Around $4.5k. CPU was $700 off of eBay and I overclocked it with a modded bios+efi file+2cores disabled->[email protected], and gives me pretty much TR1950X performance.

Temps are in the high 40s?


Can't see shit on your wideass crap

shit art kys

lern2crop, noone cares about your background

Stop giving her (You)s

girls don't exist on the internet silly

Thanks for the (You)



Will the Vram bug in speccy ever get fixed?

Would you believe I have an after market cooler on this thing?

yes I do

Still waiting on Vega to be worth it.
Also maybe Ryzen's 2nd

18 Degrees, nice

Trust me. It's not at 18C.
I think speccy never figured out how to accurately read temps from bulldozer/piledriver.
I usually idle in the mid 30s.
Max is around 55.

Vega is DOA, unfortunately.

Look out for Navi though, it's going to be the first GPU that was completely designed by Raja's team. It going to use the same MCM design as Ryzen, let's hope that works for GPUs as well.

Ryzen 2 will be God tier.

it isn't just Bulldozer, i had a mini HTPC that had an A6 3650 (stars core, so phenom) and it would report really low temps like that. I think it went down to 5C one time. I have no idea why Speccy can't get an accurate read on certain AMD Processors. CAM wont read it correctly either. Nor will AMD over drive.

Navi's 2019 release date is a bit painful.
I would go with Vega, but miners keeping them prices too high. Maybe ill be able to scrape by until then.

32bit EFI prevents me to install other OSes, wtf.

>ching chong bing bong

>terrorist symbols

No problem senpai

Cherry Trail has a 64 bit EFI. Bay Trail was the gimped one.

Will zen+ zen2 be that much better you think?
